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Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.

< Обсуждения ViewTube_GM


Some videos on YT dont play

Using ViewTube_GM 2017.03.06 in FF 52 (Lubuntu). Some videos dont play, other do. (Screens just says: "
The video should be loading. If it doesn't load, make sure a video plugin is installed. If you think it's a script issue, please report it here.") And the controls look a bit strange (pull down arrows).

Can you send me a link of a video not playing? I have not seen that issue so far. What is not working are live streams.

Such vids worked recently, and just as of today, there is again the same problem. Can't tell, if it is related to YT oder Firefox...

It does not play, I only see "The video should be loading. If it doesn't load, make sure a video plugin is installed. If you think it's a script issue, please report it here." Also download does not work; if I right-click on 'Link', it saves only a file with 0 Bytes.


And today, all vids load and play nicely again. Strange...

as far as I can see it has something to do with signature decryption. I don currently not have enough time, I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

I have done a small improvement, hope it helps. Tell me if you see the issue again.

Ok, thanks...


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