// ==UserScript==
// @name Forvo Audio in the Memrise Level Editor
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/5238-carpiediem
// @version 0.7
// @description Adds a column to the Memrise level/database editor with buttons to check for Forvo audio
// @author carpiediem
// @match http://www.memrise.com/course/*/*/edit/*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
// This script will not work until you enter your own Forvo.com API key
// To get an API key follow these steps:
// 1. If you don't have a Forvo account already, browse to http://www.forvo.com/signup/ and sign up.
// 2. Check your email & click the link to verify your account.
// 3. Browse to http://api.forvo.com/login/ and log in.
// 4. Click on the "Plans & Pricing" tab and click the button for the Free Plan. <http://api.forvo.com/plans-and-pricing/>.
// 5. Check the box to accept the license terms and click on the "Choose plan for free" button.
// 6. Click on the "Your account" tab. <http://api.forvo.com/account/>
// 7. Copy the API key (a string of letters and numbers) on the right side of the screen.
// 8. Paste the key in the line of code below. Replace the Xs, but keep the quotes.
$('#levels').after('<div class="pull-left"><a href="http://www.forvo.com/" title="Pronunciations by Forvo"><img src="http://api.forvo.com/byforvo.gif" width="120" height="40" alt="Pronunciations by Forvo" style="border:0"></a></div>');
var firefoxTooltip = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) ? ' Right-click is broken in Firefox. You\'ll need to middle click to save the MP3 file."' : '';
function addColumn(tableElement) {
$(tableElement).find('th').eq(4).after('<th class="column"><span class="txt">Other Audio</span></th>');
var word = $(this).find('td').eq(1).find('.text').text();
$(this).find('td').eq(4).after('<td><div class="btn-group forvo-check" data-word="' + word + '"><button class="btn btn-mini dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" style="overflow:hidden;">Check Forvo<i class="ico ico-s ico-arr-down"></i></button><div class="dropdown-menu audios"><img src="https://d107cgb5lgj7br.cloudfront.net/img/icons/loader@2x.gif" style="width:30px;" /></div></div></td>');
$('.forvo-check .dropdown-menu').css({'min-width':'30px', padding:'5px'});
if ( $('.pool-name').size() )
var languageCode = forvoCodes[ $('.pool-name').text().trim() ];
var languageCode = forvoCodes[ $('.add-level .dropdown-menu a:first').text().trim() ];
if (languageCode=="haw")
var word = encodeURI( $(this).attr("data-word").replace("he ","").replace(/[ʻ']/,"%60") );
var word = encodeURI( $(this).attr("data-word") );
//console.log("API request to: http://apifree.forvo.com/action/word-pronunciations/format/json/word/" + word + "/language/" + languageCode + "/order/rate-desc/limit/4/key/" + forvoApiKey + "/");
method: "GET",
url: "http://apifree.forvo.com/action/word-pronunciations/format/json/word/" + word + "/language/" + languageCode + "/order/rate-desc/limit/4/key/" + forvoApiKey + "/",
onload: function(response) {
var data = $.parseJSON(response.responseText);
popupHTML = '';
for (i in data.items) popupHTML += '<p style="margin:0px"><a style="display:inline-block; height:30px; width:30px; background-image:url(\'http://cdn.images.autosport.com/plus/icon_downloadmp30.png\')" href="' + decodeURI(data.items[i].pathmp3) + '" title="Save this file, listen to verify that it\'s good, then upload to Memrise.' + firefoxTooltip + '"></a></p>';
if (popupHTML=='') popupHTML = '<a href="http://www.forvo.com/word/' + encodeURI( $('.forvo-check.open').attr("data-word") ) + '/" target="_blank">nothing</a>';
$('.forvo-check.open .dropdown-menu').html(popupHTML);
console.log('You need to enter your own API key from Forvo.com');
} else {
// Trigger insertion on tables loaded with the rest of the document (database editor)
addColumn( $('table.pool-things') );
// Trigger insertion on tables loaded with AJAX (level editor)
document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(e) {
if (e.relatedNode.className == "level-things table") addColumn(e.relatedNode);
}, true);
var forvoCodes = {
'Algonquian languages':false,
'Ancient Greek':'grc',
'Arabic Alphabet':'ar',
'Cantonese Jyutping':'yue',
'Citizen Potawatomi':false,
'Classical Quranic Arabic':'ar',
'Eastern Armenian':'hy',
'Egyptian (Ancient)':false,
'Egyptian Arabic':'ar',
'Gulf Khaliji Arabic':'ar',
'Iraqi Arabic':'ar',
'Levantine Arabic':'ar',
'Lu Mien':'hmn',
'Lule Sami':'fi',
'Mandarin Spoken Only':'zh',
'Mandarin Traditional':'zh',
'Modern Standard Arabic - roman alph':false,
'Nahuatl languages':'nah',
'Ningbo Dialect':'wuu',
'North African Maghrebi Arabic':'ar',
'Northern Sami':'se',
'Portuguese (Brazil)':'pt',
'Portuguese (European)':'pt',
'Scottish Gaelic':'gd',
'Small German Dialects':'nds',
'Southern Sami':'fi',
'Swiss German':'gsw',
'Toki Pona':'x-tp',
'Ume Sami':'fi',
'Western Armenian':'hy',