Hide releases (categories/users) on ABB

Hide releases in specific categories or by specific users on ABB

Michael Seitz
Denne inštalácií
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This userscript removes releases by specific users or of a specific category from the ABB main page, and comments from release pages.

The script has to run once, by visiting ABB, to initialise the block list and settings. For Tampermonkey to show the storage tab that contains the script values, the Tampermonkey config mode must be set to Advanced.

Then, categories/usernames can be entered by editing the script values blocklistCategory/blocklistUser/blocklistUserComment in Violentmonkey.
Categories/usernames are case sensitive, have to be comma separated, without leading or trailing white-space, and the whole list has to be in double quotation marks (e.g. "user1,User2,USER3" or "Some Category, Category2,Some other category").

Postings/comments can be removed completely, or a placeholder can be shown, by setting the value placeholderUser/placeholderCategory/placeholderUserComment to 0, 1, or 2 (without quotation marks):
0 - Removes releases/comments completely.
1 - Shows a placeholder "(Posting/Comment removed by 'Hide releases on ABB')".
2 - Shows a clickable link with the removal reason below the ABB navigation bar, or a placeholder "(Comment by user 'XYZ' removed)". This is the default setting.

The table with release information can become bloated when a torrent uses many trackers. The tracker information can be hidden by setting the variable removeTrackerInfo to 1. Setting the variable to 0 will show the tracker information again.

Hide releases on ABB was tested on Firefox and Chrome with Violentmonkey and Tampermonkey.