YouTube - automatically expand subscription list

Automatically click the "Show More" subscriptions button in the side bar

< Обсуждения YouTube - automatically expand subscription list

Отзыв: Плохой — скрипт не работает


Your script is really useful, but unfortunately it doesn't work or not anymore.
Yet your script is great.
Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

Создано: 31.07.2022

It's still working here. Maybe they're doing some A/B testing of some new changes and I haven't gotten the new version yet. I use the script myself, so I will try to update it when I see it stop working.


Okay, I understand.
Maybe I'm already on a new YouTube layout so :-(
I thought that the changes of YouTube were displayed at the same time in all countries...


I would like to know if it still works for you please.
Thank you in advance.

Создано: 08.12.2022

I updated it today to detect links with the new `@username` links. Hopefully that fixes it for you.

Sorry for the late reply.. apparently Gmail decided to mark emails from greasyfork as spam.


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