Greasyfork install button on search

Adds install buttons to all the search result pages, nice for mass installing

< Feedback on Greasyfork install button on search


Posted: 2017-04-04

I didn't see a github link, can you make this change and support too?

// ==UserScript== // @name Greasyfork install button on search // @namespace Danielv123 // @version 1.1 // @description Adds install buttons to all the search result pages, nice for mass installing // @author You // @match* // @match* // @requires jQuery // @grant none // ==/UserScript==

// vanilla greasyfork if(document.querySelector("#user-script-list")){ for(i = 1; document.querySelector("#user-script-list").childNodes.length > i; i++) { (function(i){ if(document.querySelector("#user-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a")) { console.log(document.querySelector("#user-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a")); $("

").load(document.querySelector("#user-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a").href+" #install-area", function() { $("#user-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")").append($(this).html()); console.log(i); }); } })(i); } } if(document.querySelector("#browse-script-list")){ for(i = 1; document.querySelector("#browse-script-list").childNodes.length > i; i++) { (function(i){ if(document.querySelector("#browse-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a")) { console.log(document.querySelector("#browse-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a")); $("
").load(document.querySelector("#browse-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")>article>h2>a").href+" #install-area", function() { $("#browse-script-list > li:nth-child(" + i + ")").append($(this).html()); console.log(i); }); } })(i); } }

// compat with [TS] Citrus GFork setTimeout(function(){ if(document.querySelector("#script-table")){ for(i = 0; document.querySelector("#script-table > tbody").childNodes.length > i; i++) { (function(i){ if(document.querySelector("#script-table tr:nth-child("+i+") > td:nth-child(2) > div.thetitle > a")) { console.log(document.querySelector("#script-table tr:nth-child("+i+") > td:nth-child(2) > div.thetitle > a")); $("

").load(document.querySelector("#script-table tr:nth-child("+i+") > td:nth-child(2) > div.thetitle > a").href+" #install-area", function() { $("#script-table tr:nth-child(" + i + ") div:nth-child(2)").append($(this).html()); console.log(i); }); } })(i); } } }, 1000);

Posted: 2017-04-05

I don't use git for my userscripts, but yes I will add this, thanks.

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