Greasy Fork is available in English.


Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.

< Spätná väzba na MoreCAPTCHA

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 21.01.2019

Selecting Tiles which are not next to each other

First thank you very much this script is great! However i have a small issue when I have to select tiles that aren't next to each other. For example here I need to select bikes, but i have to go over other tiles without bikes to get them all. Then i have to deselect the wrong ones again. Am i doing something wrong or is it intended like this? I mean it's still better as solving captchas without this script, i just thought i'll ask.

Pridaný: 31.01.2019

It should only select when you hold the click...

Pridaný: 01.02.2019

Yes that's right. I just started using the Script when i wrote this, now i learned how to use it better. Sometimes when i let go of the Mouse Button to move to other tiles, it will mess up and will select every tile i hover, without me touching the Mouse Button at all. But that's rather rare.

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