Vector Layout for Wikipedia (Fast)

returns old Wikipedia layout. (layout before 2023 redesign of the website)

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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 29.11.2024

Seems like Wiktionary (just the English one for now, but I suppose others will follow) has switched over to the new design as well.

Could you please add it to the list of matched URLs?

@match *://**

Other wikis, such as Wikiquote or Wikibooks are also like this. Here seems to be the list of Wikis by the Wikimedia Foundation:

Pridaný: 29.11.2024

Other Wikimedia sites that have new design are added to the URL match list.

Pridaný: 30.11.2024

Thank you very much!
I really appreciate that you made the update so quickly.

Pridaný: 30.11.2024

Thank you very much!I really appreciate that you made the update so quickly.

Are you welcome

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