// ==UserScript==
// @name Elethor General Purpose
// @description Provides some general additions to Elethor
// @namespace https://www.elethor.com/
// @version 1.7.17
// @author Xortrox
// @contributor Kidel
// @contributor Saya
// @contributor Archeron
// @contributor Hito
// @match https://elethor.com/*
// @match https://www.elethor.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
const currentUserData = {};
const moduleName = 'Elethor General Purpose';
const version = '1.7.9';
const profileURL = '/profile/';
function initializeXHRHook() {
let rawSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
if (!this._hooked) {
this._hooked = true;
this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() {
if (this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}, false);
rawSend.apply(this, arguments);
function setupHook(xhr) {
if (window.elethorGeneralPurposeOnXHR) {
const e = new Event('EGPXHR');
e.xhr = xhr;
window.elethorGeneralPurposeOnXHR = new EventTarget();
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] XHR Hook initialized.`);
function initializeUserLoadListener() {
elethorGeneralPurposeOnXHR.addEventListener('EGPXHR', function (e) {
console.log('user load?:', e?.xhr?.responseURL);
if (e && e.xhr
&& e.xhr.responseURL
&& e.xhr.responseURL.endsWith
&& e.xhr.responseURL.endsWith('/game/user')
) {
try {
const userData = JSON.parse(e.xhr.responseText);
if (userData) {
for (const key of Object.keys(userData)) {
currentUserData[key] = userData[key];
} catch (e) {
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Error parsing userData:`, e);
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] User Load Listener initialized.`);
function initializeToastKiller() {
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target
&& e.target.className
&& e.target.className.includes
&& e.target.className.includes('toasted toasted-primary')
) {
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Toast Killer initialized.`);
async function forceLoadUser() {
const userLoad = await getUserSelf();
function initializeInventoryStatsLoadListener() {
elethorGeneralPurposeOnXHR.addEventListener('EGPXHR', function (e) {
if (e && e.xhr
&& e.xhr.responseURL
&& e.xhr.responseURL.endsWith
&& e.xhr.responseURL.endsWith('/game/inventory/stats')
) {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (Object.keys(currentUserData).length === 0) {
await forceLoadUser();
setTimeout(updateInventoryStatsPercentages, 1000);
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Inventory Stats Load Listener initialized.`);
function updateEquipmentPercentageSummary() {
document.querySelector('.contains-equipment>div>div:nth-child(1)').setAttribute('style', 'width: 50%');
document.querySelector('.contains-equipment>div>div:nth-child(2)').setAttribute('style', 'width: 25%');
let percentagesTable = document.querySelector('#egpPercentagesSummary')
if (!percentagesTable){
percentagesTable = document.querySelector('.contains-equipment>div>div:nth-child(2)').cloneNode(true);
percentagesTable.setAttribute('style', 'width: 25%');
for (const child of percentagesTable.children[0].children) {
if (child && child.children && child.children[0]) {
document.querySelector('#egpPercentagesSummary>table>tr:nth-child(8)').setAttribute('style', 'height:43px');
function getStatSummary(equipment) {
const summary = {
base: {},
energizements: {}
if (equipment) {
for (const key of Object.keys(equipment)) {
const item = equipment[key];
* Sums base attributes by name
* */
if (item && item.attributes) {
for (const attributeName of Object.keys(item.attributes)) {
const attributeValue = item.attributes[attributeName];
if (!summary.base[attributeName]) {
summary.base[attributeName] = 0;
summary.base[attributeName] += attributeValue;
* Sums energizements by stat name
* */
if (item && item.upgrade && item.upgrade.energizements) {
for (const energizement of item.upgrade.energizements) {
if (!summary.energizements[energizement.stat]) {
summary.energizements[energizement.stat] = 0;
summary.energizements[energizement.stat] += Number(energizement.boost);
return summary;
function updateInventoryStatsPercentages() {
let percentagesTable = document.querySelector('#egpPercentagesSummary')
if (percentagesTable && currentUserData && currentUserData.equipment){
const statSummary = getStatSummary(currentUserData.equipment);
const baseKeys = Object.keys(statSummary.base);
const energizementKeys = Object.keys(statSummary.energizements);
let allKeys = baseKeys.concat(energizementKeys);
const filterUniques = {};
for (const key of allKeys){
filterUniques[key] = true;
allKeys = Object.keys(filterUniques);
const tableRows = percentagesTable.children[0].children;
for(const row of tableRows) {
if (row
&& row.children
&& row.children[0]
&& row.children[0].children[0]
) {
const rowText = row.children[0].children[0];
rowText.innerText = '';
let rowIndex = 0;
for (const key of allKeys) {
if (key === 'puncture') {
const row = tableRows[rowIndex];
if (row
&& row.children
&& row.children[0]
&& row.children[0].children[0]
) {
const rowText = row.children[0].children[0];
const rowBase = statSummary.base[key] || 0;
const rowEnergizement = (statSummary.energizements[key] || 0);
const rowEnergizementPercentage = (statSummary.energizements[key] || 0) * 100;
if (key.startsWith('+')) {
rowText.innerText = `${key} per 10 levels: ${rowEnergizement}`;
} else if (key === 'actions') {
const actions = currentUserData.user.bonus_actions || 0;
rowText.innerText = `Bonus Actions: ${actions}`;
} else {
rowText.innerText = `${key}: ${rowBase} (${rowEnergizementPercentage.toFixed(0)}%)`;
function initializeLocationChangeListener() {
let previousLocation = window.location.href;
window.elethorGeneralPurposeOnLocationChange = new EventTarget();
window.elethorLocationInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (previousLocation !== window.location.href) {
previousLocation = window.location.href;
const e = new Event('EGPLocation');
e.newLocation = window.location.href;
}, 500);
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Location Change Listener initialized.`);
function getProfileCombatElement() {
const skillElements = document.querySelectorAll('.is-round-skill .progressbar-text>div>p:first-child');
const skillElements2 = document.querySelectorAll('.is-round-skill .progressbar-text>div>p:nth-child(2)');
let index = 0;
for (const skillElement of skillElements2) {
if (skillElement.innerText?.toLowerCase().includes('combat')) {
return skillElements[index].parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement;
function getProfileMiningElement() {
const skillElements = document.querySelectorAll('.is-round-skill .progressbar-text>div>p:first-child');
const skillElements2 = document.querySelectorAll('.is-round-skill .progressbar-text>div>p:nth-child(2)');
let index = 0;
for (const skillElement of skillElements2) {
if (skillElement.innerText?.toLowerCase().includes('mining')) {
return skillElements[index].parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement;
function updateXPTracker(difference) {
const combatElement = getProfileCombatElement();
if (combatElement) {
if (difference.combat > 0) {
combatElement.setAttribute('data-combat-experience-ahead', `(+${formatNormalNumber(difference.combat)})`);
combatElement.setAttribute('style', `color:lime`);
} else {
combatElement.setAttribute('data-combat-experience-ahead', `(${formatNormalNumber(difference.combat)})`);
combatElement.setAttribute('style', `color:red`);
const miningElement = getProfileMiningElement();
if (difference.mining > 0) {
miningElement.setAttribute('data-mining-experience-ahead', `(+${formatNormalNumber(difference.mining)})`);
miningElement.setAttribute('style', `color:lime`);
} else {
miningElement.setAttribute('data-mining-experience-ahead', `(${formatNormalNumber(difference.mining)})`);
miningElement.setAttribute('style', `color:red`);
function initializeProfileLoadListener() {
let css = '[data-combat-experience-ahead]::after { content: attr(data-combat-experience-ahead); padding: 12px;}';
css += '[data-mining-experience-ahead]::after { content: attr(data-mining-experience-ahead); padding: 12px;}';
window.elethorGeneralPurposeOnLocationChange.addEventListener('EGPLocation', async function (e) {
if (e && e.newLocation) {
if(e.newLocation.includes('/profile/')) {
console.log('Profile view detected:', e);
const url = e.newLocation;
const path = url.substr(url.indexOf(profileURL));
// We know we have a profile lookup, and not user-data load if the length differs.
if (path.length > profileURL.length) {
const userId = Number(path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
const difference = await getExperienceDifference(userId, currentUserData.user.id);
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Profile Load Listener initialized.`);
async function getUser(id) {
const result = await window.axios.get(`/game/user/${id}?egpIgnoreMe=true`);
return result.data;
window.getUser = getUser;
async function getUserSelf() {
const result = await window.axios.get(`/game/user`);
return result.data;
window.getUserSelf = getUserSelf;
async function getUserStats() {
const result = await window.axios.get(`/game/inventory/stats`);
return result.data;
window.getUserStats = getUserStats;
async function getUserStatsJSON(pretty) {
const stats = await getUserStats();
if (pretty) {
return JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2);
return JSON.stringify(stats);
window.getUserStatsJSON = getUserStatsJSON;
function getUserCombatStats(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.name === 'combat') {
return skill.pivot;
function getMiningStats(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 1) {
return skill.pivot;
return 0;
async function getExperienceDifference(userId1, userId2) {
const [user1, user2] = await Promise.all([
const combatStats1 = getUserCombatStats(user1);
const miningStats1 = getMiningStats(user1);
const combatStats2 = getUserCombatStats(user2);
const miningStats2 = getMiningStats(user2);
return {
combat: combatStats2.experience - combatStats1.experience,
mining: miningStats2.experience - miningStats1.experience,
(async function run() {
await waitForField(window, 'axios');
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Loaded.`);
(async function loadRerollDisableButtonModule() {
async function waitForEcho() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.Echo) {
}, 100);
await waitForEcho();
await waitForUser();
elethorGeneralPurposeOnXHR.addEventListener('EGPXHR', async function (e) {
if (e && e.xhr && e.xhr.responseURL) {
if(e.xhr.responseURL.includes('/game/energize')) {
const itemID = e.xhr.responseURL.substr(e.xhr.responseURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
window.lastEnergizeID = Number(itemID);
(async function loadResourceNodeUpdater() {
await waitForField(currentUserData, 'user');
const user = await getUser(currentUserData.user.id);
function updateExperienceRates() {
document.querySelectorAll('#nodeContainer>div:not(:first-child)').forEach(async (node) => {
visualizeResourceNodeExperienceRates(node, user)
function visualizeResourceNodeExperienceRates(node, user) {
const purity = getNodePurityPercentage(node, user);
const density = getNodeDensityPercentage(node, user);
const experience = getNodeExperience(node, density, user);
const ore = 16;
const experienceRate = experience?.toFixed(2);
const oreRate = getOreRate(density, purity, ore);
node.children[0].children[0].setAttribute('data-after', `${experienceRate} xp/h ${oreRate} ore/h`);
function getNodePurityPercentage(node, user) {
const column = node.children[0].children[0].children[2];
if (!column || !column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0]) return;
const label = column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0].parentElement;
let percentage = Number(label.innerText.replace('%','').split(':')[1]);
let miningLevel = getMiningLevel(user);
percentage = percentage + (miningLevel * 0.1);
return percentage;
function getNodeDensityPercentage(node, user) {
const column = node.children[0].children[0].children[1];
if (!column || !column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0]) return;
const label = column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0].parentElement;
let percentage = Number(label.innerText.replace('%','').split(':')[1]);
let miningLevel = getMiningLevel(user);
percentage = percentage + (miningLevel * 0.1);
return percentage;
function getNodeExperience(node, density, user) {
/** Gets the Exp: label */
const column = node.children[0].children[0].children[3];
if (!column || !column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0]) return;
const label = column.querySelectorAll('.font-bold')[0].parentElement;
let value = Number(label.innerText.replace('%','').split(':')[1]);
const skilledExtraction = getSkilledExtractionLevel(user);
const knowledgeExtraction = getKnowledgeExtractionLevel(user) / 100;
const ore = getActiveMining();
const expertiseLevel = getExpertiseLevel(user);
const expertiseGain = getExpertiseXPGainByOre(ore);
const additionalMiningGain = expertiseLevel / 5 * expertiseGain;
console.log('additionalMiningGain:', additionalMiningGain);
value += additionalMiningGain;
const actionsPerHour = getActionsPerHour(density);
const experienceBase = value * actionsPerHour;
const experienceSkilled = actionsPerHour * skilledExtraction;
const experienceKnowledge = value * knowledgeExtraction;
value = experienceBase + experienceSkilled + experienceKnowledge;
const vip = isUserVIP(user);
value *= vip ? 1.1 : 1;
return value;
function getActionsPerHour(density) {
return 3600 / (60 / (density / 100))
function getExperienceRate(density, experience) {
return Number((3600 / (60 / (density / 100)) * experience).toFixed(2));
function getOreRate(density, purity, ore) {
return Number((3600 / (60 / (density / 100)) * (purity / 100) * ore).toFixed(2));
function isUserVIP(user) {
return new Date(user.vip_expires) > new Date();
window.elethorResourceInterval = setInterval(updateExperienceRates, 500);
async function initializeResourceNodeView() {
await waitForField(document, 'head');
let css = '[data-after]::after { content: attr(data-after); padding: 12px;}';
async function loadMarketRecyclobotVisualizer() {
if (!window.egpItemPoints) {
const companions = await getCompanions();
const recyclobot = companions.recyclobot;
window.egpItemPoints = recyclobot.itemPoints;
console.log(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Companion Data initialized.`);
window.elethorGeneralPurposeOnLocationChange.addEventListener('EGPLocation', async function (e) {
if (e && e.newLocation) {
window.egpRecyclobotOnMarket = e.newLocation.includes('/market/');
if (!window.egpRecyclobotOnMarket) {
if (!window.egpItemPoints) {
console.warn(`[${moduleName} v${version}] Entered market page but had no recyclobot item points list.`);
const marketObjects = getMarketListingObjects();
for (const marketListing of marketObjects) {
for (const recyclobotEntry of window.egpItemPoints) {
if (recyclobotEntry.item_name === marketListing.name) {
//marketListing.element.setAttribute('data-points-recyclobot',`R: ${recyclobotEntry.quantity}:${recyclobotEntry.points}`);
function getMarketListingObjects() {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.is-market-side-menu ul li')).map((e) => {return {element: e, name: e.innerText}});
async function getCompanions() {
return (await window.axios.get('/game/companions')).data;
function setPackAmount(amount) {
window.packAmount = amount;
if (window.packAmount < 0) {
window.packAmount = 0;
window.setPackAmount = setPackAmount;
function formatNormalNumber(num){
return num.toLocaleString();
function appendCSS(css) {
let head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet){
// This is required for IE8 and below.
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
function getMiningLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 1) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
function getSkilledExtractionLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 17) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
function getKnowledgeExtractionLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 18) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
function getExpertiseLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 38) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
expertiseXPGainByOre = {
'Orthoclase': 780,
'Anorthite': 825,
'Ferrisum': 600,
'Rhenium': 465,
'Jaspil': 480,
'Skasix': 0,
function getExpertiseXPGainByOre(ore) {
return expertiseXPGainByOre[ore];
function getActiveMining() {
const activeMiningButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.buttons .button.is-success');
if (!activeMiningButtons[0] ||
!activeMiningButtons[0].children[0] ||
!activeMiningButtons[0].children[0].innerText ||
) {
return '';
return activeMiningButtons[0].children[0].innerText.trim();
function getPackLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 22) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
function getCarnageLevel(user) {
for (const skill of user.skills) {
if (skill.id === 23) {
return skill.pivot.level;
return 0;
function getAttackSpeed(speed) {
return 50 - (50 * speed / (speed + 400));
function getHealth(fortitude) {
return 100000 * fortitude / (fortitude + 4000);
async function waitForField(target, field) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (target[field] !== undefined) {
}, 100);
async function waitForUser() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (currentUserData.user && currentUserData.user.id !== undefined) {
}, 100);
(async function loadAlarms() {
await waitForField(window, 'Echo');
await waitForField(document, 'head');
await waitForUser();
const meta1 = document.createElement('meta');
meta1.setAttribute('content', "media-src https://furious.no/elethor/sound/");
meta1.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Content-Security-Policy');
* You can add an alternative audio by setting the local storage keys:
* localStorage.setItem('egpSoundOutOfActions', 'your-url')
* localStorage.setItem('egpSoundQuestCompleted', 'your-url')
* */
// Alternative: https://furious.no/elethor/sound/elethor-actions-have-ran-out.mp3
window.egpSoundOutOfActions =
localStorage.getItem('egpSoundOutOfActions') || 'https://furious.no/elethor/sound/out-of-actions.wav';
// Alternative: https://furious.no/elethor/sound/elethor-quest-completed.mp3
window.egpSoundQuestCompleted =
localStorage.getItem('egpSoundQuestCompleted') || 'https://furious.no/elethor/sound/quest-complete.wav';
const masterAudioLevel = 0.3;
window.Echo.private(`App.User.${currentUserData.user.id}`).listen(".App\\Domain\\Monster\\Events\\FightingAgain", handleActionData);
window.Echo.private(`App.User.${currentUserData.user.id}`).listen(".App\\Domain\\ResourceNode\\Events\\GatheringAgain", handleActionData);
window.Echo.private(`App.User.${currentUserData.user.id}`).listen(".App\\Domain\\Quest\\Events\\UpdateQuestProgress", handleQuestData);
let hasWarnedAboutActions = false;
let hasWarnedAboutQuest = false;
* Warns once when action runs out.
* */
function handleActionData(data) {
if (data && data.action) {
if (data.action.remaining <= 0 && !hasWarnedAboutActions) {
hasWarnedAboutActions = true;
} else if (data.action.remaining > 0 && hasWarnedAboutActions) {
hasWarnedAboutActions = false;
window.handleActionData = handleActionData;
* Warns once when quest completes.
* */
function handleQuestData(data) {
if (data
&& data.step
&& data.step.tasks) {
if (data.step.progress >= data.step.tasks[0].quantity && !hasWarnedAboutQuest) {
hasWarnedAboutQuest = true;
} else if (data.step.progress < data.step.tasks[0].quantity && hasWarnedAboutQuest) {
hasWarnedAboutQuest = false;
window.handleQuestData = handleQuestData;
function playOutOfActions() {
window.playOutOfActions = playOutOfActions;
function playQuestCompleted() {
window.playQuestCompleted = playQuestCompleted;
function playSound(sound, volume = masterAudioLevel){
const audio = new Audio(sound);
audio.volume = volume;