Empire Overview

Script for Ikariam 0.7.x, Overview tables for resources, buildings and military inspired by Ikariam Empire Board

< Обсуждения Empire Overview

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

Now can't use in 0.5.13

When you use in 0.5.13, it can't change town anymore.
I think it's bug from Ikariam.
But when I disabled this script, It can play normally.

*it's can't use in FF30 but can use in Chrome

Yes, I have the same problem :-( btw. do you know, why userscripts.org doesn´t work?

script not working anymore

script is not working......

I try to install back Firefox 29.0, reinstall empire script, but still not working :-( The script is installed, but they don´t open it.

in my opinion something changed in game code and germano must check where is problem :p

Создано: 12.07.2014

You can only use the scripts in FF version 29 and GM version 1.15. I'm trying everything to fix this

i try install firefox 29.0 and GM 1.15 dut still not working....

I installed Firefox 29.0 and GM 1.13 and now working! ;-)

Создано: 13.07.2014
Отредактировано: 13.07.2014

ff 29.0.1 + gm 2.0 not working

i will try with gm 1.13

ff 29.0.1 + GM 1.15 working


firefox 29.0 and Greasemonkey 1.15 and working.......i hope germano find the solution to fix this......

Создано: 15.07.2014

I still have no solution. but keep looking.
Help would be very good

Does this have anything to do with it? (My script knowledge is minimal, so sorry if it's another issue.)

Создано: 15.07.2014

update is on, only...!
This script is currently inactive because it doesn't align with Greasy Fork's policies.

Reinstalled now version 1.168, FF30, GM 2.0. Opening the firefox console this is my error:
Error: Permission denied to access property 'length' on line 9940, that's here:

if (aj && !ajax){
unsafeWindow.ajaxHandlerCallFromForm = function(ajaxHandlerCallFromForm) {
return function cAjaxHandlerCallFromForm(form) {
return ajaxHandlerCallFromForm.apply(this, arguments);
--> };

I think that this:

could work but I'm not sure because I'm not a GM expert!! Hope this could help, thanks for your great work!

Создано: 15.07.2014

Thanks for the note. I am just looking at the handlerCalls

after some researches I found that:
with firefox 30 + GM2.0 + EO do not work
with firefox 30 + GM1.15 + EO it works!

that's caused by the G.M2.0 new API that makes all the scripts with the unsafewindow object call incompatible, so this:
unsafeWindow.ajaxHandlerCallFromForm = function(aja.....
can't work, you have to use the exportFunction() or cloneInto() method to apply modifies at the ikariam window...at least that is what I understood....
now I don't know exactly how to make changes but if I have some spare time next days I will try, but I have a really little experience on js an jquery.
If you, Germano, are already working on this, feel free to ignore my comment!

forgot that here:
I found the only place to download 1.15 greasemonkey's version

Создано: 17.07.2014

hallo luca,

danke für deine Hilfe. Jede Hilfe ist willkommen. Ich bin ja auch am überlegen, wie ich das Ganze umschreibe. Als erstes muss ich aber noch das Problem mit FF Version 30 oder höher beseitigen. Das Update ist nur eine Improvisation für die APIs, teste aber gerade neues. Wenn dies dann ohne Probleme funktioniert, werde ich mich an GM 2.0 wagen. Aber, alle Ideen, Vorschläge und Lösungen sind gern willkommen. Um so schneller geht es, da ich auch verdammt wenig Zeit habe


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