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IMGUR Load "remaining images" AUTOMATICALLY

Load "Remaining Images" Automatically

< Spätná väzba na IMGUR Load "remaining images" AUTOMATICALLY

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 25.04.2017
Upravený: 28.04.2017

(Fixed)Not working

Album example:

Firefox 53.0 (64bit)

Greasemonkey 3.10

Pridaný: 26.04.2017

Hum.... Strange...

Just tried your album and it work fine on my side.

Could you try with with latest Greasemonkey 3.11.x beta

When the page load wait maybe 5-10 seconds before scrolling down and let me know if it work.

Regards :smile:

Pridaný: 26.04.2017
Upravený: 26.04.2017

Tried with Greasemonkey 3.11beta1, same:
I clicked manually at the end.

I disabled all addons that might interfere(not sure) like HTTPS Everywhere, UBlock Origin, Stylish but nothing happens.


document.getElementsByClassName('post-loadall btn btn-action')[0].click() ;

I edited the script to this and it works perfectly now.

Pridaný: 27.04.2017

Thanks I updated the script ! :smile:

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