Stig's Flickr Fixr

Show photographer's albums on photostream-pages, Photographer's other photos by tag-links, Links to album-map and album-comments, Actually show a geotagged photo on the associated map, Top-pagers - And more...

< Обсуждения Stig's Flickr Fixr

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Stig NygaardАвтор
Создано: 29.08.2015
Отредактировано: 28.11.2015

Announcing Stig's Flickr Fixr - Making it more fun exploring photos on Flickr!(?)

I made this script in frustration over a Flickr design so unilaterally focused on peoples latest uploads, that it almost makes it feeling difficult to explore older photos, and in frustration over Flickr hasn't updated "older" photos to the 1600px and 2048px wide browsing sizes, making it less interesting to browse the photos on larger desktop monitors when you actually stumble upon them...

With this script I try to make it easier and more inviting to explore photos on Flickr, and when you find those photos only available in browsing sizes up to 1024px, they are up-scaled to fill the space in the browser-window - and if made available by the photographer, in the background smoothly replaced with the full-size original for best possible sharpness and display-quality...


  1. Show photographer's albums on photostream-pages
    Stig's Flickr Fixr adds a right column on photostream pages, teasing 10 albums from the photographer. Unless photographer has re-ordered the albums in Flickr Organizer, the 10 albums are the latest 10 albums created by the photographer.
  2. Increase display-size and quality of "old" photos
    Flickr photos uploaded before March 2012 are only available for browsing in versions up to 1024 pixels wide or high, and on photopages or photopages in lightbox-mode the photos are not upscaled even if browser-window is much larger. With Stig's Flickr Fixr the photos are first up-scaled to fill the available space in the browser-window. Secondly the script looks for availability of original uploaded version of photo and if found it replaces the 1024px version with the original. Note, many photographers doesn't make their originals available, but when they do, this can significantly improve the photo display quality on for example 24+ inch desktop monitors.
  3. Photographer's other photos by tag-links
    On Flickr, tag-links on photos currently leads you to a page where you can explore your own photos with this tag, photos from people you follow with this tag and a global search for photos with this tag. But the (second?) most obvious, photos from the same photographer with this tag is not an option. Stig's Flickr Fixr adds this option by adding a link directly on the tag (when hovering it with mouse) pointing to all current photographers photos with this tag.
  4. Links to album-map and album-comments
    Nov. 28th 2015, new feature! On album pages, two links are added to the "album header". One link pointing to a map with current album's photos, and another link pointing to an old hidden/forgotten (and deprecated) page with album comments. In an earlier version of Flickr album-comments was an official feature. It ain't official anymore, but the old comments page still exists and is also a good page for reading or editing long album-descriptions. Of course, if you add new album-comments changes are nobody ever sees them.
  5. A fix to actually show a geotagged photo on the linked map
    Currently when a photo is geotagged on Flickr you can follow a link to a map showing the location where the photo was shot. However this map does normally only show latest or most "interesting" photos in the area. Usually the photo you was looking at is not included on map or in the image-strip below the map. Stig's Flickr Fixr adds the photo you came from to the image-strip below the map, and "opens" it. Well, it's a 90% fix: To see exactly where it was taken, click twice on this photo in the image-strip to close and re-open it; Now a star shows on the map pointing to the exact position of the photo.

I have made a Flickr-album of mixed photos all uploaded before March 2012 that people can try to step through with and without Stig's Flickr Fixr activated (Please reload Flickr pages after de-activating, to really deactivate the script)... Even better, try stepping through in Lightbox mode.

It's my first userscript, and getting "the hook" into the Flickr engine took some time to get working. But seems to work very well now, and I'm eager to find out if it works as well for other users and configurations too. For me, photos on Flickr has become more fun and inspiring to explore with this userscript installed. I hope it can make other Flickr users more happy too:-)

Stig NygaardАвтор
Создано: 28.11.2015
Отредактировано: 03.12.2015

In album-headers, now adding links to album-map and album-comments

A new feature just added to Stig's Flickr Fixr:
On album pages, two links are now added to the "album headers". One link pointing to a map with current album's photos, and another link pointing to an old hidden/forgotten/deprecated Flickr-page with album comments. In an earlier version of Flickr album-comments was an official feature. It ain't official anymore, but the old comments page still exists and is also a good page for reading or editing long album-descriptions. Of course, if you add new album-comments, changes are nobody ever sees them :-/ ...


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