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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 23.07.2022

please update link https://t.co/NTj0HfDRqb

Pridaný: 24.07.2022

i don't have problems with that shortlink, firefox browser
what is your problem ?

Pridaný: 24.07.2022

@bloggerpemula, Median shortlink forwarding us to sh.feyora.fun now.
can you make a script to skip that host? just that host, because it always give me 403 forbidden.
and there also a change at promo-visit shortlink. is there any update ublock filter for it?

Pridaný: 25.07.2022

I see Median shortlink wanna change their model like promo-visit, but there still have bugs reloading the page without stop, i don't have idea to skip it,

my filter here still working for ublock origin https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/139158#comment-308865

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