AO3: [Wrangling] n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s)

have different categories of wrangling home filters

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n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s)

I wanted to filter for things like:

  • Batfamily comics (and only comics) with unwrangled tags
  • the Green Lantern fandoms that I deal with by myself that have unwrangled tags (while leaving the rest for my co-wranglers to deal with)
  • films (and only films, no TV series) where I transliterate things from Cantonese
  • all my fandoms with lots of unfilterable freeforms to look through for ro3-hunting
  • I haven't dug around (my idiolect for playing the canon or OC game) in a while, let's do that

or most importantly

  • where are the bins that I can look through quickly
  • where are the dumpster fires

while also not needing to manually (re)set all the things each time I add/remove a group to be filtered on, so here we are. Now I still need to edit ALL the things when adding another extra separate filter category that I want to use parallel to the existing ones, but that's a lot better than needing to do so every time I add a new grouping already.

Basic Setup

The very first step would be to install the script, either from GitHub in this repository or over from GreasyFork.

On install, you should get a [Prepare Unfiltered Table for Setup] toggle along with some other filter toggles that are automatically set up. Clicking that will make sure that no filters are being applied and add a comma after each fandom canonical.

If you then hold the Ctrl key on Windows while dragging down along the column with the names of all your assigned fandoms, it'll select all the cells you went over. Copy this selection and paste it in the script code under var my_fandoms, replacing these lines that serve as examples:

DCU, amt, dcu, co
DCU (Comics),,   DCU   ,   Co
Dead Rising (Video Games),

After you save the changes at this point, the script will recognise the fandoms and not consider them to be newly assigned to you anymore. If the fandom tag ends in a standard/unmodified disambig, it'll be recognised as that media type. The functions differentiating between solo- and co-wrangled fandoms will be disabled, since no fandoms would be marked as co-wrangled at this point.

Whenever you get fandom tags that are not in this list added to your Wrangling Home, a [Newly Assigned] toggle will appear. Once that filter is enabled, a [Prepare These Fandoms for Setup] toggle will show up, which will add a comma after each fandom tag without resetting the filters. You can then easily grab the new fandoms and add them to your existing fandoms.

After this, you can feed it with extra info on all your fandoms.

Adding Extra Data About Your Fandoms

Each fandom with all the info associated with that fandom should have their own line (in singular).

The full base format is Fandom Canonical, mediatype, source1 source2 etc, co?.

(I've been calling the extra bit source since for my use it's mostly the franchises, publishers, genres, and original canon languages that I'm using this for, so basically extra info about the source of the fandom, but any way you want to group your fandoms works.)

Some examples:

DCU, amt, dcu, co

DCU is the fandom canonical, directly followed by a comma. amt as a media type means that it's an All Media Types fandom. It belongs to the dcu category, and is a co-wrangled fandom.

Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types,,  pokemon  ,co

The fandom canonical ends with a standard media disambig, which the script can identify on its own, so there's no need to add amt. (But you can add it anyway, in that case the amt from this line would overwrite the detected media type.) A full list of media types can be found at the bottom under the Addendum: List with Media Types.

Only the first comma needs to immediately follow after the fandom canonical, otherwise it won't get recognised as the end of the fandom tag. For the others, the number of spaces around each comma don't matter.

Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types,                                    , DANGANronpa ,co
Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc,                       videogame , danganronpa ,co
Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls,       ViDeOgAmE , danganRONPA ,cO
Super Dangan Ronpa 2,                                    VideoGame , DanganRonpa ,co
Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Anime, DanganRonpa, co
New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, VIDEOGAME , DANGANRONPA ,CO

While the fandom canonicals are case sensitive, the other parts aren't. You can use whatever style of capitalisation works for you; as long as things are spelled the same, they'll end up in the same filter.

Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), , disney finalfantasy crossover, co

One fandom can be assigned to multiple sources, each source being separated by a space (or multiple spaces, like with the later commas their number doesn't matter here).

Green Lantern - All Media Types, , greenlantern, co
Green Lantern (2011), , greenlantern, solo
Green Lantern (Comics), ,greenlantern, co
Green Lantern Corps (Comics), ,greenlantern, haha
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, animatedfilm, greenlantern
Green Lantern: First Flight (2009), animatedfilm, greenlantern,
Green Lantern: Legacy (DC Comics 2020), comic, greenlantern, co

If a fandom is not specified to be co-wrangled, it'll be assumed that it's solo-wrangled. If you'd rather have this information in the list, you can add solo at the end of each line in place of co, or you can use any other text you fancy. You can also just skip any mention of that altogether, not even necessarily keeping the final comma that'd go before co.

animatedfilm is a somewhat special media type that - unlike on the archive - gets assigned to both cartoon and movie instead. The other media type where something like this happens is animanga, for fandom tags that hold both their anime and manga fandoms.

(DC Comics 2020) is not a standard media disambig, so it won't get recoginsed, which is why it needs to be manually assigned to comic before it'll show up in that media filter.

Llamas with Hats (Web Series),
Norse Mythology - Neil Gaiman, book

You only really need to keep the fandom canonical and the comma , that immediately follows after that for the script to be able to recognise it as a "known" fandom.

Since the first of this pair of examples ends in (Web Series), the script can automatically add webseries as the media type, while in the second example it's manually set to be book. And with no data that follows after that, it'll automatically make them show up in the other source filter and assume that they're solo-wrangled fandoms.

Default Settings

Some other settings to help adjusting some of the filters to your needs.

  • uppercase_in_toggles: When set to true, the toggles will have Upper Case Initials; pre-defined media types that are acronyms will be rendered in ALL CAPS. false will keep all toggle text in lower case (unless you're manually changing the toggle text in the code.)
  • few_char_max, few_rel_max, and few_ff_max: They define the thresholds for the filter setting where all the fandoms with only a "few" unwrangled tags are listed. Set (one of) these to 0 to disable this particular filter.
    • This will also affect which fandoms will show up as having unwrangled tags to dig in (more than a "few" chars/rels), which will be disabled if both the values for chars and rels are set to -1, and which will show up as having unwrangled tags to shovel (more than a "few" freeforms), which can be disabled by setting few_ff_max to -1.
  • many_char_min, many_rel_min, and many_ff_min: The define the thresholds for what I call the "dumpster fire" filter setting. If there are more than these numbers of unwrangled tags in either category, it's a dumpster fire. Set all three to -1 if you want to disable this.
  • ro3_min: The minimum size of an unfilterable freeforms bin where you feel it's worth checking for possible ro3's. Set this to 0 if you want all fandoms with tags in the unfilterable freeforms bin, or to -1 if you don't want this function at all.
  • filter_media: Which media type filter you want to have applied automatically after a page is loaded. Set this to -all if you want to keep all the media types (not to be confused with all AMTs (and & Related Fandoms), which would use the amt setting here.)
  • filter_source: If you want to start with only seeing the fandoms in one specific source group on your Wrangling Home set it to that. -all will make it not apply any filter at this stage.
  • filter_fandom: Check the list with all the General Filters for settings that you can apply here.

General Filters

  • all-fandoms
    • no filtering, all fandoms (that are not hidden by other filters) will show up
    • corresponds to the Wrangling Status: toggle on the page
  • few-uw
    • fandoms with a "few" unwrangled tags, bins that should be fairly quick to clean up
    • corresponds to the [Quickies] toggle
  • some-digging
    • fandoms with more than a "few" unwrangled chars and/or rels, may require some digging/rounds of canon or OC
    • corresponds to the [Digging] toggle
  • some-shoveling
    • fandoms with more than a "few" unwrangled freeforms, can probably be shoveled in
    • corresponds to the [Shoveling] toggle
  • many-uw
    • fandoms with a lot of unwrangled tags, in either category; aka dumpster fires
    • corresponds to the [Dumpster Fires] toggle
  • solo-unwrangled
    • solo-wrangled (or at least not noted as co-wrangled) fandoms with unwrangled tags
    • corresponds to the [Solo-unwrangled] toggle
  • co-unwrangled
    • co-wrangled fandoms with unwrangled tags
    • corresponds to the [Co-unwrangled] toggle
  • has-uw
    • all the fandoms with unwrangled tags
    • corresponds to the [All Unwrangled] toggle
  • solo-ro3
    • solo-wrangled fandoms with sizable unfilterable freeform bins to do a ro3-hunt in
    • corresponds to the [Solo-Ro3] toggle (toggle is hidden by default)
  • co-ro3
    • co-wrangled fandoms with enough unfilterable freeforms to go ro3-hunting in
    • corresponds to the [Co-Ro3] toggle (toggle is hidden by default)
  • ro3-hunting
    • all the fandoms with enough unfilterable freeforms
    • corresponds to the [Ro3-hunting] toggle
  • solo-wrangled
    • all the solo-wrangled/not specifically noted as co-wrangled fandoms
    • corresponds to the [Solo-wrangled] toggle (toggle is hidden by default)
  • co-wrangled
    • all the co-wrangled fandoms
    • corresponds to the [Co-wrangled] toggle (toggle is hidden by default)
  • new-catch
    • fandoms that aren't included in the my_fandoms list at the top of the settings
    • corresponds to the [Newly Assigned] toggle

More Customisations

Some things that you can adjust that are not simple edits in the SETTIMGS section at the top of the code like the above. The first couple things are doable without really digging into the code. The further down something is, the more complex it gets.

It helps if you start in the same "layer" as the other examples that are already in the code (that you are free to remove if you want to).

(Un)Hide a Toggle

Find the line with the // remove the toggles that you don't want to filter on comment, and add a new line to hide another toggle. Start the new line with remove_option(', then add the kind of filter this toggle belongs to - media for media types, source for sources, or fandom for the general filters listed above. After that, continue the line with ', ' and add the specific toggle name. For fandom toggles they're the ones listed above as General Filters formatted as code, for media they're the ones in code format listed at the bottom under Addendum: List with Media Types. For source toggles, use whatever you entered under my_fandoms. Finish the line with a '); and you're done.

The finished line will look something like this:

remove_option('source', 'arkhamverse');

There are a whole lot of examples in the code already, you can use them as a pattern.

To unhide a toggle, find the line in which they're getting hidden and either turn that line into a comment by adding two slashes // at the beginning of the line, or delete the line entirely. (If no fandoms fulfill the conditions of a filter setting, the toggle for that setting won't show up in the first place.)

Change the Toggle Text

While most toggles will use whatever you entered at the top in my_fandoms as the text that'll show up will the toggle on your wrangling home, you can manually (re-)assign that. Just insert each block with one assignment after the // you can manually set what a specific source toggle is supposed to say here comment line. A block ends with a break; line, and the next block begins with the next case.

As an example, this block will make the toggle for the en source show up as [English] on your page:

case 'en':
    toggle_html = toggle_html + '[English]';

You can replace the parts between the apostrophes ' with whatever suits your purposes.

For // acronyms in ALLCAPS when uppercase_in_toggles is enabled there's a separate section.

Manually Rearrange the Toggle Order

By default, the media and the source filter toggles are listed in alphabetical order, though the other source filter setting is manually pushed to the end.

To make the script // find a specific toggle to put at the end instead, we use a moving_toggle_index to help move things along (in a way that keeps the code somewhat easier readable).

if (source_options_count > 2 && source_options.includes('other')) {
    moving_toggle_index = source_options.indexOf('other');
    source_options.splice(moving_toggle_index, 1);

In this example, if there are enough source options to make re-sorting them possibly sensible and there are actually fandoms that'd show up under the other source filter, it'll use the moving_toggle_index to remember where the other is in the alphabetically sorted list. Once the script knows where it is, it'll remove the option in that spot, and then add other back in at the end of the list.

You may, for some reason, want to // manually assign the order of all the toggle options, in which case you can look to the way the General Filters (in the code as fandom_options) get (re)arranged.

Apply Extra (Meta)Soures when Applying Specific (Sub)Sources

For these, insert each block of code after the // you can manually define meta/parent sources here comment line. Each block ends with a break; line, and the next block begins with the next case.

Assign 1 Metasource to 1 Subsource

You have a somewhat generic source (in this example squeenix) as well as a more specific one (finalfantasy) where everything with finalfantasy should also be included in squeenix, but not all squeenix things are finalfantasy.

As a tag structure this would approximately be like this:

  • squeenix
    • finalfantasy

The code to automatically assign squeenix to all finalfantasy looks like this: (the indentations are optional but tend to help with keeping things readable)

case 'finalfantasy':
    if (!source_options.includes('squeenix')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'squeenix';

In case 'finalfantasy': it checks that the source in question is, indeed, finalfantasy.

if (!source_options.includes('squeenix')) checks whether squeenix is already included in the list of source filters that are available. (This check would already have happened with finalfantasy further up above in the code.)

source_options.push('squeenix'); adds squeenix to the list of source filters if it isn't there yet.

class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'squeenix'; then adds squeenix onto the classes that will be assigned, and break; ends this entire block.

You can replace the text between the apostrophes ' with whatever combination suits your purposes.

Assign 1 Metasource to Multiple Subsources

Sometimes, you have structures like this:

  • dcu
    • batman
    • justiceleague
    • superman
    • teentitans
    • wonderwoman
    • youngjustice

In this case, you can stack multiple "sub" sources together in one block, since only the part where it checks what the source is differs:

case 'batman':
case 'justiceleague':
case 'superman':
case 'teentitans':
case 'wonderwoman':
case 'youngjustice':
    if (!source_options.includes('dcu')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'dcu';

Assign Multiple Metasources to 1 Subsource

srw is a mecha franchise published by bandainamco, so there's both

  • mecha
    • srw


  • bandainamco
    • srw

So it'd make sense to assign both, one after the other, in one block under one source check.

case 'srw':
    if (!source_options.includes('mecha')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'mecha';
    if (!source_options.includes('bandainamco')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'bandainamco';

Adding More Extra Layers

Sometimes fandom structures/groupings are horrible and you end up with something like

  • nintendo
    • mario
    • pokemon
    • pkmnmaingames

while also having

  • jrpg
    • pkmnmaingames

For this particular setup, only pkmnmaingames is under jrpg, but through pokemon also ends up on the nintendo tree.

You can solve this by having one block for pkmnmaingames specifically, separate from the others where you add jrpg and pokemon and nintendo, or you can make multiple layers, like this: (drawing diagrams tends to help with figuring this out)

case 'pkmnmaingames':
    if (!source_options.includes('jrpg')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'jrpg';
    if (!source_options.includes('pokemon')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'pokemon';
case 'pokemon':
case 'mario':
    if (!source_options.includes('nintendo')) {
    class_text = class_text + ' ' + class_type + 'nintendo';

Adding a Media Type

Knowing myself (and the number of times I've gone over this whole thing so far) it'll be helpful to at the very least keep a list of things to go through whenever adding/changing/removing a mediatype. Full, current list is under Addendum: List with Media Types

Detect a Media Type

The first step here is for the script to // use the fandom name to try to detect the media type, followed by a couple (else) if statements. These here are case sensitive.

Add another else if statement if the disambig to be identified isn't in parentheses (). If the disambigging ending isn't a fandom tag in its own right (like RPF), include a space before the term for better accuracy.

If the disambig is inside a pair of parentheses, add a new case ... break; sequence down below under switch (fandom_disambig). The fandom_disambig is the entirety of the text between the parentheses, not including the parentheses. It may be helpful to check for variations of the disambig, in particular if it's also being used in plural. (Or like Webseries and Web Series, where different formats are still in use. For tag search, using *(*[mediatype]*) as a search string will summon the gross majority of them. Note to self: If it returns less than half a page of results, it's probably not absolutely necessary to add it.)

The default case checks if it's a four-digit number instead (usually a movie with a YEAR being used as the disambig), otherwise the detected_media is left blank/undefined.

Add the Media Type to a (Meta)Media Type

Pretty much the same as how to Apply Extra (Meta)Sources when Applying Specific (Sub)Sources, but further down under case 'media': instead. And using a slightly different format to keep the lines a bit shorter, but are kinda more prone to having undetected typos.

Notes on exceptions:

  • animanga gets replaced with anime and manga (under m-eastasiancomic)
  • band and musician are under both music and rpf
  • shortfilm goes under movie instead of other
  • asmr, dramacd, podcast, and radio are under audio, which not under other now
    • use // to turn the break; after that into a comment and remove the // before case 'audio': that comes after to put them under other again -webseries has also been pulled out from under other via // before case 'webseries':

Adjust the Toggle Text

Same as how to Change the Toggle Text, but with some extra if statements to account for uppercase_in_toggles. First there's a switch for acronyms, then tere are separate sections for toggle text being very different from class names, only use an acronym when in upper case, where it's actually two words in the class name (grouped by what the second word is so that all the " Games" and " Novels" can be stacked together), where the plural form is identical or doesn't even exist, and where the plural uses -es, instead of the -s that's set as default.

New Media Type is a "Hidden" Media Type

Very much the same as how to (Un)Hide a Toggle, but best to double-check that whatever you're hiding will still show up as part of some other "meta"mediatype.

Adding Another Extra Separate Filter

You know what would be fun? Having a language filter separate from the others that I can use in parallel with everything else. (Given my poking through so far I don't actually need this to be separate from source, but giving it a separate menu will keep them easier to find, so.) This will mostly just be a checklist of things to go through.

I'm going to name this filter lang, but pretty much anything that is not one of the existing filter/menu names (media, source, fandom; reset, setup, addnew) should work.

Things to Have Prepped Before the Script Starts Checking Each Fandom

  1. If the info is intended to be listed before the co-wrangling status in my_fandoms, adjust the number of commas of the fandoms listed in there as needed.
  2. Add filter_lang as a setting under the // default filters.
  3. Start a lang_options array as one of the // lists to keep track of all the different options, with '-all' as the first array element.

Include the Filter in the Checking Process

The script will // go through all the fandoms, checking each one. This set of things should happen within the assigned_fandoms.each(function() {...}); part

  1. If you want to have a default assignment/track if something has been assigned, insert a boolean where the script is to // add soem classes based on my_fandoms data, before the switch begins.
  2. If the new filter data isn't being listed at the end of each line in my_fandoms, add 1 to the case and fandom_ref index of each thing that comes after.
  3. Insert the case n: for the new filter, with n being the (minimum) length of the fandom_ref that may possibly have this data.
  4. Make a trimmed copy of what this_lang is for ease of use; the index of this in fandom_ref is 1 smaller than its (minimum) length.
  5. Generate the lang_class to be added after checking if there is any data in this_lang from fandom_ref and using the get_classes() function, and add the class to $(this) element.
    1. If there'd be a default value that wouldn't be needed to be assigned anymore at this point, change the tracking boolean here.
    2. If this is one where multiple things may have been entered in my_fandoms at once, look to // add source classes on how to loop through them all.
  6. DO NOT END THIS case WITH A break;
  7. If you want a default class assigned, check the tracker boolean after the switch to see if something has been added already, and add the default class if not.
  8. If it's something to do with the tag numbers, the UF/UW checks on happen after this point.

  9. Go edit the get_classes() function so that it knows which list of options to add this new thing to.

    1. If this is a filter where (in some cases) there may be "meta"classes to be assigned along with the specific "sub"class, you'll need an extra switch (class_class) under the case for the new filter.
    2. You may want to include a case '': for switch (class_class) to assign the default class to, just in case.

Add the Filter Menu with All the Toggles

  1. You may want to (Un)Hide a Toggle before generating all the HTML.
  2. Have it // find out how many options are left and // sort the options in alphabetical order (or Manually Rearrange the Toggle Order).
  3. Make the script // generate the html for the filter menus where it makes sense to have one by checking how many options i needs to have at minimum to be sensible and adding to filters_html (with the get_menu_html() function) and filters_count if so. The order here matters.
  4. Add a new case with a new for loop for the new filter in the get_menu_html() function. Don't forget to break; this case at the end.
  5. If the toggle text differs from the filter name for the -all option, or any of the things put into the my_fandoms list, start a new case under switch (toggle_type) to Change the Toggle Text.
  6. Then, // add the stuff that makes the toggles do the thing when clicked with a loop. The order here doesn't actually matter.
  7. Add a case in the add_toggle() function so that it knows which filter setting to update, as well as to set it back to -all in the default: (reset) case.
  8. Add to the sequence of if statements on what to_hide in the refresh_table() function, as well as further below with the selectors for the two css().

Addendum: List with Media Types

These are based on what's in the Fandom Wrangling Guidelines and whatever else I found on a quick skim through fandom tags.

They're listed in alphabetical(-ish) order and formatted as follows:

  • (meta) mediatype as [corresponding toggle]
    • disambig(s) the script will identify as this (meta)mediatype on its own
    • (sub) mediatype
    • disambig(s) the script will identify as this (sub)mediatype

The ones listing two different toggles change the text based on your uppercase_in_toggles setting, otherwise the difference is only in if there are upper case initials and ALL CAPS for acronyms, or if everything is in lower case.

The toggles in italics are hidden by default, but can be made to appear again with some simple edits to the code, as explained under (Un)Hide a Toggle.

  • amt as [AMTs]
    • - All Media Types, & Related Fandoms
  • anime as [Anime]
    • (Anime), (Anime & Manga)
  • audio as [Audio]
    • (Big Finish Audio)
    • asmr as [ASMR]
    • dramacd as [Drama CDs]
    • (Drama CD)
    • podcast as [Podcasts]
    • (Podcast)
    • radio as [Radio]
    • (Radio), (Radio Show), (BBC Radio)
  • cartoon as [Cartoons]
    • (Cartoon), (Cartoons)
  • comic as [Comics]
    • (Comic), (Comics)
    • bede as [BDs] or [bédés]
    • (Bande Dessinée)
    • graphicnovel as [Graphic Novels]
    • (Graphic Novel), (Graphic Novels)
    • webcomic as [Webcomics]
    • (Webcomic)
  • literature as [Literature]
    • book as [Books]
    • fairytale as [Fairly Tales]
    • (Fairy Tale)
    • lightnovel as [Light Novels]
    • poem as [Poems]
    • (Poem)
    • rellore as [Religion & Lore]
    • Folklore, Lore, Mythology, Religion, Traditions, (Folklore)
  • m-eastasiancomic as 漫画
    • manga as [Manga]
    • (Manga), (Anime & Manga)
    • manhua as [Manhua]
    • (Manhua)
    • manhwa as [Manhwa]
    • (Manhwa)
  • movie as [Movies]
    • (Movie), (Movies), (YEAR)
    • shortfilm as [Short Films]
    • (Short Film), (Short Films)
  • music as [Music]
    • album as [Albums]
    • (Album), (Albums)
    • band as [Bands]
    • (Band)
    • musicvideo as [MVs] or [music videos]
    • (Music Video), (Music Videos)
    • musician as [Musicians]
    • (Musician), (Musicians)
    • song as [Songs]
    • (Song), (Songs)
  • other as [Other]
    • anthro as [Anthro]
    • (Anthropomorphic)
    • arg as [ARGs]
    • (Alternate Reality Game)
    • attraction as [Attractions]
    • (Attraction)
    • blog as [Blogs]
    • (Blog), (Blog Post), (Tumblr), (Twitter)
    • boardgame as [Board Games]
    • (Board Game), (Board Games)
    • cardgame as [Card Games]
    • (Card Game), (Card Games)
    • commercial as [Commercials]
    • Commercial, Commercials
    • interactive as [IF]
    • (Interactive Fiction)
    • roleplay as [Roleplays]
    • (Roleplay)
    • rpg as [RPGs]
    • (Roleplaying Game), (RPG), (Tabletop RPG)
    • sketch as [Sketches]
    • toy as [Toys]
  • rpf as [RPF]
    • RPF
    • band as [Bands]
    • (Band)
    • musician as [Musicians]
    • (Musician), (Musicians)
  • theater as [Theater]
    • ballet as [Ballet]
    • musical as [Musicals]
    • opera as [Operas]
    • stageplay as [Stageplays]
  • tvshow as [TV Shows]
    • (TV), (Live Action TV)
  • videogame as [Video Games]
    • (Video Game), (Video Games)
    • visualnovel as [Visual Novels]
    • (Visual Novel), (Visual Novels)
  • webseries as [Web Series]
    • (Web Series), (Webseries)