Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса
Just wanted to add that this error happened during the second attempt on the boss, after I'd reduced its health by about 50% in the first attempt. I was trying to beat the boss in 2 attempts without having to use 500 emeralds to by 1 more action point.
The "Auto" button for the boss in the storm doesn't really work, but if you run the autoplay with the path indicated, everything works correctly. I will try to fix this in the future when I can reproduce this error.
In the Great Storm event, if you choose the "Auto" option after a defeat, and even if the script reports that you've won according to the calculation, it throws out the following error message:
You can then either choose "OK" or "Reload the game". The action point is recovered, but the battle isn't won even though the script said a victory was possible. I know this post comes too late in the day for the problem to be fixed, but maybe it can be resolved for the next event whenever it occurs. Thanks.