I like this script! i must admit, tho, that i cant resist tinkering (tho i don't actually know javascript) and, since i thought "58 years ago while 63 years old" was a little too wordy--that's just me :)--I figured out how to have it put "58 years ago, age 63" instead.
i was hoping to find a script that, on a cast list on imdb, it would put an indicator whether each actor was still alive or not; i'm still looking. thanx for this script!
Great script!
I like this script! i must admit, tho, that i cant resist tinkering (tho i don't actually know javascript) and, since i thought "58 years ago while 63 years old" was a little too wordy--that's just me :)--I figured out how to have it put "58 years ago, age 63" instead.
i was hoping to find a script that, on a cast list on imdb, it would put an indicator whether each actor was still alive or not; i'm still looking. thanx for this script!