Youtube HD

Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.

< Spätná väzba na Youtube HD

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

I finally have all videos in 1080p now without having to change it manually.
However, I always have a black screen and hear ads with the overlay from youtube while using ublock origin.

Can you fix it to allow ublock origin to block ads and only then change the video to 1080p?

Pridaný: 07.06.2023

Hi, I'm sorry I missed this feedback and haven't responded until now. I've enabled ublock origin, but I haven't had any issues and can't reproduce. Is is possible you can give me some additional information so I can try to reproduce it? E.g., what browser are you using, are you using any other userscripts or extensions that run on youtube, what your configuration for this script is, and anything else that can help me reproduce.

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