Обход Все Короткие ссылки

Обход всех сайтов с короткими ссылками автоматически пропускает надоедливые сокращатели ссылок, прямо к месту назначения

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Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

With the latest update, the Brave browser began to close, can you tell me what the problem is or will it be fixed in the next update?

what's closed ? site ? tab ? or the browser ? need more explanation
if your Brave browser or the tabs, nothing to do with my script

what's closed ? site ? tab ? or the browser ? need more explanation
if your Brave browser or the tabs, nothing to do with my script

When the script is running, the browser closes when trying to bypass a short link. This began to happen after the last update of the script. two days ago the script worked and the browser did not close.

give me the link example , i will check it with Brave browser

give me the link example , i will check it with Brave browser

In general, there was a problem in the browser itself - after updating the browser, the problem went away.


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