Youtube - Search While Watching Video

Search YouTube without interrupting the video, by loading the search results in the related video bar

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Pridaný: 18.11.2021

I use other extensions to hide the top column, I hope to add a shortcut button to jump to the new label search page so that more search results content

Pridaný: 18.11.2021

Hey sancer,

I don't really understand what you are asking for. Can you maybe post a screenshot / tell me which extensions hide the top column?

Pridaný: 18.11.2021
Upravený: 18.11.2021

I said that I used Chrome's extension hidden the top column. I hope that your script adds a button to the right of the text box, you can jump to the new tab page to search. Because sometimes I need to search for more information filter the video, if this script can jump directly to the search page, you can omit some steps

Hey sancer,

I don't really understand what you are asking for. Can you maybe post a screenshot / tell me which extensions hide the top column?

Pridaný: 18.11.2021

You want a button that opens a new tab in your browser with the search results page so you can use the native Youtube search filters?
That kind of defeats the purpose of this script (searching inside the video page).

Pridaný: 19.11.2021

My idea in a special case may not be very in line with this script.

You want a button that opens a new tab in your browser with the search results page so you can use the native Youtube search filters?
That kind of defeats the purpose of this script (searching inside the video page).

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