Nitro Type Current Race Tracker w/ Leagues and NT Comps JS - Nitro Type Current Race Tracker w/ Leagues and NT Comps WIP
Nitro Type XP Tracker JS - Tracks and estimates hourly XP rate in Nitro Type races
Nitro Monkey | NT Theme JS - Custom Nitro Type Theme w/ Font-Size, Height Sliders, and Cursor Customization
NitroType Perfect Nitros with SFB Highlighting (QWERTY, DVORAK, COLEMAK) JS - Highlights the largest words, single-finger bigrams (SFBs), and custom words/phrases for QWERTY, DVORAK, or COLEMAK layouts. Adds custom color coding for hand-specific characters like 'b' and 'y'.
findReact JS (Библиотека) - Helper Fn
CreateLogger JS (Библиотека) - Logs stuff
drawXpPieChart JS (Библиотека) - Tracks and estimates hourly XP rate in Nitro Type races
WPM Library for Nitro Type JS (Библиотека) - Library that calculates WPM, accuracy, and errors allowed for Nitro Type races
raceData JS (Библиотека) - Race data
Nitro Type Theme Customizer JS (Библиотека) - Theme Customizer