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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 06.11.2022

Could you add a bypass for please. Thanks

Real link is ....

Pridaný: 06.11.2022

This one is already bypassed too. Make sure to use the latest version and if you get any error you can clear cache first. If it still error please tell us more specific what error you got.

Pridaný: 06.11.2022

This one is already bypassed too. Make sure to use the latest version and if you get any error you can clear cache first. If it still error please tell us more specific what error you got.

This is my case with version 60.4
1. At page 1, i have to pass the reCAPTCHA request and need to click the Continue button for the next step.

2. At page 2, i still waiting 10s countdown to go to the direct link to download file.

Pridaný: 06.11.2022

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