Obísť Všetky Krátke odkazy

Obíďte všetky stránky s krátkymi odkazmi, ktoré automaticky preskočia otravné skracovače odkazov priamo do vášho cieľa

< Spätná väzba na Obísť Všetky Krátke odkazy

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 06.01.2024

When I get to the site https://free4u.nurul-huda.or.id/?BypassResults=
I get a reload loop and no redirect to the original site.
Ublock is disabled on free4u.nurul-huda.or.id

Pridaný: 06.01.2024

make sure you are not enable Fast Timer on not supported Site, please read my comment here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/220631#comment-459758

Pridaný: 06.01.2024

Thanks for the answer!
I just couldn't find the information on the main page.
Suggestion - it might be wise to set the Fast Timer switch to select each site separately with statistics.
Thank you very much for your work!

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