Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
YouTube Super Fast Chat
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Performance Boost
Mitigate rendering issue in background
YouTube Super Fast Chat | CSS
YouTube Super Fast Chat | CSS Fix & New Feat
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Review
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Update
YouTube Super Fast Chat | CSS Fix
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Ticker Effect
Further Reduce Ticker Effect to update per 1 ~ 1.5s with step of no more than 5px normally.
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix
cProto.updateTimeout is temporarily removed; buggy for playback
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update
Release constraint - css contain
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Typo Fix
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Minor Code Fix
introduce getProto method
Update 469878-youtube-chat.js
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Updated customYtElements Library
customYtElements Library 1.4.1
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Fix Element Invisible Issue
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Boost Super Boost
Change scrollToBottom_ and flushActiveItems_ in component register phase for event hook
Change scrollToBottom_ and flushActiveItems_ to microTasks to avoid dead lock of browser scripting due to DOM rendering
Change method async to incorporate the operation order of microTasks of scrollToBottom_ and flushActiveItems_
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Utilize will-change
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Removed Padding for Banner
YouTube Super Fast Chat | Minor Update
Show all script versions