
Translates selected text into a `tooltip' via Google translate

< Обсуждения tooltip

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

This is great!

i am chrome user
i like this faster and smoother than the other translator extensions that i downloaded from chrome store..i already uninstalled them and decide to use this...
but can you remove the history and source feature?...i think it is unnecessary...and i didnt use it that much
please keep it always up to date....thanks more power =)

but can you remove the history and source feature?

You can switch visibilyty of history and source panels by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of translation window.

Perhaps I misunderstood your question. You can't disable history feature, but
you can limit size of history kept by my script::
in Settings dialogue, set History parameter to 1.

ok sir...thanks for the response...i hope you can add a feature like "Translate text input" in your future updates

add a feature like "Translate text input" in your future updates

Now the script can translate text from any browser's input field.
What exactly do you mean?

Создано: 28.10.2016
Отредактировано: 28.10.2016

ok i get it now...thanks =)

Создано: 28.10.2016
Отредактировано: 28.10.2016

It turns out I painted this picture in vain :wink:


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