- // ==UserScript==
- // @name RU AdList JS Fixes
- // @namespace ruadlist_js_fixes
- // @version 20240625.1
- // @description try to take over the world!
- // @author lainverse & dimisa
- // @license CC-BY-SA-4.0
- // @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19993-ru-adlist-js-fixes/feedback
- // @match *://*/*
- // @exclude /^https?:\/\/([^.]+\.)*?(avito\.ru|auth\.wi-fi\.ru|hd\.kinopoisk\.ru|(webntp|bank|brontp(-pr|-beta|-alpha)?|diehard|market(-delivery)?|money|trust)\.yandex\.(by|kz|ru|net)|account\.mail\.ru)([:/]|$)/
- // @exclude /^https?:\/\/([^.]+\.)*?(1cfresh\.com|(alfabank|(cdn-)?tinkoff|sberbank)\.ru|ingress\.com|lineageos\.org|telegram\.org|unicreditbanking\.net)([:/]|$)/
- // @compatible chrome Only with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. Только с Tampermonkey или Violentmonkey.
- // @compatible brave Only with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. Только с Tampermonkey или Violentmonkey.
- // @compatible vivaldi Only with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. Только с Tampermonkey или Violentmonkey.
- // @compatible edge Only in Edge 79+ with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. Только в Edge 79+ с Tampermonkey или Violentmonkey.
- // @compatible firefox Only in Firefox 56+ with Tampermonkey. Только Firefox 56+ с Tampermonkey.
- // @compatible opera Only with Tampermonkey. Только с Tampermonkey.
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM.cookie
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant window.close
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- // jshint esversion: 8
- // jshint unused: true
- /* eslint no-empty: ["error", { "allowEmptyCatch": true }] */
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- const win = (unsafeWindow || window);
- // MooTools are crazy enough to replace standard browser object window.Document: https://mootools.net/core
- // Occasionally their code runs before my script on some domains and causes all kinds of havoc.
- const _Document = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLDocument.prototype);
- const _Element = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement.prototype);
- // dTree 2.05 in some cases replaces Node object
- const _Node = Object.getPrototypeOf(_Element);
- // Prefer to use Proxy object from unsafeWindow since cloneInto require it to be from the same source as the root
- const _Proxy = win.Proxy;
- const _cloneInto = (obj, root = win) => cloneInto(obj, root, { cloneFunctions: true });
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9847580/how-to-detect-safari-chrome-ie-firefox-and-opera-browser
- const
- // isOpera = (!!window.opr && !!window.opr.addons) || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0,
- // isChrome = !!window.chrome && !!window.chrome.webstore,
- isSafari =
- Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf('Constructor') > 0 ||
- (function (p) {
- return p.toString() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]";
- })(!window.safari || window.safari.pushNotification),
- isFirefox = 'InstallTrigger' in win,
- inIFrame = (win.self !== win.top);
- const
- _bindCall = fun => Function.prototype.call.bind(fun),
- _getAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.getAttribute),
- _setAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.setAttribute),
- _removeAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.removeAttribute),
- _hasOwnProperty = _bindCall(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),
- _toString = _bindCall(Function.prototype.toString),
- _document = win.document,
- _de = _document.documentElement,
- _appendChild = _Document.appendChild.bind(_de),
- _removeChild = _Document.removeChild.bind(_de),
- _createElement = _Document.createElement.bind(_document),
- _querySelector = _Document.querySelector.bind(_document),
- _querySelectorAll = _Document.querySelectorAll.bind(_document),
- _apply = Reflect.apply,
- _construct = Reflect.construct;
- const _attachShadow = (() => {
- try {
- return ('attachShadow' in _Element) ? _bindCall(_Element.attachShadow) : null;
- } catch (ignore) {}
- })();
- let skipLander = true;
- try {
- skipLander = !(isFirefox && 'StopIteration' in win);
- } catch (ignore) {}
- const _console = {};
- _console.initConsole = () => {
- const keys = new Set();
- const _stopImmediatePropagation = _bindCall(Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation);
- win.addEventListener('message', e => {
- if (e.source === win || typeof e.data !== 'string')
- return;
- if (e.data.startsWith('_console.key')) {
- _stopImmediatePropagation(e);
- keys.add(e.data.slice(13));
- }
- if (keys.has(e.data.slice(0, 10))) {
- _stopImmediatePropagation(e);
- _console.log(`From: ${e.origin}\n${e.data.slice(11)}`);
- }
- });
- if (inIFrame) {
- const _postMessage = win.parent.postMessage.bind(win.parent);
- const key = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2).padStart(10, '0').slice(0, 10);
- _postMessage(`_console.key ${key}`, '*');
- const _Object_toString = _bindCall(Object.prototype.toString);
- const _Symbol_toString = _bindCall(Symbol.prototype.toString);
- const _Array_toString = _bindCall(Array.prototype.toString);
- const selfHandled = ['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'undefined'];
- const stringify = x => {
- if (x === null)
- return 'null';
- const type = typeof x;
- if (selfHandled.includes(type))
- return x;
- if (type === 'object') {
- if (x instanceof Window || x instanceof Document)
- return _Object_toString(x);
- if (Array.isArray(x))
- return _Array_toString(x);
- if (x instanceof Element)
- return `<${x.tagName} ${Array.from(x.attributes).map(x => x.value ? `${x.name}="${x.value}"`: x.name).join(' ')}>`;
- let props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x);
- if (props.length > 30) {
- props.splice(30, props.length - 30);
- props.push('\u2026');
- }
- return `[object {${props.join(', ')}}]`;
- }
- if (type === 'function') {
- let str = _toString(x);
- return str.length > 200 ? `${str.slice(0, 200)}\u2026` : str;
- }
- if (type === 'symbol')
- return _Symbol_toString(x);
- return `[unhandled ${typeof x}]`;
- };
- const passIt = (...args) => {
- let strs = args.map(stringify);
- _postMessage(`${key} ${strs.join(' ')}`, '*', );
- };
- for (let name in win.console)
- _console[name] = passIt;
- } else {
- for (let name in win.console)
- _console[name] = console[name];
- _console._trace = _console.trace;
- _console.trace = (...args) => {
- if (!skipLander)
- return _console.warn(...args);
- _console.groupCollapsed(...args);
- _console._trace('Stack trace.');
- _console.groupEnd();
- };
- }
- Object.freeze(_console);
- Object.defineProperty(win.console, 'clear', _cloneInto({
- value() {
- return null;
- }
- }));
- };
- _console.initConsole();
- const jsf = (function () {
- const opts = {};
- let getValue = (a, b) => b,
- setValue = () => null,
- listValues = () => [];
- try {
- [getValue, setValue, listValues] = [GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_listValues];
- } catch (ignore) {}
- // defaults
- opts.Lang = 'rus';
- opts.AbortExecutionStatistics = false;
- opts.AccessStatistics = false;
- opts.LogAttachedCSS = false;
- opts.LogAdditionalInfo = false;
- opts.BlockNotificationPermissionRequests = false;
- opts.ShowScriptHandlerCompatibilityWarning = true;
- // load actual values
- for (let name of listValues())
- opts[name] = getValue(name, opts[name]);
- const checkName = name => {
- if (!_hasOwnProperty(opts, name))
- throw new Error('Attempt to access missing option value.');
- return true;
- };
- return new Proxy(opts, {
- get(opts, name) {
- if (name === 'toString')
- return () => JSON.stringify(opts);
- if (checkName(name))
- return opts[name];
- },
- set(opts, name, value) {
- if (checkName(name)) {
- opts[name] = value;
- setValue(name, value);
- }
- return true;
- }
- });
- })();
- if (jsf.BlockNotificationPermissionRequests && win.Notification && win.Notification.permission === 'default') {
- win.Notification.requestPermission = () => new Promise(resolve => resolve('denied'));
- Object.defineProperty(win.Notification, 'permission', _cloneInto({
- set() {},
- get() {
- return 'denied';
- }
- }));
- }
- if (isFirefox && // Exit on image pages in Fx
- _document.constructor.prototype.toString() === '[object ImageDocumentPrototype]')
- return;
- // NodeList and HTMLCollection iterator polyfill
- // required for old versions of Safari and Chrome 49 (last available for WinXP)
- // https://jakearchibald.com/2014/iterators-gonna-iterate/
- if (!NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator])
- NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
- if (!HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator])
- HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
- // Firefox 60 ESR Fix: calling toString on Proxy object throws Error
- function FxProxyToStringFix(root) {
- if (!isFirefox || parseInt((navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/(\d+)\./) || [])[1]) > 60)
- return;
- const wrapper = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res;
- try {
- res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- } catch (e) {
- if (typeof that === 'function')
- res = Function[fun.name || 'toString']();
- else
- throw e;
- if (that.name && res)
- res = res.replace('Function', that.name);
- }
- return res;
- }
- };
- ['toLocaleString', 'toSource', 'toString'].forEach(
- toWrap => (root.Function.prototype[toWrap] = new root.Proxy(root.Function.prototype[toWrap], _cloneInto(wrapper, root)))
- );
- }
- FxProxyToStringFix(win);
- // Stub for missing "GM.cookie.list" in unsupported script managers
- if (GM.cookie === undefined)
- GM.cookie = {
- list: () => ({
- then: () => null
- })
- };
- // Wrapper to run scripts designed to override objects available to other scripts
- // Required in old versions of Firefox (<58) or when running with Greasemonkey
- const
- batchLand = [],
- batchPrepend = new Set(),
- _APIString = `const win = window, isFirefox = ${isFirefox}, inIFrame = ${inIFrame}, _document = win.document, _de = _document.documentElement,
- _Document = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLDocument.prototype), _Element = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement.prototype), _Node = Object.getPrototypeOf(_Element),
- _appendChild = _Document.appendChild.bind(_de), _removeChild = _Document.removeChild.bind(_de), skipLander = ${skipLander},
- _createElement = _Document.createElement.bind(_document), _querySelector = _Document.querySelector.bind(_document),
- _querySelectorAll = _Document.querySelectorAll.bind(_document), _bindCall = fun => Function.prototype.call.bind(fun),
- _getAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.getAttribute), _setAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.setAttribute),
- _removeAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.removeAttribute), _hasOwnProperty = _bindCall(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),
- _toString = _bindCall(Function.prototype.toString), _apply = Reflect.apply, _construct = Reflect.construct;
- const GM = { info: { version: '0.0', scriptHandler: null }, cookie: { list: () => ({ then: () => null }) } };
- const jsf = ${jsf.toString()}, _console = {}; (${_console.initConsole.toString()})();`,
- landScript = (f, pre) => {
- const script = _createElement('script');
- script.textContent = `(()=>{${_APIString}${[...pre].join(';')};(${f.join(')();(')})();})();`;
- _appendChild(script);
- _removeChild(script);
- };
- let scriptLander = f => f();
- if (!skipLander) {
- scriptLander = (func, ...prepend) => {
- prepend.forEach(x => batchPrepend.add(x));
- batchLand.push(func);
- };
- _document.addEventListener(
- 'DOMContentLoaded', () => void(scriptLander = (f, ...prep) => landScript([f], prep)), false
- );
- }
- function nullTools(opts) {
- /* jshint validthis: true */
- const nt = this;
- opts = opts || {};
- function Stats() {
- const updated = new Map();
- const logged = new Map();
- function printUpdated() {
- const prepared = [...updated].map(x => {
- const [prop, dir] = x;
- logged.set(prop, logged.get(prop) | dir);
- return `${prop} (${dir ^ (Stats.GET | Stats.SET) ? (dir & Stats.GET ? 'R' : 'W') : 'R/W'})`;
- }).sort();
- updated.clear();
- _console.log(`Accessed properties:\n * ${prepared.join('\n * ')}`);
- }
- let logLock;
- this.log = async (prop, dir) => {
- if (!jsf.AccessStatistics) return;
- if (!(logged.get(prop) & dir))
- updated.set(prop, updated.get(prop) | dir);
- logLock = (logLock > 0 || !updated.size) ? logLock : setInterval(() => {
- printUpdated();
- logLock = clearInterval(logLock);
- }, 2500);
- };
- }
- Stats.GET = 1;
- Stats.SET = 2;
- Object.freeze(Stats);
- const stats = new Stats();
- const log = async (...args) => jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.log(...args);
- const isObjecty = x => (x !== null) && typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function';
- const parsePath = path => {
- let root = win,
- chain = path.split('.'),
- link = chain.shift();
- for (; chain.length > 0; link = chain.shift()) {
- if (!isObjecty(root[link]))
- break;
- root = root[link];
- }
- return [root, link, chain];
- };
- const namedObjects = new WeakMap();
- nt.destroy = function (o, destroy) {
- if (!opts.destroy && !destroy || typeof o !== 'object' || o === null)
- return;
- log('cleaning', o);
- try {
- for (let item in o) {
- if (item instanceof Object)
- nt.destroy(item, destroy);
- delete o[item];
- }
- } catch (e) {
- log('Error in object destructor', e);
- }
- };
- nt.define = function (path, val, other = {}) {
- other.enumerable = other.enumerable || false;
- const [obj, prop, remainder] = parsePath(path);
- if (remainder.length) {
- if (other.dontWait)
- _console.warn(`Unable to resolve ${remainder.join('.')} in ${path}`);
- else {
- let _obj;
- Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _obj;
- },
- set(val) {
- _obj = val;
- nt.define(path, val, other);
- },
- configurable: true
- }));
- }
- return;
- }
- namedObjects.set(obj, path);
- nt.defineOn(obj, prop, val, path, other);
- };
- nt.defineOn = function (obj, prop, val, path, other = {}) {
- path = path || ((obj === win) ? prop : `?.${prop}`);
- if (path[path.length - 1] === '.')
- path = `${path}${prop}`;
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
- if (desc !== undefined && !desc.configurable) {
- _console.warn(`Unable to redefine not configurable ${prop} in`, obj);
- return;
- }
- Object.defineProperty(
- obj, prop, _cloneInto({
- get: exportFunction(() => {
- stats.log(path, Stats.GET);
- return val;
- }, win),
- set: exportFunction(v => {
- stats.log(path, Stats.SET);
- if (v !== val) {
- log(`set ${prop} of`, obj, 'to', v);
- nt.destroy(v);
- }
- }, win),
- enumerable: other.enumerable
- })
- );
- };
- nt.proxy = function (obj, name, opts = {}) {
- if (name) namedObjects.set(obj, name);
- return new _Proxy(
- obj, _cloneInto({
- get(that, prop) {
- if (prop in that)
- return that[prop];
- if (typeof prop === 'symbol') {
- if (prop === Symbol.toPrimitive)
- that[prop] = function (hint) {
- if (hint === 'string')
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(this);
- return `[missing toPrimitive] ${name} ${hint}`;
- };
- else if (prop === Symbol.toStringTag)
- that[prop] = () => 'Object';
- else {
- that[prop] = undefined;
- _console.trace('Missing', prop, 'in', name || '?', '>>', that[prop]);
- }
- return that[prop];
- }
- if (name) {
- that[prop] = nt.func(opts.val, `${name}.${prop}`, opts.log);
- return that[prop];
- }
- _console.trace('Missing', prop, 'in', namedObjects.get(that) || that);
- },
- set(that, prop, val) {
- if (val !== that[prop]) {
- log('skip set', prop, 'of', namedObjects.get(that) || that, 'to', val);
- nt.destroy(val);
- }
- return true;
- }
- })
- );
- };
- nt.func = (val, name) => nt.proxy((() => {
- let f = function () {
- if (jsf.LogAdditionalInfo)
- _console.trace(`call ${name || ''}(`, ...arguments, `) return`, val);
- return val;
- };
- if (name) namedObjects.set(f, name);
- return f;
- })());
- nt.NULL = {
- val: null
- };
- Object.freeze(nt.NULL);
- Object.freeze(nt);
- }
- nullTools.toString = new _Proxy(nullTools.toString, _cloneInto({
- apply(...args) {
- return `${_apply(...args)} let nt = new nullTools();`;
- }
- }));
- let nt = new nullTools();
- // Creates and return protected style (unless protection is manually disabled).
- // Protected style will re-add itself on removal and remaind enabled on attempt to disable it.
- const createStyle = (function createStyleModule() {
- function createStyleElement(rules, opts) {
- const style = _createElement('style');
- Object.assign(style, opts.props);
- opts.root.appendChild(style);
- if (style.sheet) // style.sheet is only available when style attached to DOM
- rules.forEach(style.sheet.insertRule.bind(style.sheet));
- else
- style.textContent = rules.join('\n');
- if (opts.protect) {
- Object.defineProperty(style, 'sheet', _cloneInto({
- value: null,
- enumerable: true
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(style, 'disabled', _cloneInto({ //pretend to be disabled
- enumerable: true,
- set() {},
- get() {
- return true;
- }
- }));
- (new MutationObserver(
- () => opts.root.removeChild(style)
- )).observe(style, {
- childList: true
- });
- }
- return style;
- }
- // functions to parse object-based rulesets
- function parseRule(rec) {
- /* jshint validthis: true */
- return this.concat(rec[0], ' {\n', Object.entries(rec[1]).map(parseProperty, this + '\t').join('\n'), '\n', this, '}');
- }
- function parseProperty(rec) {
- /* jshint validthis: true */
- return rec[1] instanceof Object ? parseRule.call(this, rec) : `${this}${rec[0].replace(/_/g, '-')}: ${rec[1]};`;
- }
- // main
- const createStyle = (rules, opts) => {
- // parse options
- opts = Object.assign({
- protect: true,
- root: _de,
- type: 'text/css'
- }, opts);
- // move style properties into separate property
- // { a, b, ...rest } construction is not available in Fx 52
- opts.props = Object.assign({}, opts);
- delete opts.props.protect;
- delete opts.props.root;
- // store binded methods instead of element
- opts.root = {
- appendChild: opts.root.appendChild.bind(opts.root),
- removeChild: opts.root.removeChild.bind(opts.root)
- };
- // convert rules set into an array if it isn't one already
- rules = Array.isArray(rules) ? rules : rules instanceof Object ? Object.entries(rules).map(parseRule, '') : [rules];
- // could be reassigned when protection triggered
- let style = createStyleElement(rules, opts);
- if (!opts.protect)
- return style;
- const replaceStyle = () => new Promise(
- resolve => setTimeout(re => re(createStyleElement(rules, opts)), 0, resolve)
- ).then(st => (style = st)); // replace poiner to style object with a new style object
- (new MutationObserver(ms => {
- for (let m of ms)
- for (let node of m.removedNodes)
- if (node === style) replaceStyle();
- })).observe(_de, {
- childList: true
- });
- if (jsf.LogAttachedCSS)
- _console.log(`Attached CSS:\n${rules.join('\n')}`);
- return style;
- };
- createStyle.toString = () => `const createStyle = (${createStyleModule.toString()})();`;
- return createStyle;
- })();
- // aborts currently running script with TypeError on specific property access
- // in case of inline script also checks if it contains specific pattern in it
- const removeOwnFootprint = e => (e.stack = e.stack.split('\n').filter(x => !x.includes('-extension://')).join('\n'), e);
- const abortExecution = (function abortExecutionModule() {
- let map = new Map(),
- cnt = new Map(),
- stack = 0;
- const printCounters = (cnts) => {
- let s = '';
- for (let cntr of cnts)
- s += `\n * ${cntr[0]}: ${cntr[1]}`;
- return s;
- };
- const logger = id => {
- if (!jsf.AbortExecutionStatistics)
- return;
- let {
- path,
- mode
- } = map.get(id);
- let prop = `${path} ${mode.toString().replace('Symbol','')}`;
- cnt.set(prop, (cnt.get(prop) || 0) + 1);
- stack++;
- setTimeout(() => {
- stack--;
- if (!stack)
- console.log('Abort execution counters:', printCounters(Array.from(cnt.entries())));
- }, 1000);
- };
- const isObjecty = x => (x !== null) && typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function';
- const Mode = {
- Get: Symbol('Read'),
- Set: Symbol('Write'),
- All: Symbol('Access'),
- InlineScript: Symbol('InlineScript')
- };
- Object.freeze(Mode);
- const abortExecution = function abortExecution(mode, path, conf = {}) {
- let root = conf.root || win,
- chain = path.split('.'),
- postponed = false;
- const postpone = (link, chain) => {
- postponed = true;
- let _val;
- try {
- Object.defineProperty(root, link, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _val;
- },
- set(val) {
- _val = val;
- conf.root = val;
- conf.fullPath = conf.fullPath || path;
- abortExecution(mode, chain.join('.'), conf);
- }
- }));
- } catch (e) {
- _console.warn(`Unable to set postpone point at ${link} in ${path}\n`, e);
- }
- };
- while (chain.length > 1) {
- let link = chain.shift();
- if (!isObjecty(root[link])) {
- if (conf.breakOnMissing)
- break;
- postpone(link, chain);
- break;
- }
- root = root[link];
- }
- path = conf.fullPath || path;
- if (postponed) {
- if (conf.breakOnMissing)
- _console.log(`Unable to locate "${path}", abort anchor skipped.`);
- return;
- }
- const target = chain[0];
- const message = `Cannot read property '${target}' of undefined`;
- const des = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root, target);
- if (des && des.get !== undefined)
- return;
- const id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2);
- map.set(id, {
- path: path,
- mode: mode
- });
- win.addEventListener('error', e => {
- if (e.error && e.error.message === message)
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }, false);
- const get = Symbol('get');
- const set = Symbol('set');
- const check = (mode === Mode.InlineScript) ?
- () => {
- const script = _document.currentScript;
- if (script && script.src === '' &&
- (!conf.pattern || conf.pattern.test(script.textContent))) {
- logger(id);
- throw removeOwnFootprint(new TypeError(message));
- }
- } : io => {
- if (io === set && mode === Mode.Get ||
- io === get && mode === Mode.Set)
- return;
- logger(id);
- throw removeOwnFootprint(new TypeError(message));
- };
- let _val = root[target];
- Object.defineProperty(root, target, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- check(get);
- return _val;
- },
- set(v) {
- check(set);
- _val = v;
- }
- }));
- };
- abortExecution.onGet = (path, conf) => abortExecution(Mode.Get, path, conf);
- abortExecution.onSet = (path, conf) => abortExecution(Mode.Set, path, conf);
- abortExecution.onAll = (path, conf) => abortExecution(Mode.All, path, conf);
- abortExecution.inlineScript = (path, conf) => abortExecution(Mode.InlineScript, path, conf);
- abortExecution.toString = () => ` const abortExecution = (${abortExecutionModule.toString()})();`;
- return abortExecution;
- })();
- // Fake objects of advertisement networks to break their workflow
- // Popular adblock detector
- function deployFABStub(root) {
- if (!('fuckAdBlock' in root)) {
- let FuckAdBlock = function (options) {
- let self = this;
- self._options = {
- checkOnLoad: false,
- resetOnEnd: false,
- checking: false
- };
- self.setOption = function (opt, val) {
- if (val)
- self._options[opt] = val;
- else
- Object.assign(self._options, opt);
- };
- if (options)
- self.setOption(options);
- self._var = {
- event: {}
- };
- self.clearEvent = function () {
- self._var.event.detected = [];
- self._var.event.notDetected = [];
- };
- self.clearEvent();
- self.on = function (detected, fun) {
- self._var.event[detected ? 'detected' : 'notDetected'].push(fun);
- return self;
- };
- self.onDetected = function (cb) {
- return self.on(true, cb);
- };
- self.onNotDetected = function (cb) {
- return self.on(false, cb);
- };
- self.emitEvent = function () {
- for (let fun of self._var.event.notDetected)
- fun();
- if (self._options.resetOnEnd)
- self.clearEvent();
- return self;
- };
- self._creatBait = () => null;
- self._destroyBait = () => null;
- self._checkBait = function () {
- setTimeout((() => self.emitEvent()), 1);
- };
- self.check = function () {
- self._checkBait();
- return true;
- };
- let callback = function () {
- if (self._options.checkOnLoad)
- setTimeout(self.check, 1);
- };
- root.addEventListener('load', callback, false);
- };
- nt.defineOn(root, 'FuckAdBlock', FuckAdBlock);
- nt.defineOn(root, 'fuckAdBlock', new FuckAdBlock({
- checkOnLoad: true,
- resetOnEnd: true
- }));
- }
- }
- // new version of fAB adapting to fake API
- // scriptLander(() => deployFABStub(win), nullTools); // so it's disabled by default for now
- scriptLander(() => {
- // VideoJS player wrapper
- {
- let _videojs = win.videojs;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'videojs', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _videojs;
- },
- set(f) {
- if (f === _videojs)
- return true;
- _console.log('videojs =', f);
- _videojs = new _Proxy(f, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- _console.log('videojs(', ...args, ')');
- const params = args[1];
- if (params) {
- if (params.hasAd)
- params.hasAd = false;
- if (params.plugins && params.plugins.vastClient)
- delete params.plugins.vastClient;
- // disable unmuted autoplay (muted used for preview purposes)
- if (params.autoplay && !params.muted)
- params.autoplay = false;
- }
- const res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (res.seed)
- res.seed = () => null;
- if (res.on && res.off) {
- const logPlayer = () => {
- _console.log('player =', res);
- res.off('playing', logPlayer);
- };
- res.on('playing', logPlayer);
- }
- return res;
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- }
- }, nullTools, createStyle, abortExecution);
- // Yandex Raven stub (some monitoring sub-system)
- function yandexRavenStub() {
- nt.define('Raven', nt.proxy({
- context(f) {
- return f();
- },
- config: nt.func(
- nt.proxy({}, 'Raven.config', {
- val: nt.proxy({}, 'Raven.config()..', nt.NULL)
- }), 'Raven.config')
- }, 'Raven', nt.NULL));
- }
- // Based on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/21937-moonwalk-hdgo-kodik-fix v0.8
- {
- const log = name => _console.log(`Player FIX: Detected ${name} player in ${location.href}`);
- const removeVast = (data) => {
- if (data && typeof data === 'object') {
- _console.log('Player configuration:', data);
- if (data.advert_script && data.advert_script !== '') {
- _console.log('Set data.advert_script to empty string.');
- data.advert_script = '';
- }
- let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data);
- let isVast = name => /vast|clickunder/.test(name);
- if (!keys.some(isVast))
- return data;
- for (let key of keys)
- if (typeof data[key] === 'object' && key !== 'links') {
- _console.log(`Removed data.${key}:`, data[key]);
- delete data[key];
- }
- if (data.chain) {
- let need = [],
- drop = [],
- links = data.chain.split('.');
- for (let link of links)
- if (!isVast(link))
- need.push(link);
- else
- drop.push(link);
- _console.log('Dropped from the chain:', ...drop);
- data.chain = need.join('.');
- }
- }
- return data;
- };
- _document.addEventListener(
- 'DOMContentLoaded',
- function () {
- if ('video_balancer_options' in win && 'event_callback' in win) {
- log('Moonwalk');
- if (win.video_balancer_options.adv)
- removeVast(win.video_balancer_options.adv);
- if ('_mw_adb' in win)
- Object.defineProperty(win, '_mw_adb', _cloneInto({
- set() {},
- get() {
- return false;
- }
- }));
- } else if (win.startKodikPlayer !== undefined) {
- log('Kodik');
- // skip attempt to block access to HD resolutions
- const chainCall = new _Proxy({}, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return () => chainCall;
- }
- }));
- if (win.$ && win.$.prototype && win.$.prototype.addClass) {
- let $addClass = win.$.prototype.addClass;
- win.$.prototype.addClass = function (className) {
- if (className === 'blocked')
- return chainCall;
- return $addClass.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- // remove ad links from the metadata
- let _ajax = win.$.ajax;
- win.$.ajax = (params, ...args) => {
- if (params.success) {
- let _s = params.success;
- params.success = (data, ...args) => _s(removeVast(data), ...args);
- }
- return _ajax(params, ...args);
- };
- } else if (win.getnextepisode && win.uppodEvent) {
- log('Share-Serials.net');
- scriptLander(
- function () {
- let _setInterval = win.setInterval,
- _setTimeout = win.setTimeout;
- win.setInterval = function (func) {
- if (typeof func === 'function' && _toString(func).includes('_delay')) {
- let intv = _setInterval.call(
- this,
- function () {
- _setTimeout.call(
- this,
- function (intv) {
- clearInterval(intv);
- let timer = _document.querySelector('#timer');
- if (timer)
- timer.click();
- }, 100, intv);
- func.call(this);
- }, 5
- );
- return intv;
- }
- return _setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- win.setTimeout = function (func) {
- if (typeof func === 'function' && _toString(func).includes('adv_showed'))
- return _setTimeout.call(this, func, 0);
- return _setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- );
- } else if ('ADC' in win) {
- log('vjs-creatives plugin in');
- let replacer = (obj) => {
- for (let name in obj)
- if (typeof obj[name] === 'function')
- obj[name] = () => null;
- };
- replacer(win.ADC);
- replacer(win.currentAdSlot);
- } else if ('Playerjs' in win) {
- log('Playerjs');
- win.Playerjs = new _Proxy(win.Playerjs, _cloneInto({
- construct(fn, args) {
- let params = args[0];
- if (params && typeof params === 'object') {
- delete params.preroll;
- params = removeVast(params);
- Object.defineProperty(params, 'hasOwnProperty', _cloneInto({
- value(...args) {
- let res = _hasOwnProperty(this, ...args);
- if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].startsWith('vast_') &&
- res && params[args[0]]) {
- _console.log(`Removed params.${args[0]}:`, params[args[0]]);
- delete params[args[0]];
- return false;
- }
- return res;
- },
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true
- }));
- }
- return _construct(fn, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- UberVK: {
- if (!inIFrame)
- break UberVK;
- let oddNames = 'HD' in win &&
- !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).every(n => !n.startsWith('_0x'));
- if (!oddNames)
- break UberVK;
- log('UberVK');
- XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = () => {
- throw 404;
- };
- }
- }, false
- );
- }
- // Applies wrapper function on the current page and all newly created same-origin iframes
- // This is used to prevent trick which allows to get fresh page API through newly created same-origin iframes
- function deepWrapAPI(wrapper) {
- let wrapped = new WeakSet();
- const
- log = (...args) => false && _console.log(...args),
- _HTMLIFrameElement = HTMLIFrameElement.prototype,
- isIFrameElement = _HTMLIFrameElement.isPrototypeOf.bind(_HTMLIFrameElement),
- _contentWindow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_HTMLIFrameElement, 'contentWindow'),
- _get_contentWindow = _bindCall(_contentWindow.get);
- function wrapAPI(root) {
- if (!root || wrapped.has(root))
- return;
- wrapped.add(root);
- try {
- wrapper(isIFrameElement(root) ? _get_contentWindow(root) : root);
- log('Wrapped API in', (root === win) ? "main window." : root);
- } catch (e) {
- log('Failed to wrap API in', (root === win) ? "main window." : root, '\n', e);
- }
- }
- // wrap API on contentWindow access
- const getter = _cloneInto({
- apply(get, that, args) {
- wrapAPI(that);
- return _apply(get, that, args);
- }
- });
- _contentWindow.get = new _Proxy(_contentWindow.get, getter);
- Object.defineProperty(_HTMLIFrameElement, 'contentWindow', _contentWindow);
- // wrap API on contentDocument access
- const _contentDocument = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_HTMLIFrameElement, 'contentDocument');
- _contentDocument.get = new _Proxy(_contentDocument.get, getter);
- Object.defineProperty(_HTMLIFrameElement, 'contentDocument', _contentDocument);
- // manual children objects traverser to avoid issues
- // with calling querySelectorAll on wrong types of objects
- const
- _nodeType = _bindCall(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Node, 'nodeType').get),
- _childNodes = _bindCall(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Node, 'childNodes').get),
- const wrapFrames = root => {
- if (_nodeType(root) !== _ELEMENT_NODE && _nodeType(root) !== _DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
- return; // only process nodes which may contain an IFRAME or be one
- if (isIFrameElement(root)) {
- wrapAPI(root);
- return;
- }
- for (let child of _childNodes(root))
- wrapFrames(child);
- };
- // wrap API in a newly appended iframe objects
- const wrappedAppendChild = new _Proxy(_Node.appendChild, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- wrapFrames(args[0]);
- return res;
- }
- }));
- // ABP Freeze Element snippet replaces normal properties with getters without setters
- const _Node_appendChild = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'appendChild');
- if (_Node_appendChild.configurable) {
- if (_Node_appendChild.value)
- _Node_appendChild.value = wrappedAppendChild;
- if (_Node_appendChild.get)
- _Node_appendChild.get = () => wrappedAppendChild;
- Object.defineProperty(_Node, 'appendChild', _Node_appendChild);
- }
- // wrap API in iframe objects created with innerHTML of element on page
- const _innerHTML = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'innerHTML');
- _innerHTML.set = new _Proxy(_innerHTML.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(set, that, args) {
- _apply(set, that, args);
- if (_document.contains(that))
- wrapFrames(that);
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'innerHTML', _innerHTML);
- wrapAPI(win);
- }
- // piguiqproxy.com / zmctrack.net circumvention and onerror callback prevention
- scriptLander(
- () => {
- // onerror callback blacklist
- let masks = [],
- //blockAll = /(^|\.)(rutracker-org\.appspot\.com)$/,
- isBlocked = url => masks.some(mask => mask.test(url)); // || blockAll.test(location.hostname);
- for (let filter of [ // blacklist
- // global
- '/adv/www/',
- // adservers
- '||^',
- '||10root25.website^', '||24video.xxx^',
- '||adlabs.ru^', '||adspayformymortgage.win^', '||aliru1.ru^', '||amgload.net^', '||aviabay.ru^',
- '||bgrndi.com^', '||brokeloy.com^',
- '||cdnjs-aws.ru^', '||cnamerutor.ru^',
- '||directadvert.ru^', '||docfilms.info^', '||dreadfula.ru^', '||dsn-fishki.ru^',
- '||et-cod.com^', '||et-code.ru^', '||etcodes.com^',
- '||film-doma.ru^',
- '||free-torrent.org^', '||free-torrent.pw^',
- '||free-torrents.org^', '||free-torrents.pw^',
- '||game-torrent.info^', '||gocdn.ru^',
- '||hdkinoshka.com^', '||hghit.com^', '||hindcine.net^',
- '||kinotochka.net^', '||kinott.com^', '||kinott.ru^',
- '||klcheck.com^', '||kuveres.com^',
- '||lepubs.com^', '||luxadv.com^', '||luxup.ru^', '||luxupcdna.com^',
- '||marketgid.com^', '||mebablo.com^', '||mixadvert.com^', '||mxtads.com^',
- '||nickhel.com^',
- '||oconner.biz^', '||oconner.link^', '||octoclick.net^', '||octozoon.org^',
- '||pigiuqproxy.com^', '||piguiqproxy.com^', '||pkpojhc.com^',
- '||psma01.com^', '||psma02.com^', '||psma03.com^',
- '||rcdn.pro^', '||recreativ.ru^', '||redtram.com^', '||regpole.com^',
- '||rootmedia.ws^', '||ruttwind.com^', '||rutvind.com^',
- '||skidl.ru^', '||smi2.net^', '||smcheck.org^',
- '||torvind.com^', '||traffic-media.co^', '||trafmag.com^', '||trustjs.net^', '||ttarget.ru^',
- '||u-dot-id-adtool.appspot.com^', '||utarget.ru^',
- '||webadvert-gid.ru^', '||webadvertgid.ru^',
- '||xxuhter.ru^',
- '||yuiout.online^',
- '||zfctrack.net^', '||zhctrack.net^', '||zmctrack.net^', '||znctrack.net^', '||zoom-film.ru^'
- ])
- masks.push(new RegExp(
- filter.replace(/([\\/[\].+?(){}$])/g, '\\$1')
- .replace(/\*/g, '.*?')
- .replace(/\^(?!$)/g, '\\.?[^\\w%._-]')
- .replace(/\^$/, '\\.?([^\\w%._-]|$)')
- .replace(/^\|\|/, '^((ws|http)s?:|/)/+([^/.]+\\.)*?'),
- 'i'));
- // main script
- deepWrapAPI(root => {
- FxProxyToStringFix(root);
- const _defineProperty = root.Object.defineProperty;
- const _getOwnPropertyDescriptor = root.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- const _dispatchEvent = _bindCall(root.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent);
- const dispatchCustomEvent = (
- target, name, opts = {
- bubble: false,
- cancelable: false
- }
- ) => _dispatchEvent(target, new CustomEvent(name, opts));
- {
- // 'onerror' handler for scripts from blacklisted sources
- const scriptMap = new WeakMap();
- const _HTMLScriptElement = root.HTMLScriptElement,
- _HTMLImageElement = root.HTMLImageElement;
- const _get_tagName = _bindCall(_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root.Element.prototype, 'tagName').get),
- _get_scr_src = _bindCall(_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src').get),
- _get_img_src = _bindCall(_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_HTMLImageElement.prototype, 'src').get);
- const _get_src = node => {
- if (node instanceof _HTMLScriptElement)
- return _get_scr_src(node);
- if (node instanceof _HTMLImageElement)
- return _get_img_src(node);
- return undefined;
- };
- const _onerror = _getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root.HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror');
- _onerror.get = new root.Proxy(_onerror.get, _cloneInto({
- apply(_fun, that) {
- return scriptMap.get(that) || null;
- }
- }, root));
- _onerror.set = new root.Proxy(_onerror.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [callback] = args;
- if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
- scriptMap.delete(that);
- _apply(fun, that, args);
- return;
- }
- scriptMap.set(that, callback);
- _apply(fun, that, [function () {
- let src = _get_src(this);
- if (isBlocked(src)) {
- _console.trace(`Blocked "onerror" callback from ${_get_tagName(this)}: ${src}`);
- return;
- }
- _apply(scriptMap.get(this), this, arguments);
- }]);
- }
- }, root));
- _defineProperty(root.HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror', _onerror);
- }
- // Simplistic WebSocket wrapper for Maxthon and Firefox before v58
- // once again seems required in Google Chrome and similar browsers due to zmctrack.net -_-
- if (_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root, 'WebSocket'))
- root.WebSocket = new root.Proxy(root.WebSocket, _cloneInto({
- construct(ws, args) {
- if (isBlocked(args[0])) {
- _console.log('Blocked WS connection:', args[0]);
- return {};
- }
- return _construct(ws, args);
- }
- }, root));
- // Block popular method to open a new window in Google Chrome by dispatching a custom click
- // event on a newly created anchor with _blank target. Untrusted events must not open new windows.
- const clickWhitelist = /^([^.]\.)*?(nakarte\.me|sberbank\.ru)$/;
- root.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = new root.Proxy(root.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const e = args[0];
- if (!clickWhitelist.test(win.location.hostname) &&
- !e.isTrusted && e.type === 'click' && e.constructor.name === 'MouseEvent' &&
- !that.parentNode && that.tagName === 'A' && that.target[0] === '_') {
- _console.log('Blocked dispatching a click event on a parentless anchor:', that);
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- // blacklist of domains where all third-party requests are ignored
- const ondomains = /(^|[/.@])oane\.ws($|[:/])/i;
- const yandex_direct = /^(https?:)?\/\/([^.]+\.)??yandex(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/(images\/[a-z0-9/_-]{40,}|jstracer?|j?clck\/.*|set\/s\/rsya-tag-users\/data(\?.*)?|static\/main\.js(\?.*)?)$/i;
- const more_y_direct = /^(https?:)?\/\/((([^.]+\.)??(drive2|kakprosto)\.ru\/(.{290,}|[a-z0-9/_-]{100,}))|yastatic\.net\/.*?\/chunks\/promo\/.*)$/i;
- const whitelist = /^(https?:)?\/\/yandex\.ru\/yobject$/;
- const fabPatterns = /\/fuckadblock/i;
- const blockedUrls = new Set();
- function checkRequest(fname, method, url) {
- let block = isBlocked(url) ||
- ondomains.test(location.hostname) && !ondomains.test(url) ||
- yandex_direct.test(url) || more_y_direct.test(url);
- let allow = block && whitelist.test(url) ||
- // Fix for infinite load on Yandex Images: find image, open "other sizes and similar images" in a new tab, click on a preview of a similar image
- (block && method === 'script.src' &&
- root.location.pathname === '/images/search' && root.location.hostname.startsWith('yandex.') &&
- url.startsWith('http') && url.includes('/images/')) || // Direct URLs are similar, but don't have protocol for some reason
- (block && root.location.hostname === 'widgets.kinopoisk.ru' && url.includes('/static/main.js?')) ||
- (block && !url.startsWith('http') && // drive2.ru hid a little CSS style in their requests which shows page content like this
- (root.location.hostname === 'drive2.ru' || root.location.hostname.endsWith('.drive2.ru')));
- if (allow) {
- block = false;
- _console.trace(`Allowed ${fname} ${method} request %o from %o`, url, root.location.href);
- }
- if (block) {
- if (!blockedUrls.has(url)) // don't repeat log if the same URL were blocked more than once
- _console.trace(`Blocked ${fname} ${method} request %o from %o`, url, root.location.href);
- blockedUrls.add(url);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // workaround for broken searchbar on market.yandex.ru
- const checkOnloadEvent = location.hostname.startsWith('market.yandex.');
- const triggerLoadEvent = /^(https?:)?\/\/([^.]+\.)??yandex(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/(j?clck\/.*)$/i;
- // XHR Wrapper
- const _proto = root.XMLHttpRequest && root.XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
- if (_proto) {
- const xhrStopList = new WeakSet();
- const xhrDispatchLoadList = new WeakSet();
- _proto.open = new root.Proxy(_proto.open, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (checkOnloadEvent && triggerLoadEvent.test(args[1]))
- xhrDispatchLoadList.add(that);
- if (checkRequest('xhr', ...args)) {
- xhrStopList.add(that);
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- const _DONE = _proto.DONE; // 4
- const sendWrapper = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (xhrStopList.has(that)) {
- if (that.readyState !== _DONE && xhrDispatchLoadList.has(that)) {
- that.readyState = _DONE;
- setTimeout(() => dispatchCustomEvent(that, 'load'), 0);
- }
- return null;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- };
- ['send', 'setRequestHeader', 'getAllResponseHeaders'].forEach(
- name => _proto[name] = new root.Proxy(_proto[name], _cloneInto(sendWrapper, root))
- );
- // simulate readyState === 1 for blocked requests
- const _readyState = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_proto, 'readyState');
- _readyState.get = new root.Proxy(_readyState.get, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- return xhrStopList.has(that) ? 1 : _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- _defineProperty(_proto, 'readyState', _readyState);
- }
- if (root.fetch)
- root.fetch = new root.Proxy(root.fetch, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [url, opts] = args;
- let method = opts && opts.method || 'GET';
- if (typeof url === 'object' && 'headers' in url &&
- 'url' in url && 'method' in url) // url instanceof Request
- ({
- url,
- method
- } = url);
- if (checkRequest('fetch', method, url))
- return new Promise(() => null);
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- const _script_src = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root.HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src');
- _script_src.set = new root.Proxy(_script_src.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (fabPatterns.test(args[0])) {
- _console.trace('Blocked set script.src request:', args[0]);
- deployFABStub(root);
- setTimeout(() => dispatchCustomEvent(that, 'load'), 0);
- return;
- }
- return checkRequest('set', 'script.src', args[0]) || _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- _defineProperty(root.HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src', _script_src);
- const adregain_pattern = /ggg==" alt="advertisement"/;
- if (root.self !== root.top) // in IFrame
- root.document.write = new root.Proxy(root.document.write, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (adregain_pattern.test(args[0])) {
- _console.log('Skipped AdRegain frame.');
- args[0] = '';
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }, root));
- });
- }, deepWrapAPI
- );
- // === Helper functions ===
- const gardener = (() => {
- // function to search and remove nodes by content
- // selector - standard CSS selector to define set of nodes to check
- // words - regular expression to check content of the suspicious nodes
- // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
- // .log - display log in the console
- // .hide - set display to none instead of removing from the page
- // .parent - parent node to remove if content is found in the child node
- // .siblings - number of simling nodes to remove (excluding text nodes)
- const scissors = (selector, words, scope, params) => {
- const logger = (...args) => {
- if (params.log) _console.log(...args);
- };
- const hideStyleStr = ';display:none!important;';
- const getStyleAtt = node => _getAttribute(node, 'style') || '';
- const scHide = node => {
- const style = getStyleAtt(node);
- if (!style.includes(hideStyleStr))
- _setAttribute(node, 'style', style + hideStyleStr);
- };
- if (!scope.contains(_document.body))
- logger('[s] scope', scope);
- let remFunc = (params.hide ? scHide : node => node.parentNode.removeChild(node)),
- iterFunc = (params.siblings > 0 ? 'nextElementSibling' : 'previousElementSibling'),
- toRemove = [],
- siblings;
- for (let node of scope.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
- // drill up to a parent node if specified, break if not found
- if (params.parent) {
- let old = node;
- node = node.closest(params.parent);
- if (node === null || node.contains(scope)) {
- logger('[s] went out of scope with', old);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (getStyleAtt(node).includes(hideStyleStr))
- continue;
- logger('[s] processing', node);
- if (toRemove.includes(node))
- continue;
- if (words.test(node.innerHTML)) {
- // skip node if already marked for removal
- logger('[s] marked for removal');
- toRemove.push(node);
- // add multiple nodes if defined more than one sibling
- siblings = Math.abs(params.siblings) || 0;
- while (siblings) {
- node = node[iterFunc];
- if (!node) break; // can't go any further - exit
- logger('[s] adding sibling node', node);
- toRemove.push(node);
- siblings -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- const toSkip = [];
- toSkip.checkNode = node => !toRemove.every(other => other === node || !node.contains(other));
- for (let node of toRemove)
- if (toSkip.checkNode(node))
- toSkip.push(node);
- if (toRemove.length)
- logger(`[s] proceeding with ${params.hide?'hide':'removal'} of`, toRemove, `skip`, toSkip);
- for (let node of toRemove)
- if (!toSkip.includes(node))
- remFunc(node);
- };
- // function to perform multiple checks if ads inserted with a delay
- // by default does 30 checks withing a 3 seconds unless nonstop mode specified
- // also does 1 extra check when a page completely loads
- // selector and words - passed dow to scissors
- // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
- // .log - display log in the console
- // .root - selector to narrow down scope to scan;
- // .observe - if true then check will be performed continuously;
- // Other parameters passed down to scissors.
- return (selector, words, params) => {
- let logger = (...args) => {
- if (params.log) _console.log(...args);
- };
- params = params || {};
- logger(`[gardener] selector: '${selector}' detector: ${words} options: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`);
- let scope;
- let globalScope = [_de.parentNode];
- let domLoaded = false;
- let getScope = root => root ? _de.querySelectorAll(root) : globalScope;
- let onevent = e => {
- logger(`[gardener] cleanup on ${Object.getPrototypeOf(e).toString().slice(1, -1).split(/\s/)[1]} "${e.type}"`);
- for (let node of scope)
- scissors(selector, words, node, params);
- };
- let repeater = n => {
- if (!domLoaded && n) {
- setTimeout(repeater, 500, n - 1);
- scope = getScope(params.root);
- if (!scope) // exit if the root element is not present on the page
- return 0;
- onevent({
- type: 'Repeater'
- });
- }
- };
- repeater(20);
- _document.addEventListener(
- 'DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
- domLoaded = true;
- // narrow down scope to a specific element
- scope = getScope(params.root);
- if (!scope) // exit if the root element is not present on the page
- return 0;
- logger('[g] scope', scope);
- // add observe mode if required
- if (params.observe) {
- let params = {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- };
- let observer = new MutationObserver(
- function (ms) {
- for (let m of ms)
- if (m.addedNodes.length)
- onevent(m);
- }
- );
- for (let node of scope)
- observer.observe(node, params);
- logger('[g] observer enabled');
- }
- onevent(e);
- }, false);
- // wait for a full page load to do one extra cut
- win.addEventListener('load', onevent, false);
- };
- })();
- // wrap popular methods to open a new tab to catch specific behaviours
- function createWindowOpenWrapper(openFunc) {
- const parser = _createElement('a');
- const openWhitelist = (url, parent) => {
- parser.href = url;
- return parser.hostname === 'www.imdb.com' || parser.hostname === 'www.kinopoisk.ru' ||
- parent.hostname === 'radikal.ru' && url === undefined;
- };
- function redefineOpen(root) {
- if ('open' in root)
- root.open = new root.Proxy(root.open, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (openWhitelist(args[0], location)) {
- _console.log('Whitelisted popup:', ...args);
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- return openFunc(...args);
- }
- }, root));
- }
- redefineOpen(win);
- const getTagName = _bindCall(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'tagName').get);
- const hasOwnProperty = _bindCall(Object.hasOwnProperty);
- const createElementWrapper = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const el = _apply(fun, that, args);
- // redefine window.open in first-party frames
- if (getTagName(el) === 'IFRAME' || getTagName(el) === 'OBJECT')
- el.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
- try {
- redefineOpen(e.target.contentWindow);
- } catch (ignore) {}
- }, false);
- return el;
- }
- };
- function redefineCreateElement(obj) {
- for (let root of [obj.document, Object.getPrototypeOf(obj.HTMLDocument.prototype)])
- if (hasOwnProperty(root, 'createElement'))
- root.createElement = new root.Proxy(root.createElement, _cloneInto(createElementWrapper, root));
- }
- redefineCreateElement(win);
- // wrap window.open in newly added first-party frames
- const wrappedAppendChild = new root.Proxy(_Node.appendChild, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let el = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (el instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)
- try {
- redefineOpen(el.contentWindow);
- redefineCreateElement(el.contentWindow);
- } catch (ignore) {}
- return el;
- }
- }, root));
- // ABP Freeze Element snippet replaces normal properties with getters without setters
- const _Node_appendChild = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'appendChild');
- if (_Node_appendChild.configurable) {
- if (_Node_appendChild.value)
- _Node_appendChild.value = wrappedAppendChild;
- if (_Node_appendChild.get)
- _Node_appendChild.get = () => wrappedAppendChild;
- Object.defineProperty(_Node, 'appendChild', _Node_appendChild);
- }
- }
- // Function to catch and block various methods to open a new window with 3rd-party content.
- // Some advertisement networks went way past simple window.open call to circumvent default popup protection.
- // This funciton blocks window.open, ability to restore original window.open from an IFRAME object,
- // ability to perform an untrusted (not initiated by user) click on a link, click on a link without a parent
- // node or simply a link with piece of javascript code in the HREF attribute.
- function preventPopups() {
- // call sandbox-me if in iframe and not whitelisted
- if (inIFrame) {
- win.top.postMessage({
- name: 'sandbox-me',
- href: win.location.href
- }, '*');
- return;
- }
- scriptLander(() => {
- let open = (...args) => {
- '[native code]';
- _console.trace('Site attempted to open a new window', ...args);
- return {
- document: nt.proxy({
- write: nt.func({}, 'write'),
- writeln: nt.func({}, 'writeln')
- }),
- location: nt.proxy({})
- };
- };
- createWindowOpenWrapper(open);
- _console.log('Popup prevention enabled.');
- }, nullTools, createWindowOpenWrapper);
- }
- // Helper function to close background tab if site opens itself in a new tab and then
- // loads a 3rd-party page in the background one (thus performing background redirect).
- function preventPopunders() {
- // create "close_me" event to call high-level window.close()
- let eventName = `close_me_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)}`;
- let callClose = () => {
- _console.log('close call');
- window.close();
- };
- window.addEventListener(eventName, callClose, true);
- scriptLander(() => {
- // get host of a provided URL with help of an anchor object
- // unfortunately new URL(url, window.location) generates wrong URL in some cases
- let parseURL = _document.createElement('A');
- let getHost = url => {
- parseURL.href = url;
- return parseURL.hostname;
- };
- // site went to a new tab and attempts to unload
- // call for high-level close through event
- let closeWindow = () => window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {}));
- // check is URL local or goes to different site
- let isLocal = (url) => {
- if (url === location.pathname || url === location.href)
- return true; // URL points to current pathname or full address
- let host = getHost(url);
- let site = location.hostname;
- return host !== '' && // URLs with unusual protocol may have empty 'host'
- (site === host || site.endsWith(`.${host}`) || host.endsWith(`.${site}`));
- };
- let _open = window.open.bind(window);
- let open = (...args) => {
- '[native code]';
- let url = args[0];
- if (url && isLocal(url))
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true);
- return _open(...args);
- };
- createWindowOpenWrapper(open);
- _console.log("Background redirect prevention enabled.");
- }, `let eventName="${eventName}"`, nullTools, createWindowOpenWrapper);
- }
- // Mix between check for popups and popunders
- // Significantly more agressive than both and can't be used as universal solution
- function preventPopMix() {
- if (inIFrame) {
- win.top.postMessage({
- name: 'sandbox-me',
- href: win.location.href
- }, '*');
- return;
- }
- // create "close_me" event to call high-level window.close()
- let eventName = `close_me_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)}`;
- let callClose = () => {
- _console.log('close call');
- window.close();
- };
- window.addEventListener(eventName, callClose, true);
- scriptLander(() => {
- let _open = window.open,
- parseURL = _document.createElement('A');
- // get host of a provided URL with help of an anchor object
- // unfortunately new URL(url, window.location) generates wrong URL in some cases
- let getHost = (url) => {
- parseURL.href = url;
- return parseURL.host;
- };
- // site went to a new tab and attempts to unload
- // call for high-level close through event
- let closeWindow = () => {
- _open(window.location, '_self');
- window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {}));
- };
- // check is URL local or goes to different site
- function isLocal(url) {
- let loc = window.location;
- if (url === loc.pathname || url === loc.href)
- return true; // URL points to current pathname or full address
- let host = getHost(url),
- site = loc.host;
- if (host === '')
- return false; // URLs with unusual protocol may have empty 'host'
- if (host.length > site.length)
- [site, host] = [host, site];
- return site.includes(host, site.length - host.length);
- }
- // add check for redirect for 5 seconds, then disable it
- function checkRedirect() {
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true);
- setTimeout(closeWindow => window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true), 5000, closeWindow);
- }
- function open(url, name) {
- '[native code]';
- if (url && isLocal(url) && (!name || name === '_blank')) {
- _console.trace('Suspicious local new window', ...arguments);
- checkRedirect();
- /* jshint validthis: true */
- return _open.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- _console.trace('Blocked attempt to open a new window', ...arguments);
- return {
- document: {
- write() {},
- writeln() {}
- }
- };
- }
- function clickHandler(e) {
- let link = e.target,
- url = link.href || '';
- if (e.targetParentNode && e.isTrusted || link.target !== '_blank') {
- _console.log('Link', link, 'were created dinamically, but looks fine.');
- return true;
- }
- if (isLocal(url) && link.target === '_blank') {
- _console.log('Suspicious local link', link);
- checkRedirect();
- return;
- }
- _console.log('Blocked suspicious click on a link', link);
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- createWindowOpenWrapper(open, clickHandler);
- _console.log("Mixed popups prevention enabled.");
- }, `let eventName="${eventName}"`, createWindowOpenWrapper);
- }
- // External listener for case when site known to open popups were loaded in iframe
- // It will sandbox any iframe which will send message 'forbid.popups' (preventPopups sends it)
- // Some sites replace frame's window.location with data-url to run in clean context
- if (!inIFrame) window.addEventListener(
- 'message',
- function (e) {
- if (!e.data || e.data.name !== 'sandbox-me' || !e.data.href)
- return;
- let src = e.data.href;
- for (let frame of _document.querySelectorAll('iframe'))
- if (frame.contentWindow === e.source) {
- if (frame.hasAttribute('sandbox')) {
- if (!frame.sandbox.contains('allow-popups'))
- return; // exit frame since it's already sandboxed and popups are blocked
- // remove allow-popups if frame already sandboxed
- frame.sandbox.remove('allow-popups');
- } else
- // set sandbox mode for troublesome frame and allow scripts, forms and a few other actions
- // technically allowing both scripts and same-origin allows removal of the sandbox attribute,
- // but to apply content must be reloaded and this script will re-apply it in the result
- frame.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-forms allow-scripts allow-presentation allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin');
- _console.log('Disallowed popups from iframe', frame);
- // reload frame content to apply restrictions
- if (!src) {
- src = frame.src;
- _console.log('Unable to get current iframe location, reloading from src', src);
- } else
- _console.log('Reloading iframe with URL', src);
- frame.src = 'about:blank';
- frame.src = src;
- }
- }, false
- );
- const evalPatternYandex = /{exports:{},id:r,loaded:!1}|containerId:(.|\r|\n)+params:/,
- evalPatternGeneric = /_0x|location\s*?=|location.href\s*?=|location.assign\(|open\(/i;
- function selectiveEval(...patterns) {
- let fullLog = false;
- if (patterns[patterns.length - 1] === true) {
- fullLog = true;
- patterns.length = patterns.length - 1;
- }
- if (patterns.length === 0)
- patterns.push(evalPatternGeneric);
- win.eval = new _Proxy(win.eval, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (patterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(args[0]))) {
- _console[fullLog ? 'trace' : 'log'](`Skipped eval ${fullLog ? args[0] : args[0].slice(0, 512)}${fullLog ? '' : '\u2026'}`);
- return null;
- }
- try {
- if (fullLog)
- _console.trace(`eval ${args[0]}`);
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- } catch (e) {
- _console.error('Crash source:', args[0]);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }));
- }
- selectiveEval.toString = new _Proxy(selectiveEval.toString, _cloneInto({
- apply(...args) {
- return `${_apply(...args)} const evalPatternYandex = ${evalPatternYandex}, evalPatternGeneric = ${evalPatternGeneric}`;
- }
- }));
- // hides cookies by pattern and attempts to remove them if they already set
- // also prevents setting new versions of such cookies
- function selectiveCookies(scPattern = '', opts = {}) {
- const patterns = scPattern.split('|');
- if (patterns[0] !== '~default') {
- // Google Analytics cookies
- patterns.push('_g(at?|id)|__utm[a-z]');
- // Yandex ABP detection cookies
- patterns.push('altrs|bltsr|blcrm');
- } else
- patterns.shift();
- const withValue = f => f.includes('=');
- const withoutValue = f => !withValue(f);
- const blacklist = new RegExp(`^((${patterns.filter(withoutValue).join('|')})=.*|${patterns.filter(withValue).join('|')})$`);
- const root = opts.root || win;
- const _root_Document = Object.getPrototypeOf(root.HTMLDocument.prototype);
- const _doc_proto = ('cookie' in _root_Document) ? _root_Document : Object.getPrototypeOf(root.document);
- const _cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc_proto, 'cookie');
- const _set_cookie = _bindCall(_cookie.set);
- let removed = new Set();
- const removeLog = (cookie) => {
- let strings = [`${cookie.name}=${cookie.value}`];
- if (cookie.domain)
- strings.push(`domain=${cookie.domain}`);
- if (cookie.path)
- strings.push(`path=${cookie.path}`);
- if (cookie.sameSite !== 'unspecified')
- strings.push(`sameSite=${cookie.sameSite}`);
- for (let name of ['httpOnly', 'hostOnly', 'secure', 'session'])
- if (cookie[name]) strings.push(name);
- let full = strings.join('; ');
- if (!removed.has(full))
- _console.log(`Removed cookie: ${full}`);
- removed.add(full);
- };
- let skipTM = true;
- const asyncCookieCleaner = () => {
- GM.cookie.list({
- url: location.href
- }).then(cookies => {
- if (!cookies) return;
- if (skipTM) {
- cookies = cookies.filter(x => !x.name.startsWith('TM_'));
- skipTM = false;
- }
- for (let cookie of cookies)
- if (blacklist.test(`${cookie.name}=${cookie.value}`)) {
- if (skipTM && cookie.name)
- continue;
- GM.cookie.delete(cookie);
- removeLog(cookie);
- }
- }, () => null);
- };
- const useOldPass = (() => {
- if (GM.info.scriptHandler === 'Tampermonkey' && GM.info.version === undefined)
- return false; // TM Beta doesn't have a version, apparently
- // returns true if GM version <= 4.10
- let v = GM.info.version.split('.').map(x => x - 0);
- return v[0] < 4 || v[0] === 4 && v[1] <= 10 && v[2] === undefined || GM.info.scriptHandler !== 'Tampermonkey';
- })();
- const getName = (cookie) => cookie && cookie.includes('=') ? /^(.+?)=/.exec(cookie)[1] : cookie;
- const removeCookie = (cookie, that) => {
- const expireCookie = (name, domain) => {
- domain = domain ? `;domain=${domain.join('.')}` : '';
- _set_cookie(that, `${name}=;Max-Age=0;path=/${domain}`);
- _set_cookie(that, `${name}=;Max-Age=0;path=/${domain.replace('=', '=.')}`);
- };
- const name = getName(cookie);
- const domain = that.location.hostname.split('.');
- expireCookie(name);
- while (domain.length > 1) {
- try {
- expireCookie(name, domain);
- } catch (e) {
- _console.error(e);
- }
- domain.shift();
- }
- _console.log('Removing existing cookie:', cookie);
- };
- if (_cookie) {
- // skip setting unwanted cookies
- _cookie.set = new _Proxy(_cookie.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (useOldPass) {
- let cookie = args[0];
- if (blacklist.test(cookie)) {
- _console.log('Ignored cookie: %s', cookie);
- removeCookie(cookie, that);
- return;
- }
- }
- _apply(fun, that, args);
- asyncCookieCleaner();
- return true;
- }
- }));
- // hide unwanted cookies from site
- _cookie.get = new _Proxy(_cookie.get, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- asyncCookieCleaner();
- const res = _apply(fun, that, args).split(/;\s?/);
- const clean = res.filter(cookie => !blacklist.test(cookie));
- if (useOldPass && clean.length !== res.length)
- for (let cookie of res.filter(cookie => !clean.includes(cookie)))
- removeCookie(cookie, that);
- return clean.join('; ');
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(_doc_proto, 'cookie', _cookie);
- _console.log('Active cookies:', root.document.cookie);
- }
- }
- // Locates a node with specific text in Russian
- // Uses table of substitutions for similar letters
- let selectNodeByTextContent = (() => {
- let subs = {
- // english & greek
- 'А': 'AΑ',
- 'В': 'BΒ',
- 'Г': 'Γ',
- 'Е': 'EΕ',
- 'З': '3',
- 'К': 'KΚ',
- 'М': 'MΜ',
- 'Н': 'HΗ',
- 'О': 'OΟ',
- 'П': 'Π',
- 'Р': 'PΡ',
- 'С': 'C',
- 'Т': 'T',
- 'Ф': 'Φ',
- 'Х': 'XΧ'
- };
- let regExpBuilder = text => new RegExp(
- text.toUpperCase()
- .split('')
- .map(function (e) {
- return `${e in subs ? `[${e}${subs[e]}]` : (e === ' ' ? '\\s+' : e)}[\u200b\u200c\u200d]*`;
- })
- .join(''),
- 'i');
- let reMap = {};
- return (re, opts = {
- root: _document.body
- }) => {
- if (!re.test) {
- if (!reMap[re])
- reMap[re] = regExpBuilder(re);
- re = reMap[re];
- }
- for (let child of opts.root.children)
- if (re.test(child.textContent)) {
- if (opts.shallow)
- return child;
- opts.root = child;
- return selectNodeByTextContent(re, opts) || child;
- }
- };
- })();
- // webpackJsonp filter
- function webpackJsonpFilter(blacklist, log = false) {
- function wrapPush(webpack) {
- let _push = webpack.push.bind(webpack);
- Object.defineProperty(webpack, 'push', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _push;
- },
- set(vl) {
- _push = new _Proxy(vl, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- wrapper: {
- if (!(args[0] instanceof Array))
- break wrapper;
- let mainName;
- if (args[0][2] instanceof Array && args[0][2][0] instanceof Array)
- mainName = args[0][2][0][0];
- let funs = args[0][1];
- if (!(funs instanceof Object && !(funs instanceof Array)))
- break wrapper;
- const noopFunc = (name, text) => () => _console.log(`Skip webpack ${name}`, text);
- for (let name in funs) {
- if (typeof funs[name] !== 'function')
- continue;
- if (blacklist.test(_toString(funs[name])) && name !== mainName)
- funs[name] = noopFunc(name, log ? _toString(funs[name]) : '');
- }
- }
- _console.log('webpack.push()');
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }));
- return webpack;
- }
- let _webpackJsonp = wrapPush([]);
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'webpackJsonp', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _webpackJsonp;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _webpackJsonp)
- return;
- _console.log('new webpackJsonp', vl);
- _webpackJsonp = wrapPush(vl);
- }
- }));
- }
- // JSON filter
- // removeList - list of paths divided by space to remove
- // checkList - optional list of paths divided by space to check presence of before removal
- const jsonFilter = (function jsonFilterModule() {
- const _log = (() => {
- if (!jsf.AccessStatistics)
- return () => null;
- const counter = {};
- const counterToString = () => Object.entries(counter).map(a => `\n * ${a.join(': ')}`).join('');
- let lock = 0;
- return async function _log(path) {
- counter[path] = (counter[path] || 0) + 1;
- lock++;
- setTimeout(() => {
- lock--;
- if (lock === 0)
- _console.log('JSON filters:', counterToString());
- }, 3333);
- };
- })();
- const isObjecty = o => (typeof o === 'object' || typeof o === 'function') && o !== null;
- function parsePath(root, path) {
- let pos;
- pos = path.indexOf('.');
- for (let name; pos > 0;) {
- name = path.slice(0, pos);
- if (!isObjecty(root[name]))
- break;
- root = root[name];
- path = path.slice(pos + 1);
- pos = path.indexOf('.');
- }
- return [pos < 0 && _hasOwnProperty(root, path), root, path];
- }
- const filterList = [];
- function filter(result) {
- if (!isObjecty(result))
- return result;
- const pathNotInObject = path => !(parsePath(result, path)[0]);
- const removePathInObject = path => {
- let [exist, root, name] = parsePath(result, path);
- if (exist) {
- delete root[name];
- _log(path);
- }
- };
- for (let list of filterList) {
- if (list.check && list.check.some(pathNotInObject))
- return result;
- list.remove.forEach(removePathInObject);
- }
- return result;
- }
- let wrapped = false;
- function jsonFilter(removeList, checkList) {
- filterList.push({
- remove: removeList.split(/\s/),
- check: checkList ? checkList.split(/\s/) : undefined
- });
- if (wrapped) return;
- wrapped = true;
- win.JSON.parse = new _Proxy(win.JSON.parse, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- return filter(_apply(fun, that, args));
- }
- }));
- win.Response.prototype.json = new _Proxy(win.Response.prototype.json, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let promise = _apply(fun, that, args);
- promise.then(res => filter(res));
- return promise;
- }
- }));
- }
- jsonFilter.toString = () => `const jsonFilter = (${jsonFilterModule.toString()})()`;
- return jsonFilter;
- })();
- function zmcPlug(conf) {
- // enable Emcode debug mode in ZMCTrack code (just to see it in the log)
- const _RegExpToString = _bindCall(RegExp.prototype.toString);
- String.prototype.match = new _Proxy(String.prototype.match, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let str = typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0] : _RegExpToString(args[0]);
- if (str.includes('argon_debug'))
- return true;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- // catch and overwrite API in the clean IFrame created by ZMCTrack
- _Node.appendChild = new _Proxy(_Node.appendChild, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (res && res.name && res.name.startsWith('_m')) {
- const zmcWin = win[res.name];
- if (!zmcWin) return;
- zmcWin.write = nt.func(null, 'zmc.write', true);
- zmcWin.setTimeout = nt.func(null, 'zmc.setTimeout', true);
- zmcWin.document.addEventListener = nt.func(null, 'zmc.document.addEventListener', true);
- zmcWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = nt.func(null, 'zmc.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open', true);
- zmcWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = nt.func(null, 'zmc.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send', true);
- }
- return res;
- }
- }));
- const define = name => {
- let _win;
- Object.defineProperty(win, name, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- if (!_win) {
- let frame = _document.querySelector(`iframe[name="${name}"`);
- if (frame)
- _win = frame.contentWindow;
- }
- return _win;
- }
- }));
- };
- // "predict" names of zmctrack frames on certain domains which use date-based frame names
- // id - some fixed number, zone - server's timezone (hours), step - how often name changes (minutes)
- // range - period in hours to cover from -range/2 to +range/2, offset - fixed number of minutes to add
- if (typeof conf === 'object') {
- let {
- id,
- zone = 2,
- step = 5,
- range = 3,
- offset = 0
- } = conf;
- const pad = n => n.toString().padStart(2, '0');
- const m2ms = x => x * 60 * 1000;
- const d = new Date();
- d.setTime(Math.floor(d.getTime() / m2ms(step)) * m2ms(step) + m2ms(zone * 60) + m2ms(offset));
- const defineByDate = d => {
- define(`n${pad(
- d.getUTCMonth() + 1
- )}${pad(
- d.getUTCDate()
- )}${pad(
- d.getUTCHours()
- )}${pad(
- d.getUTCMinutes()
- )}${(
- id ? `_${id}` : ''
- )}`);
- };
- const time = d.getTime();
- for (let n = -Math.floor(range * 30 / step); n <= Math.floor(range * 30 / step); n += 1) {
- d.setTime(time + n * m2ms(step));
- defineByDate(d);
- }
- }
- if (typeof conf === 'string')
- define(conf);
- }
- function documentRewrite(pattern, substitute) {
- /* jshint -W060 */ // document.write is a form of evil, a necessary evil in this case
- const inject = (pattern, substitute) => {
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open('GET', location.href);
- xhr.onload = () => {
- document.close();
- //console.log(xhr.responseText.match(pattern));
- document.write(xhr.responseText.replace(pattern, substitute));
- document.close();
- };
- xhr.send();
- };
- /* jshint +W060 */
- const style = [
- '@keyframes spinner { 0% { transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(360deg); } }',
- '.spinner::before { animation: 1.5s linear infinite spinner; animation-play-state: running;',
- 'content: ""; border: solid 3px #dedede; border-bottom-color: #EF6565; border-radius: 50%;',
- 'height: 10vh; width: 10vh; left: 50%; top: 50%; position: absolute; transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); };'
- ].join('');
- _document.write(`<html><head><script>(${inject.toString()})(${pattern.toString()},'${substitute}')</script>`);
- _document.write(`<style>${style}</style></head><body><div class="spinner"></div></body></html>`);
- }
- // === Scripts for specific domains ===
- const scripts = {
- // Prevent Popups
- preventPopups: {
- other: 'biqle.ru, chaturbate.com, dfiles.ru, eporner.eu, hentaiz.org, mirrorcreator.com, online-multy.ru' +
- 'radikal.ru, rumedia.ws, tapehub.tech, thepiratebay.org, unionpeer.com, zippyshare.com',
- now: preventPopups
- },
- // Prevent Popunders (background redirect)
- preventPopunders: {
- other: 'lostfilm-online.ru, mediafire.com, megapeer.org, megapeer.ru, perfectgirls.net',
- now: preventPopunders
- },
- // zmctrack remover
- zmcDocumentRewrite: {
- other: 'www.ukr.net', // generic script removal pattern
- now: () => documentRewrite(/<iframe\sname="n\d+(_\d+)?"\sstyle="display:none"><\/iframe><script(\s+[^>]+)?>.*?<\/script>/, '<!-- removed -->')
- },
- zmcPlug: {
- other: [
- '4mama.ua,beauty.ua,eknigi.org,forumodua.com,internetua.com,mama.ua,newsyou.info,okino.ua,orakul.com',
- 'sinoptik.ua,toneto.net,tvgid.ua,tvoymalysh.com.ua,udoktora.net'
- ].join(','),
- now: () => {
- if (GM.info.scriptHandler === 'Violentmonkey')
- documentRewrite(/ /, ' ');
- zmcPlug();
- }
- },
- zmcPlugTime: {
- other: [ // using time-based iframe names
- 'avtovod.com.ua,bigmir.net,hvylya.net,inforesist.org,isport.ua',
- 'kolobok.ua,kriminal.tv,nnovosti.info,smak.ua,tochka.net,tv.ua'
- ].join(','),
- now: () => {
- let is = name => location.hostname === name || location.hostname.includes(name);
- if ([
- ['avtovod.com', 'id', 12754],
- ['hvylya.net', 'step', 5, 'range', 15],
- ['inforesist.org', 'step', 30, 'range', 64],
- ['kriminal.tv', 'id', 12393],
- ['nnovosti.info', 'id', 12397],
- ['tochka.net', 'step', 1, 'range', 2.2],
- ].some(e => is(e[0]) && !zmcPlug( // object from flat key/value array
- e.reduceRight((o, x, i) => (o[i % 2 ? x : 'x'] = i % 2 ? o.x : x, o), {})
- ))) return;
- zmcPlug({});
- }
- },
- // using fixed iframe names
- 'censor.net': () => zmcPlug('n11111512'),
- 'enovosty.com': () => zmcPlug('n01212138'),
- 'epravda.com.ua': () => zmcPlug('n10121300'),
- 'eurointegration.com.ua': () => zmcPlug('n09141907'),
- 'football24.ua': () => zmcPlug('n04211212'),
- 'gazeta.ua': () => zmcPlug('n11241758'),
- 'i.ua': () => zmcPlug('n03021349'),
- 'meteofor.com.ua': () => zmcPlug('n05171007'),
- 'meteo.ua': () => zmcPlug('n09021131'),
- 'mport.ua': () => zmcPlug('n11071239'),
- 'nv.ua': () => zmcPlug('n10051437'),
- 'pravda.com.ua': () => {
- zmcPlug('n09151519');
- nt.define('AdnetLoadScript');
- },
- 'real-vin.com': () => zmcPlug('n09221148'),
- 'viva.ua': () => zmcPlug('n07151030_11817'),
- // custom zmc-related fixes
- 'kzblow.info': () => documentRewrite(/<script>\(function\(\w\w,.*?['"]n\d+['"]\);<\/script>/, '<!-- removed -->'),
- // disables ads when specific cookies are set
- 'liga.net': () => (_document.cookie = 'isShowAd=false; domain=.liga.net', _document.cookie = 'is_login=true; domain=.liga.net'),
- // disables ads if screen width is below 1200
- 'segodnya.ua': () => {
- nt.define('document.documentElement', new _Proxy(_document.documentElement, _cloneInto({
- get(that, prop) {
- if (prop === 'clientWidth' && that[prop] > 1199)
- return 1199;
- return that[prop];
- }
- })));
- },
- // PopMix (both types of popups encountered on site)
- 'openload.co': {
- other: 'oload.tv, oload.info, openload.co.com',
- now() {
- if (inIFrame) {
- nt.define('BetterJsPop', {
- add(a, b) {
- _console.trace('BetterJsPop.add(%o, %o)', a, b);
- },
- config(o) {
- _console.trace('BetterJsPop.config(%o)', o);
- },
- Browser: {
- isChrome: true
- }
- });
- nt.define('isSandboxed', nt.func(null, 'isSandboxed'));
- nt.define('adblock', false);
- nt.define('adblock2', false);
- } else preventPopMix();
- }
- },
- 'turbobit.net': preventPopMix,
- 'tapochek.net': () => {
- // workaround for moradu.com/apu.php load error handler script, not sure which ad network is this
- let _appendChild = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Node, 'appendChild');
- let _appendChild_value = _appendChild.value;
- _appendChild.value = function appendChild(node) {
- if (this === _document.body)
- if ((node instanceof HTMLScriptElement || node instanceof HTMLStyleElement) &&
- /^https?:\/\/[0-9a-f]{15}\.com\/\d+(\/|\.css)$/.test(node.src) ||
- node instanceof HTMLDivElement && node.style.zIndex > 900000 &&
- node.style.backgroundImage.includes('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7'))
- throw '...eenope!';
- return _appendChild_value.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(_Node, 'appendChild', _appendChild);
- // disable window focus tricks and changing location
- let focusHandlerName = /\WfocusAchieved\(/;
- let _setInterval = win.setInterval;
- win.setInterval = (...args) => {
- if (args.length && focusHandlerName.test(_toString(args[0]))) {
- _console.log('skip setInterval for', ...args);
- return -1;
- }
- return _setInterval(...args);
- };
- let _addEventListener = win.addEventListener;
- win.addEventListener = function (...args) {
- if (args.length && args[0] === 'focus' && focusHandlerName.test(_toString(args[1]))) {
- _console.log('skip addEventListener for', ...args);
- return undefined;
- }
- return _addEventListener.apply(this, args);
- };
- // generic popup prevention
- preventPopups();
- },
- // = other ======================================================================================
- '1plus1.video': () => {
- let noopDefine = ['abMessage', 'BLOCK'];
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [, prop, desc] = args;
- if (noopDefine.includes(prop)) {
- delete desc.get;
- delete desc.set;
- desc.value = () => {};
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- /* jshint -W001 */ // aka 'hasOwnProperty' is a really bad name, but this is a wrapper
- win.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[0] === 'dl')
- return false; // when true checks is partner and changes value of 'wa'
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- '1tv.ru': {
- other: 'mediavitrina.ru',
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- nt.define('EUMPAntiblockConfig', nt.proxy({
- url: '//www.1tv.ru/favicon.ico'
- }));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.disableSeek', nt.func(undefined, 'disableSeek'));
- //nt.define('preroll', undefined);
- let _EUMP;
- const _EUMP_set = x => {
- if (x === _EUMP)
- return true;
- let _plugins = x.plugins;
- Object.defineProperty(x, 'plugins', _cloneInto({
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return _plugins;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _plugins)
- return true;
- nt.defineOn(vl, 'antiblock', function (player, opts) {
- const antiblock = nt.proxy({
- opts: opts,
- readyState: 'ready',
- isEUMPPlugin: true,
- detected: nt.func(false, 'antiblock.detected'),
- currentWeight: nt.func(0, 'antiblock.currentWeight')
- });
- player.antiblock = antiblock;
- return antiblock;
- }, 'EUMP.plugins.');
- _plugins = vl;
- }
- }));
- _EUMP = x;
- return true;
- };
- if ('EUMP' in win)
- _EUMP_set(win.EUMP);
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'EUMP', _cloneInto({
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return _EUMP;
- },
- set: _EUMP_set
- }));
- const _EUMPVGTRK_set = x => {
- if (x === _EUMPVGTRK)
- return true;
- if (x && x.prototype) {
- if ('generatePrerollUrls' in x.prototype)
- nt.defineOn(x.prototype, 'generatePrerollUrls', nt.func(null, 'EUMPVGTRK.generatePrerollUrls'), 'EUMPVGTRK.prototype.', {
- enumerable: false
- });
- if ('sendAdsEvent' in x.prototype)
- nt.defineOn(x.prototype, 'sendAdsEvent', nt.func(null, 'EUMPVGTRK.sendAdsEvent'), 'EUMPVGTRK.prototype.', {
- enumerable: false
- });
- }
- return true;
- };
- if ('EUMPVGTRK' in win)
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'EUMPVGTRK', _cloneInto({
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return _EUMPVGTRK;
- },
- set: _EUMPVGTRK_set
- }));
- }, nullTools)
- },
- '24smi.org': () => {
- selectiveCookies('isab');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.getYa');
- abortExecution.onAll('Object.prototype.YaBaseController');
- },
- '2picsun.ru': {
- other: 'pics2sun.ru, 3pics-img.ru',
- now() {
- Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', _cloneInto({
- value: 'googlebot'
- }));
- }
- },
- '4pda.to': {
- now() {
- // https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/14470-4pda-unbrender
- const _setAttribute = _bindCall(_Element.setAttribute);
- const _removeChild = _bindCall(_Element.removeChild);
- const isForum = location.pathname.startsWith('/forum/');
- const remove = node => (node && _removeChild(node.parentNode, node));
- const hide = node => node && _setAttribute(node, 'style', 'display:none!important');
- selectiveCookies('viewpref');
- abortExecution.inlineScript('document.querySelector', {
- pattern: /\(document(,window)?\);/
- });
- const log = false;
- function cleaner() {
- HeaderAds: {
- // hide ads above HEADER
- let nav = _querySelector('.menu-main-item');
- while (nav && (nav.parentNode !== _de)) {
- if (!nav.parentNode.querySelector('article, .container[itemtype$="Article"]') && nav.parentNode.clientHeight < 500)
- nav = nav.parentNode;
- else break;
- }
- if (!nav || (nav.parentNode === _de)) {
- if (log) _console.warn('Unable to locate header element');
- break HeaderAds;
- }
- if (log) _console.log('Processing header:', nav);
- for (let itm of nav.parentNode.children)
- if (itm !== nav)
- hide(itm);
- else break;
- }
- FixNavMenu: {
- // hide ad link from the navigation
- let ad = _querySelector('.menu-main-item > a > svg');
- if (ad) {
- ad = ad.parentNode.parentNode;
- hide(ad);
- if (log) _console.log('Hid menu ad item:', ad);
- break FixNavMenu;
- }
- if (log) _console.warn('Unable to locate menu ad item');
- }
- SidebarAds: {
- // remove ads from sidebar
- let aside = _querySelectorAll('[class]:not([id]) > [id]:not([class]) > :first-child + :last-child:not(.v-panel)');
- if (!aside.length) {
- if (log) _console.warn('Unable to locate sidebar');
- break SidebarAds;
- }
- for (let side of aside) {
- if (log) _console.log('Processing potential sidebar:', side);
- for (let itm of Array.from(side.children)) {
- if (itm.classList.contains('post'))
- continue;
- if (itm.querySelector('iframe') || !itm.children.length)
- remove(itm);
- let script = itm.querySelector('script');
- if (itm.querySelector('a[target="_blank"] > img') ||
- script && script.src === '' && (script.type === 'text/javascript' || !script.type) &&
- script.textContent.includes('document')) {
- if (log) _console.log('Hid:', itm);
- hide(itm);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const cln = setInterval(cleaner, 100);
- // hide banner next to logo and header banner in profiles
- if (isForum)
- createStyle([
- 'div[class]:not([id]) tr[valign="top"] > td:last-child { display: none !important }',
- 'html[style] > body [class]:not([id]):not(div):not([style]) > div:empty + [data-revive-zoneid] { display: none !important }'
- ]);
- // clean page
- window.addEventListener(
- 'DOMContentLoaded',
- function () {
- clearInterval(cln);
- const width = () => win.innerWidth || _de.clientWidth || _document.body.clientWidth || 0;
- const height = () => win.innerHeight || _de.clientHeight || _document.body.clientHeight || 0;
- if (isForum) {
- // hide banner next to logo
- //let itm = _document.querySelector('#logostrip');
- //if (itm) hide(itm.parentNode.nextSibling);
- // clear background in the download frame
- if (location.pathname.startsWith('/forum/dl/')) {
- let setBackground = node => _setAttribute(
- node,
- 'style', (_getAttribute(node, 'style') || '') +
- ';background-color:#4ebaf6!important'
- );
- setBackground(_document.body);
- for (let itm of _document.querySelectorAll('body > div'))
- if (!itm.querySelector('.dw-fdwlink, .content') && !itm.classList.contains('footer'))
- remove(itm);
- else
- setBackground(itm);
- }
- // exist from DOMContentLoaded since the rest is not for forum
- return;
- }
- cleaner();
- _document.body.setAttribute('style', (_document.body.getAttribute('style') || '') + ';background-color:#E6E7E9!important');
- let extra = 'background-image:none!important;background-color:transparent!important',
- fakeStyles = new WeakMap(),
- styleProxy = {
- get(target, prop) {
- return fakeStyles.get(target)[prop] || target[prop];
- },
- set(target, prop, value) {
- let fakeStyle = fakeStyles.get(target);
- ((prop in fakeStyle) ? fakeStyle : target)[prop] = value;
- return true;
- }
- };
- for (let itm of _document.querySelectorAll('[id]:not(A), A')) {
- if (!(itm.offsetWidth > 0.95 * width() &&
- itm.offsetHeight > 0.85 * height()))
- continue;
- if (itm.tagName !== 'A') {
- fakeStyles.set(itm.style, {
- 'backgroundImage': itm.style.backgroundImage,
- 'backgroundColor': itm.style.backgroundColor
- });
- try {
- Object.defineProperty(itm, 'style', _cloneInto({
- value: new _Proxy(itm.style, _cloneInto(styleProxy)),
- enumerable: true
- }));
- } catch (e) {
- _console.log('Unable to protect style property.', e);
- }
- _setAttribute(itm, 'style', `${(_getAttribute(itm, 'style') || '')};${extra}`);
- }
- if (itm.tagName === 'A')
- _setAttribute(itm, 'style', 'display:none!important');
- }
- }
- );
- }
- },
- 'adhands.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- try {
- let _adv;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'adv', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _adv;
- },
- set(val) {
- _console.log('Blocked advert on adhands.ru.');
- nt.defineOn(val, 'advert', '', 'adv.');
- _adv = val;
- }
- }));
- } catch (ignore) {
- if (!win.adv)
- _console.log('Unable to locate advert on adhands.ru.');
- else {
- _console.log('Blocked advert on adhands.ru.');
- nt.define('adv.advert', '');
- }
- }
- }, nullTools),
- 'allhentai.ru': () => {
- preventPopups();
- scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveEval();
- let _onerror = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror');
- if (!_onerror)
- return;
- _onerror.set = (...args) => _console.log(args[0].toString());
- Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror', _onerror);
- }, selectiveEval);
- },
- 'allmovie.pro': {
- other: 'rufilmtv.org',
- dom() {
- // pretend to be Android to make site use different played for ads
- if (isSafari)
- return;
- Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/JRO03D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Safari/535.19';
- },
- enumerable: true
- }));
- }
- },
- 'anidub.com': {
- other: 'anidub.life, myanime.online, loveanime.live',
- now() {
- let _AnidubAd = win.AnidubAd;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'AnidubAd', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _AnidubAd;
- },
- set(x) {
- _console.log(x.usePlyr);
- if (x && 'usePlyr' in x)
- x.usePlyr = new _Proxy(x.usePlyr, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[1] && 'sources' in args[1])
- args[1].sources = [];
- return new _Proxy(_apply(fun, that, args), _cloneInto({
- get(that, prop) {
- if (prop === 'isDone')
- return true;
- return that[prop];
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- _AnidubAd = new _Proxy(x, _cloneInto({
- construct(that, args) {
- return new _Proxy(_construct(that, args), _cloneInto({
- get(that, prop) {
- if (prop === 'done')
- return true;
- if (prop === 'on')
- return () => {};
- return that[prop];
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }));
- const onmessage = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win, 'onmessage');
- onmessage.set = new _Proxy(onmessage.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (typeof args[0] === 'function')
- args[0] = new _Proxy(args[0], _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [event] = args;
- if (event.origin.includes('googleapis'))
- return;
- if (event.data && !event.data.indexOf)
- event.data.indexOf = () => -1;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'onmessage', onmessage);
- }
- },
- 'ati.su': () => scriptLander(() => {
- nt.define('Object.prototype.advManager', nt.proxy({}, 'advManager'));
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.bannersResolved');
- }),
- 'audioportal.su': {
- now() {
- createStyle('#blink2 { display: none !important }');
- },
- dom() {
- let links = _document.querySelectorAll('a[onclick*="clickme("]');
- if (!links) return;
- for (let link of links)
- win.clickme(link);
- }
- },
- 'auto.ru': () => {
- let words = /Реклама|Яндекс.Директ|yandex_ad_/;
- let userAdsListAds = (
- '.listing-list > .listing-item,' +
- '.listing-item_type_fixed.listing-item'
- );
- let catalogAds = (
- 'div[class*="layout_catalog-inline"],' +
- 'div[class$="layout_horizontal"]'
- );
- let otherAds = (
- '.advt_auto,' +
- '.sidebar-block,' +
- '.pager-listing + div[class],' +
- '.card > div[class][style],' +
- '.sidebar > div[class],' +
- '.main-page__section + div[class],' +
- '.listing > tbody'
- );
- gardener(userAdsListAds, words, {
- root: '.listing-wrap',
- observe: true
- });
- gardener(catalogAds, words, {
- root: '.catalog__page,.content__wrapper',
- observe: true
- });
- gardener(otherAds, words);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.yaads', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initYaDirect', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.direct', nt.proxy({}, 'Yandex.direct'));
- },
- 'di.fm': () => scriptLander(() => {
- let log = false;
- // wrap global app object to catch registration of specific modules
- let _di = win.di;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'di', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _di;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _di)
- return;
- if (log) _console.trace('di =', vl);
- _di = new _Proxy(vl, _cloneInto({
- set(di, name, vl) {
- if (vl === di[name])
- return true;
- if (name === 'app') {
- if (log) _console.trace(`di.${name} =`, vl);
- if (!('module' in vl))
- return;
- vl.module = new _Proxy(vl.module, _cloneInto({
- apply(module, that, args) {
- if (/Wall|Banner|Detect|WebplayerApp\.Ads/.test(args[0])) {
- let name = args[0];
- if (log) _console.log('wrap', name, 'module');
- if (typeof args[1] === 'function')
- args[1] = new _Proxy(args[1], _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[0]) // module object
- args[0].start = () => _console.log('Skipped start of', name);
- return Reflect.apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- } // else log && _console.log('loading module', args[0]);
- if (args[0] === 'Modals' && typeof args[1] === 'function') {
- if (log) _console.log('wrap', name, 'module');
- args[1] = new _Proxy(args[1], _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if ('commands' in args[1] && 'setHandlers' in args[1].commands &&
- !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(args[1].commands, 'setHandlers')) {
- let _commands = args[1].commands;
- _commands.setHandlers = new _Proxy(_commands.setHandlers, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const noopFunc = name => () => _console.log('Skipped', name, 'window');
- for (let name in args[0])
- if (name === 'modal:streaminterrupt' ||
- name === 'modal:midroll')
- args[0][name] = noopFunc(name);
- delete _commands.setHandlers;
- return Reflect.apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- return Reflect.apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- return Reflect.apply(module, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- di[name] = vl;
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- // don't send errorception logs
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'onerror', _cloneInto({
- set(vl) {
- if (log) _console.trace('Skipped global onerror callback:', vl);
- }
- }));
- }),
- 'draug.ru': {
- other: 'vargr.ru',
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- if (location.pathname === '/pop.html')
- win.close();
- createStyle({
- '#timer_1': {
- display: 'none !important'
- },
- '#timer_2': {
- position: 'relative !important',
- display: 'block !important',
- z_index: '42 !important'
- },
- '.clearfix, .clearfix > *': {
- z_index: 'initial !important'
- }
- });
- let _contentWindow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow');
- let _get_contentWindow = _bindCall(_contentWindow.get);
- _contentWindow.get = function () {
- let res = _get_contentWindow(this);
- if (res.location.href === 'about:blank')
- res.document.write = (...args) => _console.log('Skipped iframe.write(', ...args, ')');
- return res;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow', _contentWindow);
- }),
- dom() {
- let list = _querySelectorAll('div[id^="yandex_rtb_"], .adsbygoogle');
- list.forEach(node => _console.log('Removed:', node.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(node.parentNode)));
- }
- },
- 'drive2.ru': () => {
- gardener('.c-block:not([data-metrika="recomm"]),.o-grid__item', />Реклама<\//i);
- scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveCookies();
- let _d2;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'd2', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _d2;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _d2)
- return true;
- _d2 = new _Proxy(vl, _cloneInto({
- set(target, prop, val) {
- if (['brandingRender', 'dvReveal', '__dv'].includes(prop))
- val = () => null;
- target[prop] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- // obfuscated Yandex.Direct
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initYaDirect', undefined);
- }, nullTools, selectiveCookies);
- },
- 'echo.msk.ru': {
- now() {
- scripts.yandexDirect.now();
- selectiveCookies();
- win.localStorage.removeItem('COOKIE_MATCHING_FAIL');
- win.localStorage.removeItem('beerka');
- win.localStorage.removeItem('ludca');
- }
- },
- 'eurogamer.tld': {
- other: 'metabomb.net, usgamer.net',
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.inlineScript('_sp_');
- selectiveCookies('sp');
- }, selectiveCookies, abortExecution)
- },
- 'fastpic.ru': () => {
- // Had to obfuscate property name to avoid triggering anti-obfuscation on greasyfork.org -_- (Exception 403012)
- nt.define(`_0x${'4955'}`, []);
- },
- 'fishki.net': () => {
- scriptLander(() => {
- const fishki = {};
- const adv = nt.proxy({
- afterAdblockCheck: nt.func(null, 'fishki.afterAdblockCheck'),
- refreshFloat: nt.func(null, 'fishki.refreshFloat')
- });
- nt.defineOn(fishki, 'adv', adv, 'fishki.');
- nt.defineOn(fishki, 'is_adblock', false, 'fishki.');
- nt.define('fishki', fishki);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.detect', nt.func(undefined, 'detect'));
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (['is_adblock', 'adv'].includes(args[1]) || args[0] === adv)
- return;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }, nullTools);
- gardener('.drag_list > .drag_element, .list-view > .paddingtop15, .post-wrap', /543769|Новости\sпартнеров|Полезная\sреклама/);
- },
- 'forbes.com': () => {
- createStyle(['fbs-ad[ad-id], .top-ad-container, .fbs-ad-wrapper, .footer-ad-labeling, .ad-rail, .ad-unit { display: none !important; }']);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.isAdLight', true);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initializeAd', nt.func(undefined, '?.initializeAd'));
- win.getComputedStyle = new _Proxy(win.getComputedStyle, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (res.display === 'none')
- nt.defineOn(res, 'display', 'block', 'getComputedStyle().');
- if (res.visibility === 'hidden')
- nt.defineOn(res, 'visibility', 'visible', 'getComputedStyle().');
- return res;
- }
- }));
- win.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue = new _Proxy(win.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (args[0] === 'display' && res === 'none')
- return 'block';
- if (args[0] === 'visibility' && res === 'hidden')
- return 'visible';
- return res;
- }
- }));
- },
- 'freeopenvpn.org': () => {
- const alterEval = Function.constructor;
- win.addEventListener = new _Proxy(win.addEventListener, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [event, callback] = args;
- if (event === 'load') {
- let str = _toString(callback);
- if (/\.clientHeight\s*!=/.test(str))
- args[1] = () => alterEval(
- str.replace(/^function\s*\(\)/, 'function pwd()')
- .replace(/if[^\r\n]*clientHeight[^\r\n]*\)\s*{/, 'if (false) {') + ' pwd();'
- )();
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'friends.in.ua': () => scriptLander(() => {
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'need_warning', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return 0;
- },
- set() {}
- }));
- }),
- 'gamerevolution.com': () => {
- const _clientHeight = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'clientHeight');
- _clientHeight.get = new _Proxy(_clientHeight.get, _cloneInto({
- apply(...args) {
- return _apply(...args) || 1;
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'clientHeight', _clientHeight);
- const toReplace = [
- 'blockerDetected', 'disableDetected', 'hasAdBlocker',
- 'hasBlockerFlag', 'hasDisabledAdBlocker', 'hasBlocker'
- ];
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (toReplace.includes(args[1])) {
- args[2] = {
- value() {
- return false;
- }
- };
- console.log(args);
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'gamersheroes.com': () => abortExecution.inlineScript('document.createElement', {
- pattern: /window\[\w+\(\[(\d+,?\s?)+\],\s?\w+\)\]/
- }),
- 'gidonline.club': () => createStyle('.tray > div[style] {display: none!important}'),
- 'glav.su': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.onSet('abd');
- abortExecution.onSet('script1');
- }, abortExecution),
- 'gorodrabot.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.yaads');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.initYaDirect');
- }, abortExecution),
- 'haes.tech': () => {
- // debugger detection prevention
- win.eval = new _Proxy(win.eval, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].includes('debugger;'))
- throw removeOwnFootprint(new ReferenceError('debugger is not defined'));
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'hdgo.cc': {
- other: ', couber.be',
- now() {
- (new MutationObserver(
- ms => {
- let m, node;
- for (m of ms)
- for (node of m.addedNodes)
- if (node instanceof HTMLScriptElement && _getAttribute(node, 'onerror') !== null)
- node.removeAttribute('onerror');
- }
- )).observe(_document.documentElement, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- }
- },
- 'hentai-share.tv': () => {
- // debugger detection prevention
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[1] === 'id' && 'get' in args[2])
- return;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'gamepur.com': () => {
- nt.define('ga', nt.func(null, 'ga'));
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (typeof args[1] === 'string' &&
- (args[1] === 'hasAdblocker' || args[1] === 'blockerDetected'))
- throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property '${args[1]}' of undefined`);
- return Reflect.apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'hdrezka.ag': () => {
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'ab', _cloneInto({
- value: false,
- enumerable: true
- }));
- gardener('div[id][onclick][onmouseup][onmousedown]', /onmouseout/i);
- },
- 'htmlweb.ru': () => {
- let _onerror = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror');
- _onerror.set = new _Proxy(_onerror.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (that.tagName === 'SCRIPT')
- return _console.log('Skip set onerror for', that);
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror', _onerror);
- },
- 'hqq.tv': () => scriptLander(() => {
- // disable anti-debugging in hqq.tv player
- let isObfuscated = text => /[^a-z0-9]([a-z0-9]{1,2}\.[a-z0-9]{1,2}\(|[a-z0-9]{4}\.[a-z]\(\d+\)|[a-z0-9]\[[a-z0-9]{1,2}\]\[[a-z0-9]{1,2}\])/i.test(text);
- deepWrapAPI(root => {
- // skip obfuscated stuff and a few other calls
- let _setInterval = root.setInterval,
- _setTimeout = root.setTimeout;
- root.setInterval = (...args) => {
- let fun = args[0];
- if (typeof fun === 'function') {
- let text = _toString(fun),
- skip = text.includes('check();') || isObfuscated(text);
- _console.trace('setInterval', text, 'skip', skip);
- if (skip) return -1;
- }
- return _setInterval.apply(this, args);
- };
- let wrappedST = new WeakSet();
- root.setTimeout = (...args) => {
- let fun = args[0];
- if (typeof fun === 'function') {
- let text = _toString(fun),
- skip = fun.name === 'check' || isObfuscated(text);
- if (!wrappedST.has(fun)) {
- _console.trace('setTimeout', text, 'skip', skip);
- wrappedST.add(fun);
- }
- if (skip) return;
- }
- return _setTimeout.apply(this, args);
- };
- // skip 'debugger' call
- let _eval = root.eval;
- root.eval = text => {
- if (typeof text === 'string' && text.includes('debugger;')) {
- _console.trace('skip eval', text);
- return;
- }
- _eval(text);
- };
- // Prevent RegExpt + toString trick
- let _proto;
- try {
- _proto = root.RegExp.prototype;
- } catch (ignore) {
- return;
- }
- let _RE_tS = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_proto, 'toString');
- let _RE_tSV = _RE_tS.value || _RE_tS.get();
- Object.defineProperty(_proto, 'toString', _cloneInto({
- enumerable: _RE_tS.enumerable,
- configurable: _RE_tS.configurable,
- get() {
- return _RE_tSV;
- },
- set(val) {
- _console.trace('Attempt to change toString for', this, 'with', _toString(val));
- }
- }));
- });
- }, deepWrapAPI),
- 'hideip.me': {
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- let _innerHTML = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'innerHTML');
- let _set_innerHTML = _innerHTML.set;
- let _innerText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'innerText');
- let _get_innerText = _innerText.get;
- let div = _document.createElement('div');
- _innerHTML.set = function (...args) {
- _set_innerHTML.call(div, args[0].replace('i', 'a'));
- if (args[0] && /[рp][еe]кл/.test(_get_innerText.call(div)) ||
- /(\d\d\d?\.){3}\d\d\d?:\d/.test(_get_innerText.call(this))) {
- _console.log('Anti-Adblock killed.');
- return true;
- }
- _set_innerHTML.apply(this, args);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'innerHTML', _innerHTML);
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'adblock', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return false;
- },
- set() {},
- enumerable: true
- }));
- let _$ = {};
- let _$_map = new WeakMap();
- let _gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor');
- let _val_gOPD = _gOPD.value;
- _gOPD.value = function (...args) {
- let _res = _val_gOPD.apply(this, args);
- if (args[0] instanceof Window && (args[1] === '$' || args[1] === 'jQuery')) {
- delete _res.get;
- delete _res.set;
- _res.value = win[args[1]];
- }
- return _res;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', _gOPD);
- let getJQWrap = (n) => {
- let name = n;
- return {
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return _$[name];
- },
- set(x) {
- if (_$_map.has(x)) {
- _$[name] = _$_map.get(x);
- return true;
- }
- if (x === _$.$ || x === _$.jQuery) {
- _$[name] = x;
- return true;
- }
- _$[name] = new _Proxy(x, _cloneInto({
- apply(t, o, args) {
- let _res = t.apply(o, args);
- if (_$_map.has(_res.is))
- _res.is = _$_map.get(_res.is);
- else {
- let _is = _res.is;
- _res.is = function (...args) {
- if (args[0] === ':hidden')
- return false;
- return _is.apply(this, args);
- };
- _$_map.set(_is, _res.is);
- }
- return _res;
- }
- }));
- _$_map.set(x, _$[name]);
- return true;
- }
- };
- };
- Object.defineProperty(win, '$', getJQWrap('$'));
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'jQuery', getJQWrap('jQuery'));
- let _dP = Object.defineProperty;
- Object.defineProperty = exportFunction(function (...args) {
- if (args[0] instanceof Window && (args[1] === '$' || args[1] === 'jQuery'))
- return undefined;
- return _dP.apply(this, args);
- }, win);
- })
- },
- 'igra-prestoloff.cx': () => scriptLander(() => {
- /*jslint evil: true */ // yes, evil, I know
- let _write = _document.write.bind(_document);
- /*jslint evil: false */
- nt.define('document.write', t => {
- let id = t.match(/jwplayer\("(\w+)"\)/i);
- if (id && id[1])
- return _write(`<div id="${id[1]}"></div>${t}`);
- return _write('');
- }, {
- enumerable: true
- });
- }),
- 'imageban.ru': () => {
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'V7x1J', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return null;
- }
- }));
- },
- 'inoreader.com': () => scriptLander(() => {
- createStyle('.block_article_ad { display: none !important }');
- nt.define('gn', true);
- // their own hidden adblock detection skip
- let cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Document, 'cookie');
- cookie.get = new _Proxy(cookie.get, _cloneInto({
- apply(...args) {
- return 'aguineapigtrickedme=1; ' + _apply(...args);
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(_Document, 'cookie', cookie);
- }),
- 'it-actual.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.onAll('blocked');
- abortExecution.onGet('nsg');
- }, abortExecution),
- 'ivi.ru': () => {
- let _xhr_open = win.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
- win.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url, ...args) {
- if (typeof url === 'string')
- if (url.endsWith('/track'))
- return;
- return _xhr_open.call(this, method, url, ...args);
- };
- let _responseText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'responseText');
- let _responseText_get = _responseText.get;
- _responseText.get = function () {
- if (this.__responseText__)
- return this.__responseText__;
- let res = _responseText_get.apply(this, arguments);
- let o;
- try {
- if (res)
- o = JSON.parse(res);
- } catch (ignore) {}
- let changed = false;
- if (o && o.result) {
- if (o.result instanceof Array &&
- 'adv_network_logo_url' in o.result[0]) {
- o.result = [];
- changed = true;
- }
- if (o.result.show_adv) {
- o.result.show_adv = false;
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- if (changed) {
- _console.log('changed response >>', o);
- res = JSON.stringify(o);
- }
- this.__responseText__ = res;
- return res;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'responseText', _responseText);
- },
- 'kakprosto.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveCookies('yadb');
- abortExecution.inlineScript('yaProxy', {
- pattern: /yadb/
- });
- abortExecution.inlineScript('yandexContextAsyncCallbacks');
- abortExecution.inlineScript('adfoxAsyncParams');
- abortExecution.inlineScript('adfoxBackGroundLoaded');
- }, selectiveCookies, abortExecution),
- 'kinonavigator.ru': () => {
- // fix for broken pages specific for this site, no need to make it global
- nt.define('Ya.share2', nt.func(nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.share2'), 'Ya.share2'));
- },
- 'kinopoisk.ru': () => {
- // filter cookies
- // set no-branding body style and adjust other blocks on the page
- const style = {
- '.app__header.app__header_margin-bottom_brand, #top': {
- margin_bottom: '20px !important'
- },
- '.app__branding': {
- display: 'none!important'
- }
- };
- if (location.hostname === 'www.kinopoisk.ru' && !location.pathname.startsWith('/games/'))
- style['html:not(#id), body:not(#id), .app-container'] = {
- background: '#d5d5d5 url(/images/noBrandBg.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat !important'
- };
- createStyle(style);
- scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveCookies('cmtchd|crookie|kpunk');
- // filter JSON
- win.JSON.parse = new _Proxy(win.JSON.parse, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let o = _apply(fun, that, args);
- let name = 'antiAdBlockCookieName';
- if (name in o && typeof o[name] === 'string')
- selectiveCookies(o[name]);
- name = 'branding';
- if (name in o) o[name] = {};
- // tricks against ads in the trailer player
- // if (location.hostname.startsWith('widgets.'))
- if (o.page && o.page.playerParams)
- delete o.page.playerParams.adConfig;
- if (o.common && o.common.bunker && o.common.bunker.adv && o.common.bunker.adv.filmIdWithoutAd)
- o.common.bunker.adv.filmIdWithoutAd.includes = () => true;
- //_console.log('JSON.parse', o);
- return o;
- }
- }));
- // skip timeout check for blocked requests
- win.setTimeout = new _Proxy(win.setTimeout, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[1] === 100) {
- let str = _toString(args[0]);
- if (str.endsWith('{a()}') || str.endsWith('{n()}'))
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- // obfuscated Yandex.Direct
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initYaDirect', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype._resolveDetectResult', () => null);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.detectResultPromise', new Promise(r => r(false)));
- if (location.hostname === 'www.kinopoisk.ru')
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initAd', nt.func(undefined, 'initAd'));
- // catch branding and other things
- let _KP;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'KP', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _KP;
- },
- set(val) {
- if (_KP === val)
- return true;
- _KP = new _Proxy(val, _cloneInto({
- set(kp, name, val) {
- if (name === 'branding') {
- kp[name] = new _Proxy(_cloneInto({
- weborama: {}
- }), _cloneInto({
- get(kp, name) {
- return name in kp ? kp[name] : '';
- },
- set() {}
- }));
- return true;
- }
- if (name === 'config')
- val = new _Proxy(val, _cloneInto({
- set(cfg, name, val) {
- if (name === 'anContextUrl')
- return true;
- if (name === 'adfoxEnabled' || name === 'hasBranding')
- val = false;
- if (name === 'adfoxVideoAdUrls')
- val = {
- flash: {},
- html: {}
- };
- cfg[name] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- kp[name] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- _console.log('KP =', val);
- }
- }));
- }, selectiveCookies, nullTools);
- },
- 'korrespondent.net': {
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- nt.define('holder', function (id) {
- let div = _document.getElementById(id);
- if (!div)
- return;
- if (div.parentNode.classList.contains('col__sidebar')) {
- div.parentNode.appendChild(div);
- div.style.height = '300px';
- }
- });
- }, nullTools),
- dom() {
- for (let frame of _document.querySelectorAll('.unit-side-informer > iframe'))
- frame.parentNode.style.width = '1px';
- }
- },
- 'libertycity.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- nt.define('adBlockEnabled', false);
- }, nullTools),
- 'liveinternet.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.getYa');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.managerForAdfox');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.__activeTestIds');
- nt.define('mediatargetBanners', []);
- }, abortExecution),
- 'livejournal.com': () => scriptLander(() => {
- nt.define('Object.prototype.Adf', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.Begun', undefined);
- }, nullTools),
- 'mail.ru': {
- other: 'ok.ru, sportmail.ru',
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- const _hostparts = location.hostname.split('.');
- const _subdomain = _hostparts.slice(-3).join('.');
- const _hostname = _hostparts.slice(-2).join('.');
- const _emailru = _subdomain === 'e.mail.ru' || _subdomain === 'octavius.mail.ru';
- const _mymailru = _subdomain === 'my.mail.ru';
- const _otvet = _subdomain === 'otvet.mail.ru';
- const _okru = _hostname === 'ok.ru';
- // setTimeout filter
- // advBlock|rbParams - ads
- // document\.title= - blinking title on background news load on main page
- const pattern = /advBlock|rbParams|document\.title=/i;
- const _setTimeout = win.setTimeout;
- win.setTimeout = function setTimeout(...args) {
- const text = typeof args[0] === 'function' && _toString(args[0]) || '';
- if (pattern.test(text)) {
- _console.trace('Skipped setTimeout:', text);
- return;
- }
- return _setTimeout(...args);
- };
- // Trick to prevent mail.ru from removing 3rd-party styles
- nt.define('Object.prototype.restoreVisibility', nt.func(null, 'restoreVisibility'));
- // Other Yandex Direct and other ads
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initMimic', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.hpConfig', undefined);
- if (!_otvet) // used for a different purpose there
- nt.define('Object.prototype.direct', undefined);
- const getAds = () => new Promise(
- r => r(nt.proxy({}, '?.getAds()'))
- );
- nt.define('Object.prototype.getAds', getAds);
- nt.define('rb_counter', nt.func(null, 'rb_counter'));
- if (_subdomain === 'mail.ru') { // main page
- nt.define('Object.prototype.baits', undefined); // detector
- nt.define('Object.prototype.getFeed', nt.func(null, 'pulse.getFeed')); // Pulse feed
- createStyle('body > div > .pulse { display: none !important }');
- }
- if (_emailru)
- nt.define('Object.prototype.show_me_ads', undefined);
- else if (_mymailru)
- nt.define('Object.prototype.runMimic', nt.func(null, 'runMimic'));
- else {
- nt.define('Object.prototype.mimic', undefined);
- const xray = nt.func(undefined, 'xray');
- nt.defineOn(xray, 'send', nt.func(undefined, 'xray.send'), 'xray.');
- nt.defineOn(xray, 'radarPrefix', null, 'xray.');
- nt.defineOn(xray, 'xrayRadarUrl', undefined, 'xray.');
- nt.defineOn(xray, 'defaultParams', nt.proxy({
- i: undefined,
- p: 'media'
- }), 'xray.');
- nt.defineOn(xray, 'getConfig', nt.func(
- nt.proxy({
- radarPrefix: 'dev'
- }, 'xray.getConfig().'),
- 'xray.getConfig'
- ));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.xray', nt.proxy(xray));
- }
- // shenanigans against ok.ru ABP detector
- if (_okru) {
- abortExecution.onGet('OK.hooks');
- // banners on ok.ru and counter
- nt.define('getAdvTargetParam', nt.func(null, 'getAdvTargetParam'));
- // break detection in case detector wasn't wrapped
- abortExecution.onSet('Object.prototype.adBlockDetected');
- }
- // news.mail.ru and sportmail.ru
- abortExecution.onGet('myWidget');
- // cleanup e.mail.ru configs and mimic config on news and sport
- const emptyString = (root, name) => root[name] && (root[name] = '');
- const detectMimic = /direct|240x400|SlotView/;
- win.JSON.parse = new _Proxy(win.JSON.parse, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let o = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (o && typeof o === 'object') {
- if (o.cfg && o.cfg.sotaFeatures) {
- let root = o.cfg.sotaFeatures;
- if (Array.isArray(root.adv)) root.adv = [];
- for (let name in root)
- if (name.startsWith('adv-') || name.startsWith('adman-'))
- delete root[name];
- ['email_logs_to', 'smokescreen-locators'].forEach(name => emptyString(root, name));
- }
- if (o.userConfig) {
- if (Array.isArray(o.userConfig.honeypot))
- o.userConfig.honeypot.forEach((v, id, me) => (me[id] = []));
- const cfg = o.userConfig.config;
- if (cfg && cfg.honeypot)
- emptyString(cfg.honeypot, 'baits');
- }
- if (o.body) {
- const flags = o.body.common_purpose_flags;
- if (flags && 'hide_ad_in_mail_web' in flags)
- flags.hide_ad_in_mail_web = true;
- if (o.body.show_me_ads)
- o.body.show_me_ads = false;
- }
- //_console.log('JSON.parse', o);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(o))
- if (o.some(t => typeof t === 'string' && detectMimic.test(t))) {
- _console.log('Replaced', o);
- o = [];
- } //else _console.log('JSON.parse', o);
- return o;
- }
- }));
- // all the rest is only needed on main page and in emails
- if (_subdomain !== 'mail.ru' && !_emailru && !_okru)
- return;
- // Disable page scrambler on mail.ru to let extensions easily block ads there
- let logger = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- _console.log(`${fun._name}(`, ...args, `)\n>>`, res);
- return res;
- }
- };
- function wrapLocator(locator) {
- if ('setup' in locator) {
- let _setup = locator.setup;
- locator.setup = function (o) {
- if ('enable' in o) {
- o.enable = false;
- _console.log('Disable mimic mode.');
- }
- if ('links' in o) {
- o.links = [];
- _console.log('Call with empty list of sheets.');
- }
- return _setup.call(this, o);
- };
- locator.insertSheet = () => false;
- locator.wrap = () => false;
- }
- try {
- let names = [];
- for (let name in locator)
- if (typeof locator[name] === 'function' && name !== 'transform') {
- locator[name]._name = "locator." + name;
- locator[name] = new _Proxy(locator[name], _cloneInto(logger));
- names.push(name);
- }
- _console.log(`[locator] wrapped properties: ${names.length ? names.join(', ') : '[empty]'}`);
- } catch (e) {
- _console.log(e);
- }
- return locator;
- }
- const same = Symbol('same');
- function defineLocator(root) {
- let _locator = root.locator;
- let wrapLocatorSetter = vl => _locator = wrapLocator(vl);
- wrapLocatorSetter[same] = true;
- let loc_desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root, 'locator');
- if (!loc_desc || !loc_desc.set[same])
- try {
- Object.defineProperty(root, 'locator', _cloneInto({
- set: wrapLocatorSetter,
- get() {
- return _locator;
- }
- }, root));
- } catch (err) {
- _console.log('Unable to redefine "locator" object!!!', err);
- }
- else if (loc_desc.value)
- _locator = wrapLocator(loc_desc.value);
- }
- { // auto-stubs for various ad, detection and obfuscation modules
- const missingCheck = {
- get(obj, name) {
- let res = obj[name];
- if (!(name in obj))
- _console.trace(`Missing "${name}" in`, obj);
- return res;
- }
- };
- const skipLog = (name, ret) => (...args) => (_console.log(`${name}(`, ...args, ')'), ret);
- const createSkipAllObject = (baseName, obj = {
- __esModule: true
- }) => new _Proxy(obj, _cloneInto({
- get(obj, name) {
- if (name in obj)
- return obj[name];
- _console.log(`Created stub for "${name}" in ${baseName}.`);
- obj[name] = skipLog(`${baseName}.${name}`);
- return obj[name];
- },
- set() {}
- }));
- const redefiner = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res;
- let warn = false;
- let name = fun._name;
- if (name === 'mrg-smokescreen/Welter')
- res = {
- isWelter() {
- return true;
- },
- wrap: skipLog(`${name}.wrap`)
- };
- if (name === 'mrg-smokescreen/Honeypot')
- res = {
- check(...args) {
- _console.log(`${name}.check(`, ...args, ')');
- return new Promise(() => undefined);
- },
- version: "-1"
- };
- if (name === 'advert/adman/adman') {
- let features = {
- siteZones: {},
- slots: {}
- };
- [
- 'expId', 'siteId', 'mimicEndpoint', 'mimicPartnerId',
- 'immediateFetchTimeout', 'delayedFetchTimeout'
- ].forEach(name => void(features[name] = null));
- res = createSkipAllObject(name, {
- getFeatures: skipLog(`${name}.getFeatures`, features)
- });
- }
- if (name === 'mrg-smokescreen/Utils')
- res = createSkipAllObject(name, {
- extend(...args) {
- let res = {
- enable: false,
- match: [],
- links: []
- };
- _console.log(`${name}.extend(`, ...args, ') >>', res);
- return res;
- }
- });
- if (name.startsWith('OK/banners/') ||
- name.startsWith('mrg-smokescreen/StyleSheets') ||
- name === '@mail/mimic' ||
- name === 'mediator/advert-managers')
- res = createSkipAllObject(name);
- if (res) {
- Object.defineProperty(res, Symbol.toStringTag, _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return `Skiplog object for ${name}`;
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(res, Symbol.toPrimitive, _cloneInto({
- value(hint) {
- if (hint === 'string')
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(this);
- return `[missing toPrimitive] ${name} ${hint}`;
- }
- }));
- res = new _Proxy(res, _cloneInto(missingCheck));
- } else {
- res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- warn = true;
- }
- _console[warn ? 'warn' : 'log'](name, '(', ...args, ')\n>>', res);
- return res;
- }
- };
- const advModuleNamesStartWith = /^(mrg-(context|honeypot)|adv\/)/;
- const advModuleNamesGeneric = /advert|banner|mimic|smoke/i;
- const wrapAdFuncs = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let module = args[0];
- if (typeof module === 'string')
- if ((advModuleNamesStartWith.test(module) ||
- advModuleNamesGeneric.test(module)) &&
- // fix for e.mail.ru in Fx56 and below, looks like Proxy is quirky there
- !module.startsWith('patron.v2.')) {
- let main = args[args.length - 1];
- main._name = module;
- args[args.length - 1] = new _Proxy(main, _cloneInto(redefiner));
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- };
- const wrapDefine = def => {
- if (!def)
- return;
- _console.log('define =', def);
- def = new _Proxy(def, _cloneInto(wrapAdFuncs));
- def._name = 'define';
- return def;
- };
- let _define = wrapDefine(win.define);
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'define', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _define;
- },
- set(x) {
- if (_define === x)
- return true;
- _define = wrapDefine(x);
- return true;
- }
- }));
- }
- let _honeyPot;
- function defineDetector(mr) {
- let __ = mr._ || {};
- let setHoneyPot = o => {
- if (!o || o === _honeyPot) return;
- _console.log('[honeyPot]', o);
- _honeyPot = function () {
- this.check = new _Proxy(() => {
- __.STUCK_IN_POT = false;
- return false;
- }, _cloneInto(logger));
- this.check._name = 'honeyPot.check';
- this.destroy = () => null;
- };
- };
- if ('honeyPot' in mr)
- setHoneyPot(mr.honeyPot);
- else
- Object.defineProperty(mr, 'honeyPot', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _honeyPot;
- },
- set: setHoneyPot
- }));
- __ = new _Proxy(__, _cloneInto({
- get(target, prop) {
- return target[prop];
- },
- set(target, prop, val) {
- _console.log(`mr._.${prop} =`, val);
- target[prop] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- mr._ = __;
- }
- function defineAdd(mr) {
- let _add;
- let addWrapper = {
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let module = args[0];
- if (typeof module === 'string' && module.startsWith('ad')) {
- _console.log('Skip module:', module);
- return;
- }
- if (typeof module === 'object' && module.name.startsWith('ad'))
- _console.log('Loaded module:', module);
- return logger.apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- };
- let setMrAdd = v => {
- if (!v) return;
- v._name = 'mr.add';
- v = new _Proxy(v, _cloneInto(addWrapper));
- _add = v;
- };
- if ('add' in mr)
- setMrAdd(mr.add);
- Object.defineProperty(mr, 'add', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _add;
- },
- set: setMrAdd
- }));
- }
- const _mr_wrapper = vl => {
- defineLocator(vl.mimic ? vl.mimic : vl);
- defineDetector(vl);
- defineAdd(vl);
- return vl;
- };
- if ('mr' in win) {
- _console.log('Found existing "mr" object.');
- win.mr = _mr_wrapper(win.mr);
- } else {
- let _mr;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'mr', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _mr;
- },
- set(vl) {
- _mr = vl ? _mr_wrapper(vl) : vl;
- },
- configurable: true
- }));
- let _defineProperty = _bindCall(Object.defineProperty);
- Object.defineProperty = exportFunction(function defineProperty(...args) {
- const [obj, name, conf] = args;
- if (name === 'mr' && obj instanceof Window) {
- _console.trace('Object.defineProperty(', ...args, ')');
- conf.set(_mr_wrapper(conf.get()));
- }
- if ((name === 'honeyPot' || name === 'add') && _mr === obj && conf.set)
- return;
- return _defineProperty(this, ...args);
- }, win);
- }
- }, nullTools, selectiveCookies, abortExecution)
- },
- 'oms.matchat.online': () => scriptLander(() => {
- let _rmpGlobals;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'rmpGlobals', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _rmpGlobals;
- },
- set(val) {
- if (val === _rmpGlobals)
- return true;
- _rmpGlobals = new _Proxy(val, _cloneInto({
- get(obj, name) {
- if (name === 'adBlockerDetected')
- return false;
- return obj[name];
- },
- set(obj, name, val) {
- if (name === 'adBlockerDetected')
- _console.trace('rmpGlobals.adBlockerDetected =', val);
- else
- obj[name] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- }),
- 'megogo.net': {
- now() {
- nt.define('adBlock', false);
- nt.define('showAdBlockMessage', nt.func(null, 'showAdBlockMessage'));
- }
- },
- 'naruto-base.su': () => gardener('div[id^="entryID"],.block', /href="http.*?target="_blank"/i),
- 'online-fix.me': () => {
- localStorage.setItem('disable-helpus', true);
- let _$ = win.$;
- Object.defineProperty(win, '$', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _$;
- },
- set(jQuery) {
- _$ = new _Proxy(jQuery, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (res.selector === '#helpus')
- res.fadeIn = nt.func(null, '$.fadeIn');
- if (res.selector && res.selector.endsWith('a.btn'))
- res.replaceWith = nt.func(null, '$.replaceWith');
- return res;
- }
- }));
- return true;
- }
- }));
- },
- 'otzovik.com': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.onAll('Object.prototype.getYa');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.parseServerDataFunction');
- let _o_math = win.o_math;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'o_math', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _o_math;
- },
- set(val) {
- delete val.ext_uid;
- _o_math = val;
- throw removeOwnFootprint(new ReferenceError('fetch is not defined'));
- }
- }));
- }, abortExecution, selectiveCookies),
- 'overclockers.ru': {
- now() {
- abortExecution.onAll('cardinals');
- abortExecution.inlineScript('Document.prototype.createElement', {
- pattern: /mamydirect/
- });
- }
- },
- 'peka2.tv': () => {
- let bodyClass = 'body--branding';
- let checkNode = node => {
- for (let className of node.classList)
- if (className.includes('banner') || className === bodyClass) {
- _removeAttribute(node, 'style');
- node.classList.remove(className);
- for (let attr of Array.from(node.attributes))
- if (attr.name.startsWith('advert'))
- _removeAttribute(node, attr.name);
- }
- };
- (new MutationObserver(ms => {
- let m, node;
- for (m of ms)
- for (node of m.addedNodes)
- if (node instanceof HTMLElement)
- checkNode(node);
- })).observe(_de, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- (new MutationObserver(ms => {
- for (let m of ms)
- checkNode(m.target);
- })).observe(_de, {
- attributes: true,
- subtree: true,
- attributeFilter: ['class']
- });
- },
- 'pikabu.ru': () => gardener('.story', /story__author[^>]+>ads</i, {
- root: '.inner_wrap',
- observe: true
- }),
- 'pixelexperience.org': () => scriptLander(() => {
- abortExecution.inlineScript('eval', {
- pattern: /blockadblock/
- });
- }, abortExecution),
- 'player.starlight.digital': {
- other: 'teleportal.ua',
- dom() {
- scriptLander(() => {
- let _currVideo = win.currVideo;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'currVideo', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _currVideo;
- },
- set(val) {
- _console.log('currVideo =', val);
- if ('adv' in val)
- val.adv.creatives = [];
- if ('showadv' in val)
- val.showadv = false;
- if ('mediaHls' in val)
- val.mediaHls = val.mediaHls.replace('adv=1', 'adv=0');
- if ('media' in val)
- for (let media of val.media)
- media.url = media.url.replace('adv=1', 'adv=0');
- _currVideo = val;
- }
- }));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.isAdBlockEnabled', false);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.AdBlockDynamicConfig', undefined);
- nt.define('ADT_PLAYER_ADBLOCK_CONFIG', '');
- }, nullTools);
- }
- },
- 'player.vgtrk.com': () => nt.define('Object.prototype.IS_CHECK_REGISTRATION', undefined),
- 'qrz.ru': {
- now() {
- nt.define('ab', false);
- nt.define('tryMessage', nt.func(null, 'tryMessage'));
- }
- },
- 'rambler.ru': {
- other: [
- 'afisha.ru', 'autorambler.ru', 'championat.com', 'eda.ru', 'gazeta.ru', 'lenta.ru', 'letidor.ru',
- 'media.eagleplatform.com', 'motor.ru', 'passion.ru', 'quto.ru', 'rns.online', 'wmj.ru'
- ].join(','),
- now() {
- scriptLander(() => {
- // Skip login form and frames, and comments frames. Nothing to do here.
- if (['id.rambler.ru', 'comments.rambler.ru'].includes(location.hostname))
- return;
- // prevent autoplay
- if (location.hostname === 'vp.rambler.ru') {
- nt.define('Object.prototype.minPlayingVisibleHeight', Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
- return;
- }
- if (location.hostname.endsWith('.media.eagleplatform.com')) {
- const _stopImmediatePropagation = _bindCall(Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation);
- win.addEventListener('message', e => {
- if (typeof e.data === 'object' && e.data.visible)
- _stopImmediatePropagation(e);
- });
- return;
- }
- /* jshint -W001 */ // aka 'hasOwnProperty' is a really bad name, but this is a wrapper
- const autoList = new Set(['autoplay', 'scrollplay']);
- win.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (autoList.has(args[0]))
- return false;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- /* jshint +W001 */
- // ABP detection dev override, handy ^_^
- _document.cookie = '_blocker_hidden=1; domain=.rambler.ru; path=/';
- selectiveCookies('detect_count|dv|dvr|lv|lvr');
- // Wrapper for adv loader settings in QW50aS1BZEJsb2Nr['7t7hystz']
- const _contexts = new WeakMap();
- Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'Settings', _cloneInto({
- set(val) {
- if (typeof val === 'object' && 'Transports' in val && 'Urls' in val)
- val.Urls = [];
- _contexts.set(this, val);
- },
- get() {
- return _contexts.get(this);
- }
- }));
- // disable video pop-outs in articles on gazeta.ru
- if (location.hostname === 'gazeta.ru' || location.hostname.endsWith('.gazeta.ru'))
- nt.define('creepyVideo', nt.func(null, 'creepyVideo'));
- // disable Alice popup (encountered on horoscopes.rambler.ru)
- nt.define('Object.prototype.needShowAlicePopup', false);
- // disable some logging
- yandexRavenStub();
- // hide "disable ads" button
- createStyle('a[href^="https://prime.rambler.ru/promo/"] { display: none !important }');
- // prevent ads from loading
- abortExecution.onGet('g_GazetaNoExchange');
- //const toBlock = /[[:][a-z]{1,4}\("0x[\da-f]+"\)[\],}]|{[a-z]{1,2}\([a-z]{1,2}\)}|\.(rnet\.plus|24smi\.net|infox\.sg|lentainform\.com)\//i;
- const scriptSkipList = /nrWrapper|\/(desktopVendor|vendorsDesktop)\.|<anonymous>/;
- const isLocalScript = (log) => {
- let e = removeOwnFootprint(new Error()),
- parts = e.stack.split(/\n/),
- row = 0;
- if (!/http/.test(parts[row]))
- row += 1;
- while (scriptSkipList.test(parts[row]))
- row += 1;
- let parse = /(https?:.*):\d+:\d+/.exec(parts[row]);
- if (log)
- _console.log(parse && parse[1] === location.href, parts[row], [parts]);
- return parse && parse[1] === location.href;
- };
- const cutoff = 200;
- const fts = f => _toString(f.__sentry__ && f.__sentry_original__ || f['nr@original'] || f);
- win.setTimeout = new _Proxy(win.setTimeout, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (isLocalScript()) {
- const [callback, delay] = args;
- const str = fts(callback);
- if (!/\n/.test(str)) {
- _console.trace(`Skipped setTimeout(${str.slice(0, cutoff)}${str.length > cutoff ? '\u2026' : ''}, ${delay})`);
- return null;
- }
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- const _onerror = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win.HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror');
- _onerror.set = new _Proxy(_onerror.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (typeof args[0] === 'function' && isLocalScript()) {
- const str = fts(args[0]);
- _console.trace(`Skipped onerror = ${str.slice(0, cutoff)}${str.length > cutoff ? '\u2026' : ''}`);
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(win.HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror', _onerror);
- // Skip dev console check
- win.console.debug = new Proxy(win.console.debug, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[0] instanceof HTMLImageElement)
- return;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- // anti-abdetector
- let _primeStorage;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'primeStorage', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- if (isLocalScript())
- throw removeOwnFootprint(new TypeError(`Cannot read property 'primeStorage' of undefined`));
- return _primeStorage;
- },
- set(val) {
- _primeStorage = val;
- }
- }));
- // Defense against triggered detector
- _Node.removeChild = new _Proxy(_Node.removeChild, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const [el] = args;
- if (el.tagName === 'LINK' && isLocalScript()) {
- _console.log(`Let's not remove ${el.tagName}.`);
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }, nullTools, yandexRavenStub, selectiveCookies, abortExecution);
- },
- dom() {
- // disable video pop-outs in articles on lenta.ru and rambler.ru
- let domain = location.hostname.split('.');
- if (['lenta', 'rambler'].includes(domain[domain.length - 2])) {
- const player = _document.querySelector('.js-video-box__container, .j-mini-player__video');
- if (player) player.removeAttribute('class');
- }
- // remove utm_ form links
- const parser = _document.createElement('a');
- _document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
- let t = e.target;
- if (!t.href)
- t = t.closest('A');
- if (t && t.href) {
- parser.href = t.href;
- let remove = [];
- let params = parser.search.slice(1).split('&').filter(name => {
- if (name.startsWith('utm_')) {
- remove.push(name);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- if (remove.length)
- _console.log('Removed parameters from link:', ...remove);
- if (params.length)
- parser.search = `?${params.join('&')}`;
- else
- parser.search = '';
- t.href = parser.href;
- }
- }, false);
- }
- },
- 'razlozhi.ru': {
- now() {
- nt.define('cadb', false);
- for (let func of ['createShadowRoot', 'attachShadow'])
- if (func in _Element)
- _Element[func] = function () {
- return this.cloneNode();
- };
- createStyle([
- 'div[class][style*="width:"][style*="height"][style*="/themes/default/bg.png"] > div > div[style*="height:"][style*="width:"] { width: 100% !important }',
- 'div[class][style*="width:"][style*="height"][style*="/themes/default/bg.png"] > div[class][style^="top: "] ~ div[class]:not([style]) { right: -100% !important }',
- 'div[class][style*="width:"][style*="height"][style*="/themes/default/bg.png"] > div[style*="px;"] { width: 100% !important }',
- 'div[class][style*="width:"][style*="height"][style*="/themes/default/bg.png"] { width: 100% !important }'
- ]);
- }
- },
- 'rbc.ru': {
- other: 'autonews.ru, rbcplus.ru, sportrbc.ru',
- now() {
- scriptLander(() => selectiveCookies('adb_on'), selectiveCookies);
- let _RA;
- let setArgs = {
- 'showBanners': true,
- 'showAds': true,
- 'banners.staticPath': '',
- 'paywall.staticPath': '',
- 'banners.dfp.pageTargeting': () => null,
- 'banners.refreshConfig': [],
- 'banners.preroll': null
- };
- const log = (...args) => jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.log(...args);
- const trace = (...args) => jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.trace(...args);
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'RA', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _RA;
- },
- set(vl) {
- log('RA =', vl);
- if ('repo' in vl) {
- log('RA.repo =', vl.repo);
- vl.repo = new _Proxy(vl.repo, _cloneInto({
- set(obj, name, val) {
- if (name === 'banner') {
- log(`RA.repo.${name} =`, val);
- val = new _Proxy(val, _cloneInto({
- get(obj, name) {
- let res = obj[name];
- if (name === 'checkAdBlock' || name === 'gpmdPuidGenerator')
- res = () => undefined;
- if (name === 'isInited')
- res = true;
- if (name === 'run')
- res = (...args) => log('run RA.repo.banner.run(', ...args, ')');
- trace(`get RA.repo.banner.${name}`, res);
- return res;
- }
- }));
- }
- obj[name] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- } else
- _console.log('Unable to locate RA.repo');
- if ('fn' in vl) {
- const replace = ['flyroll', 'subscriptionPopup', 'yandexDirect'];
- vl.fn = new _Proxy(vl.fn, _cloneInto({
- get(obj, name) {
- if (replace.includes(name))
- obj[name] = {
- init: (...args) => log(`run RA.fn.${name}.init(`, ...args, ')')
- };
- log(`get RA.fn.${name}`, obj[name]);
- return obj[name];
- }
- }));
- }
- _RA = new _Proxy(vl, _cloneInto({
- set(o, name, val) {
- if (name === 'config') {
- log('RA.config =', val);
- if ('set' in val) {
- val.set = new _Proxy(val.set, _cloneInto({
- apply(set, that, args) {
- let name = args[0];
- if (name in setArgs)
- args[1] = setArgs[name];
- if (name === 'banners.dfp.config' && args[1] && args[1].length) // looks like player is loaded as an ad
- args[1] = args[1].filter(x => x.place === 'over_livetv');
- if (name in setArgs || name === 'checkad' || name === 'banners.dfp.config')
- log('RA.config.set(', ...args, ')');
- return _apply(set, that, args);
- }
- }));
- val.set('showAds', true); // pretend ads already were shown
- }
- }
- o[name] = val;
- return true;
- }
- }));
- }
- }));
- nt.define('bannersConfig', []);
- // pretend there is a paywall landing on screen already
- let pwl = _document.createElement('div');
- pwl.style.display = 'none';
- pwl.className = 'js-paywall-landing';
- _document.documentElement.appendChild(pwl);
- // hide banner placeholders
- createStyle('[data-banner-id], .banner__container, .banners__yandex__article { display: none !important }');
- },
- dom() {
- // hide sticky banner place at the top of the page
- for (let itm of _document.querySelectorAll('.l-sticky'))
- if (itm.querySelector('.banner__container__link'))
- itm.style.display = 'none';
- }
- },
- 'reactor.cc': {
- other: 'joyreactor.cc, pornreactor.cc',
- now: () => scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveEval();
- win.open = function () {
- throw new ReferenceError('Redirect prevention.');
- };
- nt.define('Worker', nt.func(nt.proxy({}, 'Worker'), 'Worker'));
- let _CTRManager = win.CTRManager;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'CTRManager', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _CTRManager;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _CTRManager)
- return true;
- _CTRManager = {};
- for (let name in vl)
- if (typeof vl[name] !== 'function')
- _CTRManager[name] = vl[name];
- _CTRManager = nt.proxy(_CTRManager, 'CTRManager');
- }
- }));
- }, nullTools, selectiveEval),
- click(e) {
- let node = e.target;
- if (node.nodeType === _Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
- node.style.position === 'absolute' &&
- node.style.zIndex > 0)
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
- }
- },
- 'rp5.tld': {
- now() {
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'sContentBottom', _cloneInto({
- set() {},
- get() {
- return '';
- }
- }));
- // skip timeout check for blocked requests
- let _setTimeout = win.setTimeout;
- win.setTimeout = function setTimeout(...args) {
- let str = (typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0] : _toString(args[0]));
- if (str.includes('xvb')) {
- _console.log('Blocked setTimeout for:', str);
- return;
- }
- return _setTimeout(...args);
- };
- },
- dom() {
- let node = selectNodeByTextContent('Разместить текстовое объявление', {
- root: _de.querySelector('#content-wrapper'),
- shallow: true
- });
- if (node)
- node.style.display = 'none';
- }
- },
- 'rutracker.org': {
- other: 'rutracker.lib, rutracker.net, rutracker.nl',
- now: () => {
- const ext = 'p-ext-link';
- _Element.setAttribute = new _Proxy(_Element.setAttribute, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [prop, classes] = args;
- if (prop === 'class') {
- let list = classes.split(/\s/);
- if (list.includes(ext)) {
- args[1] = list.filter(x => x !== ext).join(' ');
- that.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
- that.setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer');
- }
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- },
- 'rutube.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- jsonFilter('creative', 'creative.id');
- jsonFilter('interactives', 'interactives.0');
- }, jsonFilter),
- 'sdamgia.ru': () => {
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.getYa');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.initYa');
- abortExecution.onGet('Object.prototype.initYaDirect');
- },
- 'shazoo.ru': () => {
- const wash = node => node.tagName === 'BODY' && !node.removeAttribute('style');
- if (!Array.prototype.some.call(_de.children, wash)) {
- let o = new MutationObserver(() => wash(_de.children[_de.children.length - 1]) && o.disconnect());
- o.observe(_de, {
- childList: true
- });
- }
- },
- 'simpsonsua.tv': () => {
- let _addEventListener = _Document.addEventListener;
- _document.addEventListener = function (event, callback) {
- if (event === 'DOMContentLoaded' && callback.toString().includes('show_warning'))
- return;
- return _addEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- nt.define('need_warning', 0);
- nt.define('onYouTubeIframeAPIReady', nt.func(null, 'onYouTubeIframeAPIReady'));
- },
- 'smotret-anime-365.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- deepWrapAPI(root => {
- const _pause = _bindCall(root.Audio.prototype.pause);
- const _addEventListener = _bindCall(root.Element.prototype.addEventListener);
- let stopper = e => _pause(e.target);
- root.Audio = new root.Proxy(root.Audio, _cloneInto({
- construct(audio, args) {
- let res = _construct(audio, args);
- _addEventListener(res, 'play', stopper, true);
- return res;
- }
- }, root));
- const getTagName = _bindCall(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'tagName').get);
- root.Document.prototype.createElement = new root.Proxy(root.Document.prototype.createElement, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- if (getTagName(res) === 'AUDIO')
- _addEventListener(res, 'play', stopper, true);
- return res;
- }
- }, root));
- });
- }, deepWrapAPI),
- 'smotrim.ru': () => createStyle('.dialog-wrapper { display: none !important }'),
- 'spaces.ru': () => {
- gardener('div:not(.f-c_fll) > a[href*="spaces.ru/?Cl="]', /./, {
- parent: 'div'
- });
- gardener('.js-banner_rotator', /./, {
- parent: '.widgets-group'
- });
- },
- 'spam-club.blogspot.co.uk': () => {
- let _clientHeight = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'clientHeight'),
- _clientWidth = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'clientWidth');
- let wrapGetter = (getter) => {
- let _getter = getter;
- return function () {
- let _size = _getter.apply(this, arguments);
- return _size ? _size : 1;
- };
- };
- _clientHeight.get = wrapGetter(_clientHeight.get);
- _clientWidth.get = wrapGetter(_clientWidth.get);
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'clientHeight', _clientHeight);
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'clientWidth', _clientWidth);
- let _onload = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onload'),
- _set_onload = _onload.set;
- _onload.set = function () {
- if (this instanceof HTMLImageElement)
- return true;
- _set_onload.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onload', _onload);
- },
- 'sport-express.ru': () => gardener('.js-relap__item', />Реклама\s+<\//, {
- root: '.container',
- observe: true
- }),
- 'sports.ru': {
- other: 'tribuna.com',
- now() {
- // extra functionality: shows/hides panel at the top depending on scroll direction
- createStyle({
- '.user-panel__fixed': {
- transition: 'top 0.2s ease-in-out!important'
- },
- '.popup__overlay.feedback': {
- display: 'none!important'
- },
- '.user-panel-up': {
- top: '-40px!important'
- },
- '#branding-layout': {
- margin_top: '100px!important'
- }
- }, {
- id: 'fixes',
- protect: false
- });
- scriptLander(() => {
- yandexRavenStub();
- webpackJsonpFilter(/AdBlockDetector|addBranding|loadPlista/);
- }, nullTools, yandexRavenStub, webpackJsonpFilter);
- },
- dom() {
- (function lookForPanel() {
- let panel = _document.querySelector('.user-panel__fixed');
- if (!panel)
- setTimeout(lookForPanel, 100);
- else
- window.addEventListener(
- 'wheel',
- function (e) {
- if (e.deltaY > 0 && !panel.classList.contains('user-panel-up'))
- panel.classList.add('user-panel-up');
- else if (e.deltaY < 0 && panel.classList.contains('user-panel-up'))
- panel.classList.remove('user-panel-up');
- }, false
- );
- })();
- }
- },
- 'stealthz.ru': {
- dom() {
- // skip timeout
- let $ = _document.querySelector.bind(_document);
- let [timer_1, timer_2] = [$('#timer_1'), $('#timer_2')];
- if (!timer_1 || !timer_2)
- return;
- timer_1.style.display = 'none';
- timer_2.style.display = 'block';
- }
- },
- 'tortuga.wtf': () => {
- nt.define('Object.prototype.hideab', undefined);
- },
- 'tv.animebest.org': {
- now() {
- let _eval = win.eval;
- win.eval = new _Proxy(win.eval, _cloneInto({
- apply(evl, ths, args) {
- if (typeof args[0] === 'string' &&
- args[0].includes("'VASTP'")) {
- args[0] = args[0].replace("'VASTP'", "''");
- win.eval = _eval;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(evl, ths, args);
- }
- }));
- }
- },
- 'tv-kanali.online': () => {
- win.setTimeout = new _Proxy(win.setTimeout, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (args[0].name && args[0].name.includes('doAd'))
- return;
- if (args[1] === 30000) args[1] = 100;
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'video.khl.ru': () => {
- let props = new Set(['detectBlockers', 'detectBlockersByLink', 'detectBlockersByElement']);
- win.Object.defineProperty = new _Proxy(win.Object.defineProperty, _cloneInto({
- apply(def, that, args) {
- if (props.has(args[1])) {
- args[2] = {
- key: args[1],
- value() {
- _console.log(`Skipped ${args[1]} call.`);
- }
- };
- _console.log(`Replaced method ${args[1]}.`);
- }
- return Reflect.apply(def, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'websdr.space': () => {
- // scripts_base.min.js localDetect(): lol. seriously, lol
- win.setTimeout = new _Proxy(win.setTimeout, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let [callback, timeout] = args;
- if (timeout > 1000 && typeof callback === 'function' && _toString(callback).includes('5e3')) {
- _console.log('skip', callback);
- return;
- }
- return _apply(fun, that, args);
- }
- }));
- },
- 'xatab-repack.net': {
- other: 'rg-mechanics.org',
- now() {
- abortExecution.onSet('blocked');
- }
- },
- 'xittv.net': () => scriptLander(() => {
- let logNames = ['setup', 'trigger', 'on', 'off', 'onReady', 'onError', 'getConfig', 'addPlugin', 'getAdBlock'];
- let skipEvents = ['adComplete', 'adSkipped', 'adBlock', 'adRequest', 'adMeta', 'adImpression', 'adError', 'adTime', 'adStarted', 'adClick'];
- let _jwplayer;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'jwplayer', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _jwplayer;
- },
- set(x) {
- _jwplayer = new _Proxy(x, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- let res = fun.apply(that, args);
- res = new _Proxy(res, _cloneInto({
- get(obj, name) {
- if (logNames.includes(name) && typeof obj[name] === 'function')
- return new _Proxy(obj[name], _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- if (name === 'setup') {
- let o = args[0];
- if (o)
- delete o.advertising;
- }
- if (name === 'on' || name === 'trigger') {
- let events = typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0].split(" ") : null;
- if (events.length === 1 && skipEvents.includes(events[0]))
- return res;
- if (events.length > 1) {
- let names = [];
- for (let event of events)
- if (!skipEvents.includes(event))
- names.push(event);
- if (names.length > 0)
- args[0] = names.join(" ");
- else
- return res;
- }
- }
- let subres = fun.apply(that, args);
- _console.trace(`jwplayer().${name}(`, ...args, `) >>`, res);
- return subres;
- }
- }));
- return obj[name];
- }
- }));
- return res;
- }
- }));
- _console.log('jwplayer =', x);
- }
- }));
- }),
- 'yandex.tld': {
- other: 'yandexsport.tld',
- now: () => {
- // Generic Yandex Scripts
- const mainScript = () => {
- // Yandex API (ADBTools, Metrika)
- let hostname = location.hostname;
- if (// Yandex use their Ya object for a lot of things on their pages and
- // wrapping it may cause problems. It's better to skip it in some cases.
- ((hostname.startsWith('yandex.') || hostname.includes('.yandex.')) &&
- /^\/((yand)?search|images|health)/i.test(location.pathname) && !hostname.startsWith('news.')) ||
- hostname.startsWith('eda.yandex.')
- ) return;
- let YaProps = new Set();
- function setObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj, name) {
- if (YaProps.has(rootProp))
- return;
- _console.trace(`Ya.${rootProp} = Ya.${name}`);
- nt.defineOn(Ya, rootProp, Ya[name], 'Ya.');
- YaProps.add(rootProp);
- for (let prop in obj)
- delete obj[prop];
- for (let prop in Ya[name])
- obj[prop] = Ya[name][prop];
- }
- function onObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj) {
- if ('AdvManager' in obj || 'AdvManagerStatic' in obj || 'isAllowedRepeatAds' in obj) {
- setObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj, 'Context');
- return Ya.Context;
- }
- if ('create' in obj && 'createAdaptive' in obj && 'createScroll' in obj) {
- setObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj, 'adfoxCode');
- return Ya.adfoxCode;
- }
- return new _Proxy(obj, _cloneInto({
- set(target, prop, val) {
- if (prop === 'AdvManager' || prop === 'isAllowedRepeatAds') {
- setObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj, 'Context');
- return true;
- }
- if (prop === 'create' && 'createAdaptive' in obj && 'createScroll' in obj ||
- prop === 'createScroll' && 'create' in obj && 'createAdaptive' in obj ||
- prop === 'createAdaptive' && 'create' in obj && 'createScroll' in obj) {
- setObfuscatedProperty(Ya, rootProp, obj, 'adfoxCode');
- return true;
- }
- target[prop] = val;
- return true;
- },
- get(target, prop) {
- if (prop === 'AdvManager' && !(prop in target)) {
- _console.trace(`Injected missing ${prop} in Ya.${rootProp}.`);
- target[prop] = Ya.Context[prop];
- }
- return target[prop];
- }
- }));
- }
- let Rum = {
- getSettings: nt.func([], 'Ya.Rum.getSettings'),
- getVarsList: nt.func([], 'Ya.Rum.getVarsList'),
- getTimeMarks: nt.func([], 'Ya.Rum.getTimeMarks'),
- ajaxStart: 0,
- ajaxComplete: 0,
- enabled: true,
- vsChanged: false,
- vsStart: 'visible',
- ERROR_LEVEL: nt.proxy({
- ERROR: 0,
- WARN: 0,
- INFO: 0
- }, 'Ya.Rum.ERROR_LEVEL'),
- _tti: null,
- _markListeners: nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.Rum._markListeners'),
- _periodicTasks: nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.Rum._periodicTasks'),
- firstScreenMark: nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.Rum.firstScreenMark'),
- getSpaMetricsManager: undefined,
- _onComplete: [],
- _onInit: []
- };
- [
- '__timeMarks', '_timeMarks', '__deltaMarks', '_deltaMarks',
- '__defRes', '_defRes', '__defTimes', '_defTimes', '_vars',
- '_unsubscribers', 'commonVars'
- ].forEach(name => void(Rum[name] = []));
- Rum = nt.proxy(Rum, 'Ya.Rum', nt.NULL);
- let Ya = new _Proxy(_cloneInto({}), _cloneInto({
- set(obj, prop, val) {
- if (val === obj[prop])
- return true;
- if (prop === 'Rum') {
- nt.defineOn(obj, prop, Rum, 'Ya.');
- YaProps.add(prop);
- Object.assign(val, Rum);
- }
- if (YaProps.has(prop)) {
- jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.log(`Ya.${prop} \u2260`, val);
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof val === 'object' && prop !== '__inline_params__' && !('length' in val))
- val = onObfuscatedProperty(Ya, prop, val);
- obj[prop] = val;
- jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.log(`Ya.${prop} =`, val);
- return true;
- },
- get(obj, prop) {
- const val = obj[prop];
- jsf.LogAdditionalInfo && _console.log(`get Ya.${prop}`, val);
- return val;
- }
- }));
- let callWithParams = function (f) {
- f.call(this, Ya.__inline_params__ || {});
- Ya.__inline_params__ = null;
- };
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'callWithParams', callWithParams, 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'PerfCounters', nt.proxy({
- __cacheEvents: []
- }, 'Ya.PerfCounters', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, '__isSent', true, 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'confirmUrl', '', 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'Direct', nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.Direct', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'mediaCode', nt.proxy({
- create() {
- if (inIFrame) {
- _console.log('Removed body of ad-frame.');
- _document.documentElement.removeChild(_document.body);
- }
- }
- }, 'Ya.mediaCode', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- let extra = nt.proxy({
- extra: nt.proxy({
- match: 0,
- confirm: '',
- src: ''
- }),
- id: 0,
- percent: 100,
- threshold: 1
- });
- nt.defineOn(Ya, '_exp', nt.proxy({
- id: 0,
- coin: 0,
- choose: nt.func(extra, 'Ya._exp.choose'),
- get(prop) {
- return _hasOwnProperty(extra, prop) ? extra[prop] : null;
- },
- getId: nt.func(0, 'Ya._exp.getId'),
- defaultVersion: extra,
- getExtra: nt.func(extra.extra, 'Ya._exp.getExtra'),
- getDefaultExtra: nt.func(extra.extra, 'Ya._exp.getDefaultExtra'),
- versions: [extra]
- }), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'c', nt.func(null, 'Ya.c'), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'ADBTools', function () {
- this.getCurrentState = nt.func(true, 'Ya.ADBTools().getCurrentState');
- return nt.proxy(this, 'Ya.ADBTools', nt.NULL);
- }, 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'AdDetector', nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.AdDetector', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- let definePr = o => {
- Object.defineProperty(o, 'pr', _cloneInto({
- set() {},
- get() {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e6) + 1;
- }
- }));
- };
- let adfoxCode = {
- forcedDirectLoadingExp: nt.proxy({
- isLoadingTurnedOn: false,
- isExp: false
- }),
- isLoadingTurnedOn: false,
- xhrExperiment: nt.proxy({
- isXhr: true,
- isControl: true
- }),
- matchidManager: nt.proxy({}, 'Ya.adfoxCode.matchidManager', nt.NULL),
- _: []
- };
- definePr(adfoxCode);
- [
- 'clearSession', 'create', 'createAdaptive', 'createScroll',
- 'destroy', 'moduleLoad', 'reload', 'setModule'
- ].forEach(name => void(adfoxCode[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.adfoxCode.${name}`)));
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'adfoxCode', nt.proxy(adfoxCode, 'Ya.adfoxCode', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- let managerForAdfox = {
- loaderVersion: 1,
- isCurrrencyExp: true,
- isReady: nt.func(true, 'Ya.headerBidding.managerForAdfox.isReady'),
- getRequestTimeout: nt.func(
- 300 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
- 'Ya.headerBidding.managerForAdfox.getRequestTimeout'
- )
- };
- let headerBidding = nt.proxy({
- setSettings(opts) {
- if (!(opts && opts.adUnits))
- return null;
- let ids = [];
- for (let unit of opts.adUnits)
- ids.push(unit.code);
- createStyle(`#${ids.join(', #')} { display: none !important }`);
- },
- pushAdUnits: nt.func(null, 'Ya.headerBidding.pushAdUnits'),
- managerForAdfox: nt.proxy(managerForAdfox, 'Ya.headerBidding.managerForAdfox', nt.NULL)
- });
- definePr(headerBidding);
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'headerBidding', headerBidding, 'Ya.');
- let AdvManager = function () {
- this.render = function (o) {
- if (!o.renderTo)
- return;
- let placeholder = _document.getElementById(o.renderTo);
- if (!placeholder)
- return _console.warn('Ya.AdvManager.render call w/o placeholder', o);
- let parent = placeholder.parentNode;
- placeholder.style = 'display:none!important';
- parent.style = (parent.getAttribute('style') || '') + 'height:auto!important';
- // fix for Yandex TV pages
- if (location.hostname.startsWith('tv.yandex.')) {
- let sibling = placeholder.previousSibling;
- if (sibling && sibling.classList && sibling.classList.contains('tv-spin'))
- sibling.style.display = 'none';
- }
- };
- this.constructor = Object;
- return nt.proxy(this, 'Ya.AdvManager', nt.NULL);
- };
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'Context', new _Proxy(_cloneInto({
- __longExperiment: null,
- _callbacks: nt.proxy([]),
- _asyncModeOn: true,
- _init: nt.func(null, 'Ya.Context._init'),
- _load_callbacks: nt.proxy([]),
- performanceStorage: nt.proxy({}),
- processCallbacks: nt.func(null, 'Ya.Context.processCallbacks'),
- isAllowedRepeatAds: nt.func(null, 'Ya.Context.isAllowedRepeatAds'),
- isNewLoader: nt.func(false, 'Ya.Context.isNewLoader'),
- getItem: nt.func(null, 'Ya.Context.getItem'),
- AdvManager: new AdvManager(),
- AdvManagerStatic: new AdvManager()
- }), _cloneInto({
- get(obj, prop) {
- if (prop in obj)
- return obj[prop];
- _console.trace(`Ya.Context.${prop} = Ya.Context.AdvManager`);
- obj[prop] = obj.AdvManager;
- return obj[prop];
- },
- set() {
- return true;
- }
- })), 'Ya.');
- let Metrika = function Metrika(x) {
- this._ecommerce = '';
- if (x && 'id' in x)
- this.id = x.id;
- else
- this.id = 0;
- return nt.proxy(this, 'Ya.Metrika', nt.NULL);
- };
- Metrika.counters = () => Ya._metrika.counters;
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'Metrika', Metrika, 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'Metrika2', Metrika, 'Ya.');
- let counter = new Metrika();
- nt.defineOn(Ya, '_metrika', nt.proxy({
- counter: counter,
- counters: [counter],
- hitParam: {},
- counterNum: 0,
- hitId: 0,
- v: 1,
- i: 0,
- _globalMetrikaHitId: 0,
- getCounters: () => [],
- dataLayer: null,
- f1: null
- }), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, '_globalMetrikaHitId', 0, 'Ya.');
- counter = {};
- [
- 'stringifyParams', '_getVars',
- 'getUid', 'getUrl', 'getHash'
- ].forEach(name => void(counter[name] = nt.func('', `Ya.counter.${name}`)));
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'counter', nt.proxy(counter, 'Ya.counter', nt.NULL), 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'jserrors', [], 'Ya.');
- nt.defineOn(Ya, 'onerror', nt.func(null, 'Ya.onerror'), 'Ya.');
- let skipYa = location.pathname.startsWith('/games/play/');
- if (!skipYa) {
- let error_on_access = false;
- if ('Ya' in win)
- try {
- _console.log('Found existing Ya object:', win.Ya);
- for (let prop in win.Ya)
- Ya[prop] = win.Ya[prop];
- } catch (ignore) {
- error_on_access = true;
- }
- if (!error_on_access) {
- for (let prop in Ya)
- if (prop !== '__inline_params__')
- YaProps.add(prop);
- nt.define('Ya', Ya);
- } else
- _console.warn('Looks like window.Ya blocked with error-on-access scriptlet.');
- // Yandex.Metrika callbacks
- let yandex_metrika_callbacks = [];
- _document.addEventListener(
- 'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
- yandex_metrika_callbacks.forEach((f) => f && f.call(window));
- yandex_metrika_callbacks.length = 0;
- yandex_metrika_callbacks.push = (f) => setTimeout(f, 0);
- }, false
- );
- nt.define('yandex_metrika_callbacks', yandex_metrika_callbacks);
- }
- let cookiefilter = '';
- // ads on afisha.yandex.ru, however it looks like selectiveEval isn't perfect
- // since eval could be called in scope to access properties of that scope and
- // such calls with it active break functionality on metrika.yandex.ru
- if (/(^|\.)afisha\./.test(location.hostname)) {
- selectiveEval(/AdvManagerStatic/);
- nt.define('Object.prototype._adbStyles', null);
- nt.define('Object.prototype._adbClass', null);
- cookiefilter += (cookiefilter.length ? '|' : '') + 'checkcookie';
- }
- selectiveCookies(cookiefilter);
- // remove banner on the start page
- let AwapsJsonAPI_Json = function (...args) {
- _console.log('>> new AwapsJsonAPI.Json(', ...args, ')');
- };
- const cleaner = (_params, nodes) => {
- try {
- for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
- nodes[i].parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(nodes[i].parentNode);
- _console.log(`Removed banner placeholder.`);
- } catch (ignore) {
- _console.log(`Can't locate placeholder to remove.`);
- }
- };
- Object.assign(AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype, {
- checkBannerVisibility: nt.func(true, 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.checkBannerVisibility'),
- autorefresh: nt.proxy(cleaner, 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.prototype.autorefresh'),
- addIframeContent: nt.proxy(cleaner, 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.prototype.addIframeContent'),
- getHTML: nt.func('', 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.getHTML')
- });
- AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype = nt.proxy(AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype, 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.prototype');
- AwapsJsonAPI_Json = nt.proxy(AwapsJsonAPI_Json);
- if ('AwapsJsonAPI' in win) {
- _console.log('Oops! AwapsJsonAPI already defined.');
- let f = win.AwapsJsonAPI.Json;
- win.AwapsJsonAPI.Json = AwapsJsonAPI_Json;
- if (f && f.prototype)
- f.prototype = AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype;
- } else
- nt.define('AwapsJsonAPI', nt.proxy({
- Json: AwapsJsonAPI_Json
- }));
- const parseExport = x => {
- if (!x)
- return x;
- // remove banner placeholder
- if (x.banner && x.banner.cls && x.banner.cls.banner__parent) {
- let hide = pattern => {
- for (let banner of _document.querySelectorAll(pattern)) {
- _setAttribute(banner, 'style', 'display:none!important');
- _console.log('Hid banner placeholder.');
- }
- };
- let _parent = `.${x.banner.cls.banner__parent}`;
- hide(_parent);
- _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => hide(_parent), false);
- }
- // remove banner data and some other stuff
- delete x.banner;
- delete x.consistency;
- delete x['i-bannerid'];
- delete x['i-counter'];
- delete x['promo-curtain'];
- // remove parts of ga-counter (complete removal break "ТВ Онлайн")
- if (x['ga-counter'] && x['ga-counter'].data) {
- x['ga-counter'].data.id = 0;
- delete x['ga-counter'].data.ether;
- delete x['ga-counter'].data.iframeSrc;
- delete x['ga-counter'].data.iframeSrcEx;
- }
- // remove adblock detector parameters and clean up detector cookie
- if ('adb' in x) {
- let cookie = x.adb.data ? x.adb.data.cookie : undefined;
- if (cookie) {
- selectiveCookies(cookie);
- x.adb.data.adb = 0;
- }
- delete x.adb;
- }
- return x;
- };
- // Yandex banner on main page and some other things
- let _home = win.home,
- _home_set = !!_home;
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'home', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _home;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (!_home_set && vl === _home)
- return;
- _home_set = false;
- _console.log('home =', vl);
- let _home_export = parseExport(vl.export);
- Object.defineProperty(vl, 'export', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _home_export;
- },
- set(vl) {
- _home_export = parseExport(vl);
- }
- }));
- _home = vl;
- }
- }));
- // adblock circumvention on some Yandex domains
- yandexRavenStub();
- // news, sport, docviewer in emails and probably other places
- abortExecution.onGet('yaads.adRenderedCount');
- let AdvertPartner = nt.func(false, 'AdvertPartner');
- nt.defineOn(AdvertPartner, 'defaultProps', {}, 'AdvertPartner.');
- nt.defineOn(AdvertPartner, 'contextTypes', [], 'AdvertPartner.');
- nt.define('Object.prototype.AdvertPartner', AdvertPartner);
- // ads in videoplayer
- nt.define('Object.prototype.useAbdBundle', false);
- (path => { // code specific for certain paths on yandex
- const paths = {
- news: () => {
- win.JSON.parse = new _Proxy(win.JSON.parse, _cloneInto({
- apply(fun, that, args) {
- const res = _apply(fun, that, args);
- //_console.log(res);
- if ('content' in res) {
- delete res.content.adTags;
- delete res.content.adConfig;
- }
- if ('request_info' in res && res.request_info.with_ad_insertion)
- res.request_info.with_ad_insertion = false;
- delete res.rtb;
- delete res.seatbid;
- return res;
- }
- }));
- },
- pogoda: () => createStyle(
- 'div[class^="content "][data-bem] > .content__bottom ~ div[class*="card "],' +
- '[class*="segment__container"] > div > [class^="card "][class*="_"],' +
- '.b-statcounter + div[class] > div[id][class] { display: none !important }'
- ),
- '': () => {
- // banner on the main page under search
- createStyle([
- '.widgets[role="main"] div[class] > div[class]:empty:first-child + div[class]:last-child' +
- '{ border: none !important }',
- 'div.media-grid__row[data-blockname="infinity_zen"] .feed__item > div[class^="card-wrapper"][class*=" "]:not([style])' +
- '{ display: none !important }',
- '.widgets[role="main"] a[href^="https://yastatic.net/www/_/"] ~ div, .widgets[role="main"] a[href^="https://yastatic.net/www/_/"]' +
- '{ display: none !important }'
- ]);
- const getChildren = _bindCall(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'children').get);
- const HTMLElementDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(HTMLElement.prototype);
- const [getOffsetParent, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetLeft, getOffsetTop] = [
- 'offsetParent', 'offsetHeight', 'offsetLeft', 'offsetTop'
- ].map(prop => _bindCall(HTMLElementDescriptors[prop].get));
- const isParent = _bindCall(_Node.contains);
- const getComputedStyle = win.getComputedStyle;
- const getElementsFromPoint = _document.elementsFromPoint.bind(_document);
- const getElementPoint = (e, x = 0, y = 0) => {
- while (e) {
- x += getOffsetLeft(e);
- y += getOffsetTop(e);
- e = getOffsetParent(e);
- }
- return {
- x,
- y
- };
- };
- const getRoot = (() => {
- let root;
- return () => root || (root = _querySelector('.widgets[role="main"]'));
- })();
- function hideAtPoint(node) {
- const arrow = _querySelector('.home-arrow, form[role="search"]');
- if (!arrow) {
- _console.log('Unable to locate search field.');
- return;
- }
- const [pt, at] = [getElementPoint(node), getElementPoint(arrow)];
- const stack = getElementsFromPoint(
- Math.max(pt.x, at.x + 16),
- Math.max(pt.y, at.y + getOffsetHeight(arrow) + 16)
- );
- const root = getRoot();
- stack.filter(n => !isParent(n, arrow) && root.contains(n)).forEach(
- e => e.setAttribute('style', 'display:none!important')
- );
- }
- const processed = new WeakSet();
- function reWalker(root) {
- for (let node of getChildren(root)) {
- let bg = getComputedStyle(node).backgroundImage;
- if (bg && bg.includes('/yastatic.net/www/_/') && !processed.has(node)) {
- _setAttribute(node, 'style', 'background-image:none!important');
- hideAtPoint(node);
- processed.add(node);
- _console.log('Hid banner.');
- }
- reWalker(node);
- }
- }
- (new MutationObserver(
- ms => {
- const root = getRoot();
- if (!root) return;
- for (let m of ms)
- for (let node of m.addedNodes) {
- if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement) || !root.contains(node))
- continue;
- reWalker(node);
- }
- }
- )).observe(_de, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- win.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', r => (r = getRoot()) && reWalker(r));
- }
- };
- if (paths[path]) paths[path]();
- if (path === 'news' || path === 'sport') {
- createStyle(
- 'div[class*="-header"] ~ div[id*="page"] > div > div[class*="__"] + div[class] > [class*="__row"] > div[class*="__col"]:last-child,' +
- '.news-top-rubric-heading > span:only-child, div[class*="sport-app__advert"], div[class*="_banger"] { display: none !important }'
- );
- gardener('div[class*="__col"] > div[class*="-feed__"][class*="_type_"] > div[class*="loader"]', /./, {
- root: 'div[class*="-header"] ~ div[id*="page"]',
- parent: 'div[class*="-header"] ~ div[id*="page"] div[class*="__col"]',
- observe: true,
- hide: true
- });
- }
- })(location.pathname.slice(1, (x => x < 0 ? undefined : x)(location.pathname.indexOf('/', 1))).toLowerCase());
- // abp detector cookie on yandex pogoda and afisha
- win.Element.prototype.getAttribute = new _Proxy(win.Element.prototype.getAttribute, _cloneInto({
- apply(get, el, args) {
- let res = _apply(get, el, args);
- if (res && res.length > 20 && el instanceof HTMLBodyElement)
- try {
- let o = JSON.parse(res),
- found = false,
- check;
- for (let prop in o) {
- check = 'param' in o[prop] || 'aabCookieName' in o[prop];
- if (check || 'banners' in o[prop]) {
- found = true;
- if (check)
- selectiveCookies(o[prop].param || o[prop].aabCookieName);
- _console.log(el.tagName, o, 'removed', o[prop]);
- delete o[prop];
- }
- }
- if (!found) _console.log(el.tagName, o);
- res = JSON.stringify(o);
- } catch (ignore) {}
- return res;
- }
- }));
- };
- scriptLander(mainScript, nullTools, yandexRavenStub, abortExecution, selectiveCookies, selectiveEval);
- // Subdomain-specific Yandex scripts
- const subDomain = location.hostname.slice(0, location.hostname.indexOf('.'));
- // Cause issues on docviewer
- if ('attachShadow' in _Element && subDomain !== 'docviewer') try {
- let fakeRoot = () => ({
- firstChild: null,
- appendChild() {
- return null;
- },
- querySelector() {
- return null;
- },
- querySelectorAll() {
- return null;
- }
- });
- _Element.createShadowRoot = fakeRoot;
- let shadows = new WeakMap();
- let _attachShadow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'attachShadow');
- _attachShadow.value = function () {
- return shadows.set(this, fakeRoot()).get(this);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'attachShadow', _attachShadow);
- let _shadowRoot = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element, 'shadowRoot');
- _shadowRoot.set = () => null;
- _shadowRoot.get = function () {
- return shadows.has(this) ? shadows.get(this) : undefined;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(_Element, 'shadowRoot', _shadowRoot);
- } catch (e) {
- _console.warn('Unable to wrap Element.prototype.attachShadow\n', e);
- }
- // Disable banner styleSheet (on main page)
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
- for (let sheet of document.styleSheets)
- try {
- for (let rule of sheet.cssRules)
- if (rule.cssText.includes(' 728px 90px')) {
- rule.parentStyleSheet.disabled = true;
- _console.log('Disabled banner styleSheet:', rule.parentStyleSheet);
- }
- } catch (ignore) {}
- }, false);
- // Yandex Mail ads
- if (subDomain === 'mail') {
- let wrap = vl => {
- if (!vl)
- return vl;
- _console.log('Daria =', vl);
- nt.defineOn(vl, 'AdBlock', nt.proxy({
- detect: nt.func(new Promise(() => null), 'Daria.AdBlock.detect'),
- enabled: false
- }), 'Daria.');
- nt.defineOn(vl, 'AdvPresenter', nt.proxy({
- _config: nt.proxy({
- banner: false,
- done: false,
- line: false
- })
- }), 'Daria.');
- if (vl.Config) {
- delete vl.Config.adBlockDetector;
- delete vl.Config['adv-url'];
- delete vl.Config.cryprox;
- if (vl.Config.features) {
- delete vl.Config.features.web_adloader_with_cookie_cache;
- delete vl.Config.features.web_ads;
- delete vl.Config.features.web_ads_mute;
- }
- vl.Config.mayHaveAdv = false;
- }
- return vl;
- };
- let _Daria = wrap(win.Daria);
- if (_Daria)
- _console.log('Wrapped already existing object "Daria".');
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'Daria', _cloneInto({
- get() {
- return _Daria;
- },
- set(vl) {
- if (vl === _Daria)
- return;
- _Daria = wrap(vl);
- }
- }));
- // Buttons to pay to disable ads
- createStyle('.ns-view-mail-pro-left-column-button, .PSHeader-Pro { display: none !important }');
- }
- // Detector and ads on Yandex Music
- if (subDomain === 'music') {
- nt.define('tryPay', nt.func(null, 'tryPay'));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.initMegabannerAPI', nt.func(null, 'initMegabannerAPI'));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.mediaAd', undefined);
- nt.define('Object.prototype.detect', () => new Promise(() => null));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.loadContext', () => new Promise(r => r()));
- nt.define('Object.prototype.antiAdbSetup', nt.func(null, 'ya.music.antiAdbSetup'));
- }
- const isSearch = /^\/(yand)?search[/?]/i.test(location.pathname);
- if (['mail', 'music', 'tv', 'yandexsport'].includes(subDomain) || isSearch) {
- // prevent/defuse adblock detector and cleanup localStorage
- for (let name in localStorage)
- if (name.startsWith('videoplayer-ad-session-') || ['ic', 'yu', 'ludca', 'test'].includes(name))
- localStorage.removeItem(name);
- const mapsmb = Symbol('lsOverrideMap');
- let lsOverride = {
- // generic
- '_mt__data': '',
- 'yandexJSPlayerApiSavedSingleVideoSessionWatchedTimeSinceAd': Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) / 1000,
- 'yandexJSPlayerApiSavedSingleVideoSessionWatchedTimeSinceAdUtcTimestamp': true,
- // Yandex Music specific
- 'playerBrandingType': null,
- 'paywall-onloaded': true,
- 'gdpr-welcome': true
- };
- lsOverride[mapsmb] = new Map();
- lsOverride = new _Proxy(lsOverride, _cloneInto({
- get(that, name) {
- if (name === mapsmb)
- return that[name];
- if (name === 'yandexJSPlayerApiSavedSingleVideoSessionWatchedTimeSinceAdUtcTimestamp')
- return String((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 - that.yandexJSPlayerApiSavedSingleVideoSessionWatchedTimeSinceAd).slice(1, 14);
- if (name === 'paywall-onloaded' || name === 'gdpr-welcome') {
- let val = that[mapsmb].get(name);
- if (!val) return val;
- let obj = JSON.parse(val);
- let dt = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() + Math.random() * 3 * 86400000 + 2 * 86400000);
- for (let itm in obj)
- obj[itm] = dt;
- return JSON.stringify(obj);
- }
- return String(that[name]);
- },
- set(that, name, val) {
- that[mapsmb].set(name, val);
- return true;
- }
- }));
- const _getItem = win.localStorage.getItem;
- const _localStorage = new _Proxy(win.localStorage, _cloneInto({
- get(that, name) {
- if (name === 'getItem') {
- return (it) => {
- //console.log('get', it, _getItem.call(that, it));
- if (it in lsOverride) {
- lsOverride[it] = _getItem.call(that, it);
- //console.log('override', lsOverride[it]);
- return lsOverride[it];
- }
- return _getItem.call(that, it);
- };
- }
- if (name === 'removeItem' || name === 'setItem')
- return that[name].bind(that);
- if (name in lsOverride) {
- lsOverride[name] = _localStorage[name];
- _localStorage[name] = lsOverride[name];
- return lsOverride[name];
- }
- return that[name];
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(win, 'localStorage', _cloneInto({
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: new _Proxy(exportFunction(function localStorage() {
- return _localStorage;
- }, win), _cloneInto({}))
- }));
- // cookie cleaner
- let yp_keepCookieParts = /\.(sp|ygo|ygu|fblkv2|skin)\./;
- // ygo = city id; ygu = detect city automatically; fblkv2 = visible sections on the main page under search; skin = ligh/dark site skin
- let _doc_proto = ('cookie' in _Document) ? _Document : Object.getPrototypeOf(_document);
- let _cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc_proto, 'cookie');
- let blacklist = /^(mda=|ys=|yabs-|__|bltsr=)/;
- if (_cookie) {
- let _set_cookie = _bindCall(_cookie.set);
- _cookie.set = function (value) {
- if (blacklist.test(value)) {
- // remove value, set expired
- value = value.replace(/^([^=]+=)[^;]+/, '$1').replace(/(expires=)[\w\s\d,]+/, '$1Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00');
- _console.trace('expire cookie', value.match(/^[^=]+/)[0]);
- } else if (value.startsWith('yp=')) {
- let parts = value.split(';');
- let values = parts[0].split('#').filter(part => yp_keepCookieParts.test(part));
- if (values.length)
- values[0] = values[0].replace(/^yp=/, '');
- let res = `yp=${values.join('#')}`;
- _console.trace(`set cookie ${res}, dropped ${parts[0].replace(res,'')}`);
- parts[0] = res;
- value = parts.join(';');
- }
- return _set_cookie(this, value);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(_doc_proto, 'cookie', _cookie);
- }
- // Remove blacklisted cookies on startup
- GM.cookie.list({ url: location.href }).then(cookies => {
- const remove = [];
- for (const cookie of cookies) if (blacklist.test(`${cookie.name}=`)) remove.push(cookie);
- for (const cookie of remove) {
- console.log('Remove cookie', cookie.name);
- GM.cookie.delete(cookie);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- dom: () => {
- { // Partially based on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/22737-remove-yandex-redirect
- let count = 0,
- lock = false;
- const log = () => {
- count++;
- if (lock)
- return;
- setTimeout(() => {
- _console.log('Removed tracking attributes from', count, 'links.');
- count = 0;
- lock = false;
- }, 3333);
- lock = true;
- };
- const selectors = (
- 'A[onmousedown*="/jsredir"],' +
- 'A[data-log-node],' +
- 'A[data-vdir-href],' +
- 'A[data-counter]'
- );
- const removeTrackingAttributes = (link) => {
- _removeAttribute(link, 'onmousedown');
- _removeAttribute(link, 'data-log-node');
- // data-vdir-href
- _removeAttribute(link, 'data-vdir-href');
- _removeAttribute(link, 'data-orig-href');
- // data-counter
- _removeAttribute(link, 'data-counter');
- _removeAttribute(link, 'data-bem');
- log();
- };
- const removeTracking = (scope) => {
- if (scope instanceof Element)
- for (let link of scope.querySelectorAll(selectors))
- removeTrackingAttributes(link);
- };
- removeTracking(_document);
- (new MutationObserver(
- function (ms) {
- let m, node;
- for (m of ms)
- for (node of m.addedNodes)
- if (node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && node.matches(selectors))
- removeTrackingAttributes(node);
- else
- removeTracking(node);
- }
- )).observe(_de, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- }
- // Subdomain-specific Yandex scripts
- const subDomain = location.hostname.slice(0, location.hostname.indexOf('.'));
- // Function to attach an observer to monitor dynamic changes on the page
- const pageUpdateObserver = (func, obj, params) => {
- if (obj)
- (new MutationObserver(func))
- .observe(obj, (params || {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- }));
- };
- // Short name for parentNode.removeChild
- const remove = node => {
- if (!node || !node.parentNode)
- return false;
- _console.log('Removed node.');
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
- };
- // Short name for setAttribute style to display:none
- const hide = node => {
- if (!node)
- return false;
- _console.log('Hid node.');
- _setAttribute(node, 'style', 'display:none!important');
- };
- if (subDomain === 'music') {
- const removeMusicAds = () => {
- for (let node of _querySelectorAll('.ads-block'))
- remove(node);
- };
- pageUpdateObserver(removeMusicAds, _querySelector('.sidebar'));
- removeMusicAds();
- }
- if (subDomain === 'tv') {
- const removeTVAds = () => {
- const yadWord = /Яндекс.Директ/i;
- for (let node of _querySelectorAll('div[class^="_"][data-reactid] > div'))
- if (yadWord.test(node.textContent) || node.querySelector('iframe:not([src])')) {
- if (node.offsetWidth) {
- let pad = _document.createElement('div');
- _setAttribute(pad, 'style', `width:${node.offsetWidth}px`);
- node.parentNode.appendChild(pad);
- }
- remove(node);
- }
- };
- pageUpdateObserver(removeTVAds, _document.body);
- removeTVAds();
- }
- const isSearch = /^\/(yand)?search[/?]/i.test(location.pathname);
- if (isSearch) {
- const removeSearchAds = () => {
- const adWords = /Реклама|Ad/i;
- for (let node of _querySelectorAll('.serp-item'))
- if (_getAttribute(node, 'role') === 'complementary' ||
- adWords.test((node.querySelector('.label') || {}).textContent))
- hide(node);
- };
- pageUpdateObserver(removeSearchAds, _querySelector('.main__content'));
- removeSearchAds();
- }
- if (['mail', 'music', 'tv', 'yandexsport'].includes(subDomain) || isSearch) {
- // Generic ads removal and fixes
- for (let node of _querySelectorAll('.serp-header'))
- node.style.marginTop = '0';
- for (let node of _querySelectorAll(
- '.serp-adv__head + .serp-item,' +
- '#adbanner,' +
- '.serp-adv,' +
- '.b-spec-adv,' +
- 'div[class*="serp-adv__"]:not(.serp-adv__found):not(.serp-adv__displayed)'
- )) remove(node);
- }
- }
- },
- 'yap.ru': {
- other: 'yaplakal.com',
- now() {
- gardener('form > table[id^="p_row_"]:nth-of-type(2)', /member1438|Administration/);
- gardener('.icon-comments', /member1438|Administration|\/go\/\?http/, {
- parent: 'tr',
- siblings: -2
- });
- }
- },
- 'yapx.ru': () => scriptLander(() => {
- selectiveCookies('adblock_state|adblock_views');
- nt.define('blockAdBlock', {
- on: nt.func(nt.proxy({}, 'blockAdBlock.on', nt.NULL), 'blockAdBlock.on'),
- check: nt.func(null, 'blockAdBlock.check')
- });
- }, selectiveCookies, nullTools),
- 'znanija.com': () => scriptLander(() => {
- localStorage.clear();
- }, abortExecution)
- };
- // replace '.tld' in domain names, add alternative domain names if present and wrap functions into objects
- {
- const parts = _document.domain.split('.');
- const tld = /\.tld$/;
- const tldSubstitur = (() => {
- // stores TLD of current domain (simplistic TLD implementation)
- const last = parts.length - 1;
- const tld = ['', parts[last]];
- const secondLevel = [
- 'biz', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'int', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'pro'
- ];
- // add second from the end part of domain name as part of the TLD substitutor
- // when domain name consists of more than 2 parts and it looks like a part of TLD
- if ((parts[0] !== 'www' && parts.length > 2 || parts.length > 3) &&
- (parts[last - 1].length < 3 || secondLevel.includes(parts[last - 1])))
- tld.splice(0, 1, parts[last - 1]);
- return tld.join('.');
- })();
- for (let name in scripts) {
- if (typeof scripts[name] === 'function')
- scripts[name] = {
- now: scripts[name]
- };
- if (name.endsWith('.tld'))
- scripts[name.replace(tld, tldSubstitur)] = scripts[name];
- for (let domain of (scripts[name].other && scripts[name].other.split(/,\s*/) || [])) {
- domain = domain.replace(tld, tldSubstitur);
- if (domain in scripts)
- _console.log('Error in scripts list. Script for', name, 'replaced script for', domain);
- scripts[domain] = scripts[name];
- }
- delete scripts[name].other;
- }
- // scripts lookup
- const windowEvents = ['load', 'unload', 'beforeunload'];
- let domain;
- while (parts.length > 1) {
- domain = parts.join('.');
- if (domain in scripts) {
- for (let when in scripts[domain]) {
- let script = scripts[domain][when];
- if (when === 'now')
- script();
- else if (when === 'dom')
- _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', script);
- else if (windowEvents.includes(when))
- win.addEventListener(when, scripts[domain][when]);
- else
- _document.addEventListener(when, scripts[domain][when]);
- }
- }
- parts.shift();
- }
- }
- // Batch script lander
- if (!skipLander)
- landScript(batchLand, batchPrepend);
- { // JS Fixes Tools Menu
- const incompatibleScriptHandler = !/^(Tamper|Violent)monkey$/.test(GM.info.scriptHandler);
- // Debug function, lists all unusual window properties
- const isNativeFunction = /^[^{]*\{[\s\r\n]*\[native\scode\][\s\r\n]*\}$/;
- const getStrangeObjectsList = () => {
- _console.group('Window strangers list');
- const _skip = 'frames/self/window/webkitStorageInfo'.split('/');
- for (let n of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win))
- try {
- let val = win[n];
- if (val && !_skip.includes(n) && (win !== window && val !== window[n] || win === window) &&
- (typeof val !== 'function' || typeof val === 'function' && !isNativeFunction.test(_toString(val))))
- _console.log(`${n} =`, val);
- } catch (e) {
- _console.log(n, 'returns error on read', e);
- }
- _console.groupEnd('Window strangers list');
- };
- const lines = {
- linked: [],
- MenuOptions: {
- eng: 'Options',
- ukr: 'Налаштування',
- rus: 'Настройки'
- },
- MenuCompatibilityWarning: {
- eng: 'is not supported',
- ukr: 'не підтримується',
- rus: 'не поддерживается'
- },
- langs: {
- eng: 'English',
- ukr: 'Українська',
- rus: 'Русский'
- },
- sObjBtn: {
- eng: 'List unusual “window” properties',
- ukr: 'Вивести нестандартні властивості «window»',
- rus: 'Вывести нестандартные свойства «window»'
- },
- HeaderTools: {
- eng: 'Tools',
- ukr: 'Інструменти',
- rus: 'Инструменты'
- },
- HeaderOptions: {
- eng: 'Options',
- ukr: 'Налаштування',
- rus: 'Настройки'
- },
- AccessStatisticsLabel: {
- eng: 'Display stubs access statistics and JSON filter',
- ukr: 'Відображати статистику запитів до заглушок та JSON фільтра',
- rus: 'Выводить статистику запросов к заглушкам и JSON фильтра'
- },
- AbortExecutionStatisticsLabel: {
- eng: 'Display abort execution statistics',
- ukr: 'Відображати статистику переривання виконання скриптів',
- rus: 'Выводить статистику прерывания исполнения скриптов'
- },
- LogAttachedCSSLabel: {
- eng: 'Log CSS attached to a page',
- ukr: 'Журналювати CSS додані на сторінку',
- rus: 'Журналировать CSS добавленные на страницу'
- },
- LogAdditionalInfoLabel: {
- eng: 'Display additional logs (when available)',
- ukr: 'Додаткове журналування (якщо є)',
- rus: "Дополнительное журналирование (когда доступно)"
- },
- BlockNotificationPermissionRequestsLabel: {
- eng: 'Block requests to "Show Notifications" on sites',
- ukr: 'Блокувати запити «Показувати Повідомлення» на сайтах',
- rus: 'Блокировать запросы «Показывать Уведомления» на сайтах'
- },
- ShowScriptHandlerCompatibilityWarningLabel: {
- eng: 'Show compatibility warning in menu next to Options',
- ukr: 'Відображати попередження про сумісність у меню поруч із Налаштуваннями',
- rus: 'Отображать предупреждение о совместимости в меню рядом с Настройками'
- },
- DisableTMContextMenuLabel: {
- eng: [
- 'To hide “Tampermonkey” in context menu please open “Dashboard” from extension\'s menu,',
- 'select “Settings” tab, switch “Config mode” to “Advanced”, navigate to “Context Menu” section',
- 'and disable “Userscript menu commands” option. Additionally, make sure “Inject mode”',
- 'in “Experimental” section is set to “Instant”.'
- ].join(' '),
- ukr: [
- 'Для приховання "Tampermonkey" у контекстному меню будь ласка, відкрийте «Панель упарвлення» з меню розширення,',
- 'перейдіть на вкладку «Налаштування», переключіть «Режим конфігурації» на «Просунутий», знайдіть секцію «Context Menu»',
- 'і вимкніть опцію «Userscript menu commands». Також переконайтеся, що «Режим вбудовування» в секції',
- '«Експериментально» встановлений на «Миттєвий».',
- ].join(' '),
- rus: [
- 'Для скрытия "Tampermonkey" в контекстном меню пожалуйста откройте «Панель упарвления» из меню расширения,',
- 'перейдите на вкладку «Настройки», переключите «Режим конфигурации» на «Продвинутый», найдите секцию «Context Menu»',
- 'и выключите опцию «Userscript menu commands». Также убедитесь, что «Режим встраивания» в секции',
- '«Экспериментально» установлен на «Мгновенный».',
- ].join(' ')
- },
- reg(el, name) {
- this[name].link = el;
- this.linked.push(name);
- },
- setLang(lang = 'eng') {
- for (let name of this.linked) {
- const el = this[name].link;
- const label = this[name][lang];
- el.textContent = label;
- }
- this.langs.link.value = lang;
- jsf.Lang = lang;
- }
- };
- const _createTextNode = _Document.createTextNode.bind(_document);
- const createOptionsWindow = () => {
- const root = _createElement('div'),
- shadow = _attachShadow ? _attachShadow(root, {
- mode: 'closed'
- }) : root,
- overlay = _createElement('div'),
- inner = _createElement('div');
- overlay.id = 'overlay';
- overlay.appendChild(inner);
- shadow.appendChild(overlay);
- inner.id = 'inner';
- inner.br = function appendBreakLine() {
- return this.appendChild(_createElement('br'));
- };
- createStyle({
- 'h2': {
- margin_top: 0
- },
- 'h2, h3': {
- margin_block_end: '0.5em'
- },
- 'div, button, select, input': {
- font_family: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
- font_size: '12pt'
- },
- 'button': {
- background: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #f0f0f0 5%, #c0c0c0 100%)',
- border_radius: '3px',
- border: '1px solid #a1a1a1',
- color: '#000000',
- text_shadow: '0px 1px 0px #d4d4d4'
- },
- 'button:hover': {
- background: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #c0c0c0 5%, #f0f0f0 100%)'
- },
- 'button:active': {
- position: 'relative',
- top: '1px'
- },
- 'select': {
- border: '1px solid darkgrey',
- border_radius: '0px 0px 5px 5px',
- border_top: '0px'
- },
- 'button:focus, select:focus': {
- outline: 'none'
- },
- '#overlay': {
- position: 'fixed',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- right: 0,
- background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.65)',
- z_index: 2147483647 // Highest z-index: Math.pow(2, 31) - 1
- },
- '#inner': {
- background: 'whitesmoke',
- color: 'black',
- padding: '1.5em 1em 1.5em 1em',
- max_width: '65ch',
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '50%',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
- border: '1px solid darkgrey',
- border_radius: '5px'
- },
- '#closeOptionsButton': {
- float: 'right',
- transform: 'translate(1em, -1.5em)',
- border: 0,
- border_radius: 0,
- background: 'none',
- box_shadow: 'none'
- },
- '#selectLang': {
- float: 'right',
- transform: 'translate(0, -1.5em)'
- },
- '.optionsLabel': {
- padding_left: '1.5em',
- text_indent: '-1em',
- display: 'block'
- },
- '.optionsCheckbox': {
- left: '-0.25em',
- width: '1em',
- height: '1em',
- padding: 0,
- margin: 0,
- position: 'relative',
- vertical_align: 'middle'
- },
- '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)': {
- '#inner': {
- background_color: '#292a2d',
- color: 'white',
- border: '1px solid #1a1b1e'
- },
- 'input': {
- filter: 'invert(100%)'
- },
- 'button': {
- background: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #575757 5%, #303030 100%)',
- border_color: '#575757',
- color: '#f0f0f0',
- text_shadow: '0px 1px 0px #171717'
- },
- 'button:hover': {
- background: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #303030 5%, #575757 100%)'
- },
- 'select': {
- background_color: '#303030',
- color: '#f0f0f0',
- border: '1px solid #1a1b1e',
- border_radius: '0px 0px 5px 5px',
- border_top: '0px'
- },
- '#overlay': {
- background: 'rgba(0,0,0,.85)',
- }
- }
- }, {
- root: shadow,
- protect: false
- });
- // components
- function createCheckbox(name) {
- const checkbox = _createElement('input');
- const label = _createElement('label');
- checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
- checkbox.classList.add('optionsCheckbox');
- checkbox.checked = jsf[name];
- checkbox.onclick = e => {
- jsf[name] = e.target.checked;
- return true;
- };
- label.classList.add('optionsLabel');
- label.appendChild(checkbox);
- const text = _createTextNode('');
- label.appendChild(text);
- Object.defineProperty(label, 'textContent', _cloneInto({
- set(title) {
- text.textContent = title;
- }
- }));
- return label;
- }
- // language & close
- const closeBtn = _createElement('button');
- closeBtn.onclick = () => _removeChild(root);
- closeBtn.textContent = '\u2715';
- closeBtn.id = 'closeOptionsButton';
- inner.appendChild(closeBtn);
- overlay.addEventListener('click', e => {
- if (e.target === overlay) {
- _removeChild(root);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- }, false);
- const selectLang = _createElement('select');
- for (let name in lines.langs) {
- const langOption = _createElement('option');
- langOption.value = name;
- langOption.innerText = lines.langs[name];
- selectLang.appendChild(langOption);
- }
- selectLang.id = 'selectLang';
- lines.langs.link = selectLang;
- inner.appendChild(selectLang);
- selectLang.onchange = e => {
- const lang = e.target.value;
- lines.setLang(lang);
- };
- // fill options form
- const header = _createElement('h2');
- header.textContent = 'RU AdList JS Fixes';
- inner.appendChild(header);
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(_createElement('h3')), 'HeaderTools');
- const sObjBtn = _createElement('button');
- sObjBtn.onclick = getStrangeObjectsList;
- sObjBtn.textContent = '';
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(sObjBtn), 'sObjBtn');
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(_createElement('h3')), 'HeaderOptions');
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('AccessStatistics')), 'AccessStatisticsLabel');
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('AbortExecutionStatistics')), 'AbortExecutionStatisticsLabel');
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('LogAttachedCSS')), 'LogAttachedCSSLabel');
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('LogAdditionalInfo')), 'LogAdditionalInfoLabel');
- inner.appendChild(_createElement('br'));
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('BlockNotificationPermissionRequests')), 'BlockNotificationPermissionRequestsLabel');
- if (GM.info.scriptHandler === 'Tampermonkey') {
- inner.appendChild(_createElement('br'));
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(_createElement('label')), 'DisableTMContextMenuLabel');
- }
- if (incompatibleScriptHandler) {
- inner.appendChild(_createElement('br'));
- lines.reg(inner.appendChild(createCheckbox('ShowScriptHandlerCompatibilityWarning')), 'ShowScriptHandlerCompatibilityWarningLabel');
- }
- lines.setLang(jsf.Lang);
- return root;
- };
- let optionsWindow;
- GM_registerMenuCommand(lines.MenuOptions[jsf.Lang], () => _appendChild(optionsWindow = optionsWindow || createOptionsWindow()));
- // add warning to script menu for non-Tampermonkey users
- if (jsf.ShowScriptHandlerCompatibilityWarning && incompatibleScriptHandler)
- GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM.info.scriptHandler} ${lines.MenuCompatibilityWarning[jsf.Lang]}`, () => {
- win.open(`https://greasyfork.org/${jsf.Lang.slice(0,2)}/scripts/19993-ru-adlist-js-fixes#additional-info`);
- });
- }
- })();