[RED/OPS/DIC] Upload Assistant

Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, online cover art lookup, reporting open requests, form enhancements and more

< Feedback on [RED/OPS/DIC] Upload Assistant

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2022-10-08

Script won't work correctly anymore on any browser I tried. Gives errors, doesn't upload image, in Chrome it doesn't do anything at all anymore. It has been like this for some time now, did a fresh install of violentmonkey on a clean browser, no succes. Seems really broken.

Posted: 2022-10-09

The script has been working on Violentmonkey for some time in the past but currently it's not fully compatible. I only can suggest to switch to Tampermonkey if it's possible as it's the most compatible script manager. Tested as clean install on Chromium+TM in Linux and Windows now and found it working as expected on both OSes. I've added a remark about limited functionality under VM to script description recently.

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