IMDB List Importer

Import list of titles or people in the imdb list

< Spätná väzba na IMDB List Importer

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 25.03.2024
Upravený: 25.03.2024

Hey, Love the importer. Imdb updated the UI and now it doesn't work, for me at least. Do you think youll be able to update it at some point?

Pridaný: 26.03.2024

Sorry. I don't see any UI changes and the script works. If there is a new UI, it is probably only available to some users. So, I can't do anything for now.

Pridaný: 19.05.2024

what about now ?
the UI changed and the script dose'nt work again

Pridaný: 20.05.2024

Yes. It also changed for me. Unfortunately, looks like IMDB also changed API. So, even if I would be able to to make the script work on the new website, it could take some time.

Pridaný: 22.05.2024

Script updated to work with new UI.

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