Youtube Playlists Sorted Alphabetically

When you click on "+ Add to" (for adding a new video to a playlist) YouTube displays the playlists -by default- in a strange order: beginning with the one selected last. This script arranges your playlists alphabetically, making it easier for you to find the one you are looking for.

< Обсуждения Youtube Playlists Sorted Alphabetically

Отзыв: Плохой — скрипт не работает

2015june_It does not work !!!

Just installed this script on Firefox 38, and it does not work. It does not sort alphabetically the list I have when click "Add to". I was looking for a way to alpha arrange all the playlists I have on youtube, but thought to give it a try to this script, which was supposedly had to arrange the lists but only when click Add to button.

Создано: 09.07.2015
Отредактировано: 09.07.2015

Hi cataman, I just updated the script. Youtube changed the location of the Add To button in the DOM (they removed 2 wrappers around it). I updated the CSS path accordingly, tested it and it works. Thanks for installing the new version and change your negative feedback with a positive one!!! (you could have just informed me first, before leaving a negative feedback).

The previous version of this script on userscripts, when the site didn't go down reached more than 17'000 downloads. Now I see it has only 50 downloads. Sorry if I don't really check this every day for 50 users worldwide!

Создано: 31.07.2016
Отредактировано: 31.07.2016

Not working in chrome when accessing youtube.

Doesn't work. Got it to work once. Accidentally. Somehow turned it off and on again, but this did not the trick the second time. Playlists remain unsorted.

What a crap this YouTube shite is anyway, that we normal people need an extra script to do the most normal thing with a bunch of lists that the universe has ever seen: SORTING it alphabetically so you can find shit! Geezus Christ, how stupid are these Google people?! Can't be serious, there must be something else behind it why we MUST NOT sort our playlists alphabetically. Nohohohoooo... strictly forbidden! The climate will change if you sort something alphabetically, or the universe could disappear in its entirety... Who knows. Whoever was in charge of this deterioration of the YT channel design, this clunky pile of dog vomit, need to be incarcerated. Foeffa!


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