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How to get current object or id of content we click on keypress

How to get current object or id of content we click on keypress

How to get current object or id of content we click on keypress

Can anyone tell how to get this? usually.

sorry i am not getting current id when i click that

this is place it trigger when ever i click any content
c.prototype.getSelectedRanges = function () {
var b, c, d, g, h, i, j, k, l;

j = f.getGlobal().getSelection(), h = [], i = [], j.isCollapsed || (h = function () {
var a, f, h;
h = [];
for (c = a = 0, f = j.rangeCount; 0 <= f ? a < f : a > f; c = 0 <= f ? ++a : --a)
g = j.getRangeAt(c), b = new e.BrowserRange(g), d = b.normalize().limit(this.wrapper[0]), d === null && i.push(g), h.push(d);

return h
}.call(this), j.removeAllRanges());

console.log("2 "+this.wrapper[0]);
for (k = 0, l = i.length; k < l; k++)

g = i[k], j.addRange(g);

return a.grep(h, function (a) {

return a && j.addRange(a.toRange()), a

i want to get clicked object id here.

Can any one tell how to get that?

Создано: 23.04.2015
Отредактировано: 23.04.2015

Well, this is a minified/obfuscated version of the script. Find the original coffeescript code and it'll be easier to understand what's happening.


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