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Freeze Table Heading On Wikipedia

Freeze Table Heading On Wikipedia


Can someone please create a script that can freeze the table heading on Wikipedia such that when we scroll down, the header is sticky while the rest of the table/data scrolls down.

Very useful on pages like this one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ListofIntel_microprocessors)

Thank you!

Anyone please? Can't believe this is not possible

Создано: 11.03.2021
Отредактировано: 11.03.2021

Sorry for the late reply. It works perfectly. Thank you so much. Appreciate it

I was browsing wikipedia and observed that some heading don't scroll-down in the section shown in the screenshot

Test URL To check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allamanda

Normal View:

When scrolling down:

Can you please check your script and fix this?



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