Greasy Fork is available in English.

JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

< Обсуждения JR Mturk Panda Crazy


Interfering with Hit Scraper and Hit Forker

Since the update, something is interfering with Hit Scraper and Hit Forker. As soon as I open PC and it collects one hit, HS/HF will no longer work. As soon as I close PC, it goes back to normal and starts working. Did not have this problem before. I've tested this numerous times this morning and every single time, this is exactly how it works - HS/HF work fine, as soon as a PandA is collected, HS/HF no longer collect hits. It just shows "no hits found".

PC doesn't even touch the pages Hitscraper or hit Forker uses. I tested it right now and they are working fine. You can try to disable the PC helper scripts and see if that helps. They are the scripts that work on any worker page but it shouldn't cause any problems because it just adds buttons and doesn't interfere with scripts.

I took the better part of my morning cleaning, uninstalling and reinstalling. It seems to be fine now. However, I am still getting the focus notification even though PC is in its own window with no other tabs with it.

Did you update it to 0.5.16? I changed it a bit and it seems to work a bit better.

Ahh not yet. Thanks! I did 5.15 this morning.


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