IMDb Compact - Movie Page + GM Tweaks (USw) v.50

For a large screen: Reorganize the Movie page to watch all the principals Infos without scrolling.

< Feedback on IMDb Compact - Movie Page + GM Tweaks (USw) v.50

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2022-04-27
Edited: 2022-04-27

I just quick scrolled through your script [don't have big monitor], I didn't see there a code for Scout's third bar [for the streaming sites].

Posted: 2022-05-01

Ok i see that....
I update it:
I hope it's good.

Posted: 2022-05-23

If you are good with CSS, maybe you are interested in fixing few CSS issues in IMDb Scout Mod?

Posted: 2022-05-23

Maybe :
Which one ?

Posted: 2022-05-23

One for example you can see in the first screenshot there:

Rating numbers are not vertically aligned with icons, maybe some global styles needs to be isolated there.
Something I was doing there about it, but left it as it is now.

Posted: 2022-05-23
Edited: 2022-05-23

In your screenshot, i see 3 notes for Imbd and yes they not aligned with the Imdb icon.
But if i open the link of the movie, i see only 2 notes for Imdb...
That's the same for the other notations, where they not more than 2 notes.
I have verified with Firebug if a 3nd note was hidden:
So i can't reproduce the problem.

In my userstyle, all notations are aligned (more easy with 2 notes).
And i have made the icons smaller.

A possible solution is to change the font of these 3 notations of Imdb,
Or Change the height of icons to cover the max of numbers of notations.

If i see a 3 notations / Imdb i can explore that....

Posted: 2022-05-24
Edited: 2022-05-24

Default view I aligned. :)

But in the script's settings you can select different size of ratting icons and that third number at imdb icon are the female ratings [need to be enabled in settings].

Posted: 2022-05-24

Now i see the 3 notations...
It's a little bit more complicated than i expected.

I make some test, but yet i can't find a way to vertically align the notations on the right of their icons :
The better i can, is to make them aligned at the same height than the icons (but aligned to the top...).

I trying to put the notations under the icons (where it should be more easy to align center them,
but it seems difficult.

Wait and see.....

Posted: 2022-05-24

Something possible:
I can in my usertyles to use nth-child selectors to match when only one or two notations,
and move it.

By example:
/* ONLY ONE */
#scout_rating_table>tbody>tr>td[style="width:30px; vertical-align:middle;"] span:only-of-type{
line-height: 10px !important;
margin-top: 10px !important;
background: black !important;
/* TWO RATING ? */
#scout_rating_table>tbody>tr>td[style="width:30px; vertical-align:middle;"] span:nth-of-type(n+1):nth-of-type(even):nth-last-of-type(-n+1){
line-height: 10px !important;
margin-top: 8px !important;
background: black !important;

Yet it's the only tricks i find....

Posted: 2022-05-24

Nevermind then, I use only reference pages... :)

Btw, I found if icon size is 64px then numbers align.

Posted: 2022-05-24

64px is big.

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