Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.2 2024-08-31

< Обсуждения Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Works great for me! As the dev has shared, if you're using DuckDuckGo, in order to block results more effectively, edit custom style rules under options using the following:

.results_links_deep[blocknotice] + .results__sitelink--organics, .ghhdnone + .results__sitelink--organics, .results_links_deep[blocknotice] + .result__sitelinks--organics, .ghhdnone + .result__sitelinks--organics {display:none;}

Thanks. When I upload version 2.2.0 over the weekend (fingers crossed), this should be built in so you don't have to do it as a custom rule.


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