Youtube Player Controls below Video

Move YouTube Player Controls below the video

< Обсуждения Youtube Player Controls below Video

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Yes, if there was no auto-hide it would have been too nice without requiring the mouse cursor. The buttons and the bar remained visible. Do you think it is possible, sir?

update to the latest version.

move your cursor to the control bar

I need the cursor for other activities!

Youtube UI Fix
Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015

If I hold the cursor on the control bar, the time elapsed and the red bar freezes after 5 seconds. Only auto-hide must be disabled without the need for the cursor, otherwise everything is perfect. A wonderful day!

Youtube UI Fix
Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015

The old version looks terrible. Thank you!

Yes, if there was no auto-hide it would have been too nice without requiring the mouse cursor. The buttons and the bar remained visible. Do you think it is possible, sir?

position: absolute;
position: fixed;
it's on line 58 or 71.

Not working !

Не работает !

It worked the day before yesterday, today I checked - it doesn't work.


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