// ==UserScript==
// @name cookie-garden-helper
// @namespace http://github.com/
// @version 0.1
// @description Automate your garden in Cookie Clicker
// @author yannprada
// @match https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=github.com
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Ported from github without permission by ZakGhost354313
// https://github.com/yannprada/cookie-garden-helper
const moduleName = 'cookieGardenHelper';
const capitalize = (word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
const uncapitalize = (word) => word.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + word.slice(1);
const clone = (x) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x));
const doc = {
elId: document.getElementById.bind(document),
qSel: document.querySelector.bind(document),
qSelAll: document.querySelectorAll.bind(document),
class Config {
static get default() {
return {
autoHarvest: false,
autoHarvestNewSeeds: true,
autoHarvestAvoidImmortals: true,
autoHarvestWeeds: true,
autoHarvestCleanGarden: false,
autoHarvestCheckCpSMult: false,
autoHarvestMiniCpSMult: { value: 1, min: 0 },
autoHarvestDying: true,
autoHarvestDyingSeconds: 5,
autoHarvestCheckCpSMultDying: false,
autoHarvestMiniCpSMultDying: { value: 1, min: 0 },
autoPlant: false,
autoPlantCheckCpSMult: false,
autoPlantMaxiCpSMult: { value: 0, min: 0 },
savedPlot: [],
static get storageKey() { return moduleName; }
static load() {
let config = window.localStorage.getItem(this.storageKey);
if (!config) {
return this.default;
return Object.assign(this.default, JSON.parse(config));
static save(config) {
window.localStorage.setItem(this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(config));
class Garden {
static get minigame() { return Game.Objects['Farm'].minigame; }
static get isActive() { return this.minigame !== undefined; }
static get CpSMult() {
var res = 1
for (let key in Game.buffs) {
if (typeof Game.buffs[key].multCpS != 'undefined') {
res *= Game.buffs[key].multCpS;
return res;
static get secondsBeforeNextTick() {
return (this.minigame.nextStep-Date.now()) / 1000;
static get selectedSeed() { return this.minigame.seedSelected; }
static set selectedSeed(seedId) { this.minigame.seedSelected = seedId; }
static clonePlot() {
let plot = clone(this.minigame.plot);
for (let x=0; x<6; x++) {
for (let y=0; y<6; y++) {
let [seedId, age] = plot[x][y];
let plant = this.getPlant(seedId);
if (plant != undefined && !plant.plantable) {
plot[x][y] = [0, 0];
return plot;
static getPlant(id) { return this.minigame.plantsById[id - 1]; }
static getTile(x, y) {
let tile = this.minigame.getTile(x, y);
return { seedId: tile[0], age: tile[1] };
static getPlantStage(tile) {
let plant = this.getPlant(tile.seedId);
if (tile.age < plant.mature) {
return 'young';
} else {
if ((tile.age + Math.ceil(plant.ageTick + plant.ageTickR)) < 100) {
return 'mature';
} else {
return 'dying';
static tileIsEmpty(x, y) { return this.getTile(x, y).seedId == 0; }
static plantSeed(seedId, x, y) {
let plant = this.getPlant(seedId + 1);
if (plant.plantable) {
this.minigame.useTool(seedId, x, y);
static forEachTile(callback) {
for (let x=0; x<6; x++) {
for (let y=0; y<6; y++) {
if (this.minigame.isTileUnlocked(x, y)) {
callback(x, y);
static harvest(x, y) { this.minigame.harvest(x, y); }
static fillGardenWithSelectedSeed() {
if (this.selectedSeed > -1) {
this.forEachTile((x, y) => {
if (this.tileIsEmpty(x, y)) {
this.plantSeed(this.selectedSeed, x, y);
static handleYoung(config, plant, x, y) {
if (plant.weed && config.autoHarvestWeeds) {
this.harvest(x, y);
let [seedId, age] = config.savedPlot[y][x];
if (config.autoHarvestCleanGarden &&
((plant.unlocked && seedId == -1) ||
(seedId > -1 && seedId != plant.id))
) {
this.harvest(x, y);
static handleMature(config, plant, x, y) {
if (!plant.unlocked && config.autoHarvestNewSeeds) {
this.harvest(x, y);
} else if (config.autoHarvestCheckCpSMult &&
this.CpSMult >= config.autoHarvestMiniCpSMult.value) {
this.harvest(x, y);
static handleDying(config, plant, x, y) {
if (config.autoHarvestCheckCpSMultDying &&
this.CpSMult >= config.autoHarvestMiniCpSMultDying.value) {
this.harvest(x, y);
} else if (config.autoHarvestDying &&
this.secondsBeforeNextTick <= config.autoHarvestDyingSeconds) {
this.harvest(x, y);
static run(config) {
this.forEachTile((x, y) => {
if (config.autoHarvest && !this.tileIsEmpty(x, y)) {
let tile = this.getTile(x, y);
let plant = this.getPlant(tile.seedId);
if (plant.immortal && config.autoHarvestAvoidImmortals) {
// do nothing
} else {
let stage = this.getPlantStage(tile);
switch (stage) {
case 'young':
this.handleYoung(config, plant, x, y);
case 'mature':
this.handleMature(config, plant, x, y);
case 'dying':
this.handleDying(config, plant, x, y);
console.log(`Unexpected plant stage: ${stage}`);
if (config.autoPlant &&
(!config.autoPlantCheckCpSMult ||
this.CpSMult <= config.autoPlantMaxiCpSMult.value) &&
this.tileIsEmpty(x, y) &&
config.savedPlot.length > 0
) {
let [seedId, age] = config.savedPlot[y][x];
if (seedId > 0) {
this.plantSeed(seedId - 1, x, y);
class UI {
static makeId(id) { return moduleName + capitalize(id); }
static get css() {
return `
#game.onMenu #cookieGardenHelper {
display: none;
#cookieGardenHelper {
background: #000 url(img/darkNoise.jpg);
display: none;
padding: 1em;
position: inherit;
#cookieGardenHelper.visible {
display: block;
#cookieGardenHelperTools:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
.cookieGardenHelperPanel {
float: left;
width: 25%;
.cookieGardenHelperBigPanel {
float: left;
width: 50%;
.cookieGardenHelperSubPanel {
float: left;
width: 50%;
#autoHarvestPanel { color: wheat; }
#autoHarvestPanel a { color: wheat; }
#autoPlantPanel { color: lightgreen; }
#autoPlantPanel a { color: lightgreen; }
#autoHarvestPanel a:hover,
#autoPlantPanel a:hover { color: white; }
#cookieGardenHelperTitle {
color: grey;
font-size: 2em;
font-style: italic;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-top: -0.5em;
text-align: center;
#cookieGardenHelper h2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
line-height: 2em;
#cookieGardenHelper h3 {
color: lightgrey;
font-style: italic;
line-height: 2em;
#cookieGardenHelper p {
text-indent: 0;
#cookieGardenHelper input[type=number] {
width: 3em;
#cookieGardenHelper a.toggleBtn:not(.off) .toggleBtnOff,
#cookieGardenHelper a.toggleBtn.off .toggleBtnOn {
display: none;
#cookieGardenHelper span.labelWithState:not(.active) .labelStateActive,
#cookieGardenHelper span.labelWithState.active .labelStateNotActive {
display: none;
#cookieGardenHelperTooltip {
width: 300px;
#cookieGardenHelperTooltip .gardenTileRow {
height: 48px;
#cookieGardenHelperTooltip .tile {
border: 1px inset dimgrey;
display: inline-block;
height: 48px;
width: 48px;
#cookieGardenHelperTooltip .gardenTileIcon {
position: inherit;
#cookieGardenHelper .warning {
padding: 1em;
font-size: 1.5em;
background-color: orange;
color: white;
#cookieGardenHelper .warning .closeWarning {
font-weight: bold;
float: right;
font-size: 2em;
line-height: 0.25em;
cursor: pointer;
transition: 0.3s;
#cookieGardenHelper .warning .closeWarning:hover {
color: black;
static numberInput(name, text, title, options) {
let id = this.makeId(name);
return `
<input type="number" name="${name}" id="${id}" value="${options.value}" step=0.5
${options.min !== undefined ? `min="${options.min}"` : ''}
${options.max !== undefined ? `max="${options.max}"` : ''} />
<label for="${id}" title="${title}">${text}</label>`;
static button(name, text, title, toggle, active) {
if (toggle) {
return `<a class="toggleBtn option ${active ? '' : 'off'}" name="${name}"
id="${this.makeId(name)}" title="${title}">
<span class="toggleBtnOn">ON</span>
<span class="toggleBtnOff">OFF</span>
return `<a class="btn option" name="${name}" id="${this.makeId(name)}"
static toggleButton(name) {
let btn = doc.qSel(`#cookieGardenHelper a.toggleBtn[name=${name}]`);
static labelWithState(name, text, textActive, active) {
return `<span name="${name}" id="${this.makeId(name)}"
class="labelWithState ${active ? 'active' : ''}"">
<span class="labelStateActive">${textActive}</span>
<span class="labelStateNotActive">${text}</span>
static labelToggleState(name, active) {
let label = doc.qSel(`#cookieGardenHelper span.labelWithState[name=${name}]`);
label.classList.toggle('active', active);
static createWarning(msg) {
doc.elId('row2').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `
<div id="cookieGardenHelper">
<div class="warning">
<span class="closeWarning">×</span>
doc.qSel('#cookieGardenHelper .closeWarning').onclick = (event) => {
static get readmeLink() { return 'https://github.com/yannprada/'
+ 'cookie-garden-helper/blob/master/README.md#how-it-works'; }
static build(config) {
doc.qSel('#row2 .productButtons').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
<div id="cookieGardenHelperProductButton" class="productButton">
Cookie Garden Helper
doc.elId('row2').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
<div id="cookieGardenHelper">
<a href="${this.readmeLink}"
target="new">how it works</a>
<div id="cookieGardenHelperTitle" class="title">Cookie Garden Helper</div>
<div id="cookieGardenHelperTools">
<div class="cookieGardenHelperBigPanel" id="autoHarvestPanel">
${this.button('autoHarvest', '', '', true, config.autoHarvest)}
<div class="cookieGardenHelperSubPanel">
'autoHarvestAvoidImmortals', 'Avoid immortals',
'Do not harvest immortal plants', true,
<div class="cookieGardenHelperSubPanel">
'autoHarvestWeeds', 'Remove weeds',
'Remove weeds as soon as they appear', true,
'autoHarvestCleanGarden', 'Clean Garden',
'Only allow saved and unlocked seeds', true,
<div class="cookieGardenHelperSubPanel">
'autoHarvestNewSeeds', 'New seeds',
'Harvest new seeds as soon as they are mature', true,
'autoHarvestCheckCpSMult', 'Check CpS mult',
'Check the CpS multiplier before harvesting (see below)', true,
'autoHarvestMiniCpSMult', 'Mini CpS multiplier',
'Minimum CpS multiplier for the auto-harvest to happen',
<div class="cookieGardenHelperSubPanel">
'autoHarvestDying', 'Dying plants',
`Harvest dying plants, ${config.autoHarvestDyingSeconds}s before `
+ `the new tick occurs`, true,
'autoHarvestCheckCpSMultDying', 'Check CpS mult',
'Check the CpS multiplier before harvesting (see below)', true,
'autoHarvestMiniCpSMultDying', 'Mini CpS multiplier',
'Minimum CpS multiplier for the auto-harvest to happen',
<div class="cookieGardenHelperPanel" id="autoPlantPanel">
${this.button('autoPlant', '', '', true, config.autoPlant)}
'autoPlantCheckCpSMult', 'Check CpS mult',
'Check the CpS multiplier before planting (see below)', true,
'autoPlantMaxiCpSMult', 'Maxi CpS multiplier',
'Maximum CpS multiplier for the auto-plant to happen',
${this.button('savePlot', 'Save plot',
'Save the current plot; these seeds will be replanted later')}
${this.labelWithState('plotIsSaved', 'No saved plot', 'Plot saved',
<div class="cookieGardenHelperPanel" id="manualToolsPanel">
<h2>Manual tools</h2>
${this.button('fillGardenWithSelectedSeed', 'Plant selected seed',
'Plant the selected seed on all empty tiles')}
doc.elId('cookieGardenHelperProductButton').onclick = (event) => {
doc.qSelAll('#cookieGardenHelper input').forEach((input) => {
input.onchange = (event) => {
if (input.type == 'number') {
let min = config[input.name].min;
let max = config[input.name].max;
if (min !== undefined && input.value < min) { input.value = min; }
if (max !== undefined && input.value > max) { input.value = max; }
Main.handleChange(input.name, input.value);
doc.qSelAll('#cookieGardenHelper a.toggleBtn').forEach((a) => {
a.onclick = (event) => {
doc.qSelAll('#cookieGardenHelper a.btn').forEach((a) => {
a.onclick = (event) => {
doc.elId('cookieGardenHelperPlotIsSaved').onmouseout = (event) => {
doc.elId('cookieGardenHelperPlotIsSaved').onmouseover = (event) => {
static getSeedIconY(seedId) {
return Garden.getPlant(seedId).icon * -48;
static buildSavedPlot(savedPlot) {
return `<div id="cookieGardenHelperTooltip">
${savedPlot.map((row) => `<div class="gardenTileRow">
${row.map((tile) => `<div class="tile">
${(tile[0] - 1) < 0 ? '' : `<div class="gardenTileIcon"
style="background-position: 0 ${this.getSeedIconY(tile[0])}px;">
class Main {
static init() {
this.timerInterval = 1000;
this.config = Config.load();
// sacrifice garden
let oldConvert = Garden.minigame.convert;
Garden.minigame.convert = () => {
this.config.savedPlot = [];
UI.labelToggleState('plotIsSaved', false);
static start() {
this.timerId = window.setInterval(
() => Garden.run(this.config),
static stop() { window.clearInterval(this.timerId); }
static save() { Config.save(this.config); }
static handleChange(key, value) {
if (this.config[key].value !== undefined) {
this.config[key].value = value;
} else {
this.config[key] = value;
static handleToggle(key) {
this.config[key] = !this.config[key];
static handleClick(key) {
if (key == 'fillGardenWithSelectedSeed') {
} else if (key == 'savePlot') {
this.config['savedPlot'] = Garden.clonePlot();
UI.labelToggleState('plotIsSaved', true);
static handleMouseoutPlotIsSaved(element) {
static handleMouseoverPlotIsSaved(element) {
if (this.config.savedPlot.length > 0) {
let content = UI.buildSavedPlot(this.config.savedPlot);
Game.tooltip.draw(element, window.escape(content));
if (Garden.isActive) {
} else {
let msg = `You don't have a garden yet. This mod won't work without it!`;