Greasy Fork is available in English.

Omegle semi-bot

Write first message and auto-reconnect when disconnected.

< Spätná väzba na Omegle semi-bot


Pridaný: 20.02.2019

Omegle semi-bot

How do I Change the greeting message speed and ad another message

Pridaný: 20.02.2019

I am New to coding Could someone please help 🙏

Pridaný: 26.04.2019

Same for me. I need to know how set multiple raw or another message.

Pridaný: 29.05.2020

@TheStuffGuy1 said: How do I Change the greeting message speed and ad another message

Look at the source code, it should be clear where to put hands.

If you need another message please search for a "full" bot because mine is a "semi" bot only, as written in title.

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