ppixiv for Pixiv

Better Pixiv viewing | Fullscreen images | Faster searching | Bigger thumbnails | Download ugoira MKV | Ugoira seek bar | Download manga ZIP | One-click like, bookmark, follow | One-click zoom and pan

< Обсуждения ppixiv for Pixiv

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

thank for you work
when i use slideshow witho 105ut panning,it s all blank right click will show the image,but wont slideshow。panmode is working,don t know why
Firefox 105 tampermonkey

Создано: 23.09.2022

There was a problem with the "without panning" slideshow mode. Should be fixed in r156.

There was a problem with the "without panning" slideshow mode. Should be fixed in r156.

thanks now its working


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