Google Images direct links 2

Add direct links to the picture to the Google Image Search results.

< Spätná väzba na Google Images direct links 2

Hodnotenie: Zlé - skript nefunguje

Google Images direct links 2 2.0 does not work. Firefox 77.0b9 x64, Microsoft Windows 10.0.18363.836, Tampermonkey 4.10.6112.

Pridaný: 28.05.2020

I see. Once again, TamperMonkey fails to prevent a CSP issue.
There are currently a couple of issues open on the TM gitHub ( , , ...) - they should solve that problem sooner or later, if they care at all about the idea behind userScripts.

Generally, you can use GreaseMonkey - I found it much more reliable/able in general. (Sadly, the post "Quantum" versions are tragically anemic in their options :( )

This script works in GreaseMonkey (older and newer versions) for Firefox (older and newer versions) and TamperMonkey for Chrome (here I have fewer experience with the different versions; I've only tested the latest versions of TM and Chrome)

I can't do anything in the case of your configuration. Google set strict policies and TamperMonkey isn't circumventing them successfully, so Firefox blocks the scripts.

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