W.A.R. Links Checker Premium

this script automatically checks links from hundreds of filehosts. For Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari & edge.

< Spätná väzba na W.A.R. Links Checker Premium

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 30.08.2024

I've reviewed the script and noticed several issues. It contains outdated syntax and an inefficient code structure. Additionally, it frequently encounters the following error message:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '//a[contains(@href,'adf.ly/') (@href,'u.bb/') or contains(@href,'9.bb/') or contains(@href,'q.gs/') or contains(@href,'j.gs/')]' is not a valid XPath expression.

I believe this project needs a thorough refactoring to address these problems.

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