Sunt librării postate pe Greasy Fork pe care utilizatorii le pot @cere
in scripturile lor. Pentru alt tip de librării pe care le poți @cere
, citește politica site-ului Greasy Fork cu privire la @cere
GM API script JS (Bibliotecă) - Allows use of GM_getValue and GM_setValue, with @grant none
OscarLibrary JS (Bibliotecă) - Oscar's Library
EBay: Custom Page Controls And Seller Block List JS (Bibliotecă) - Adds more flexibility to eBay search results. Also, includes a seller block list and can filter out result items from blocked sellers.
spTranslations JS (Bibliotecă) - This is a library with code to be used with Joe's SpeedCalling for Popmundo online roleplaying game
spFunctions JS (Bibliotecă) - This is a library with code to be used with Joe's SpeedCalling for Popmundo online roleplaying game
LoadScript JS (Bibliotecă) - 一个用于按顺序加载外部js的脚本的库
Nearest JS (Bibliotecă) - jQuery Nearest [Plugin v1.3.1]
jquery.tablesorter JS (Bibliotecă) - Сортировка таблиц: tablesorter для jQuery
lib_SpeedCalling JS (Bibliotecă) - Library for SpeedCalling script
trans_SpeedCalling JS (Bibliotecă) - Translations necessary for SpeedCalling script
PG Angriffswarner Require JS (Bibliotecă) - PG Angriffswarner
cryptoJS - utf16 JS (Bibliotecă) - Encode, decode utf16 ao loi
wLib JS (Bibliotecă) - A library for WME script developers.
Rabbit encrypt JS (Bibliotecă) - Rabbit crytojs code
NGAL_UserHelpers JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Helpers added by users
NGAO_HTML_Elements_creation JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Outsourcing - HTML Elements creation
NGAL_Item_Management JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Item Management
NGAL_Images JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Stores NGA Images in JS variables
NGAL_ProfessionTasks JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Profession Tasks. Should be part of main script for Public!!!
NGAL_Release_Notes JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Release Notes
NGAL_LogIn_Elements JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Log In Window Items
NGAL_Account_Management JS (Bibliotecă) - Neverwinter Gateway Advanced Library - Account Management
tablesorter.js JS (Bibliotecă) - Сортировка таблицы по столбцам
diff_match_patch-for-require JS (Bibliotecă) - Diff Match and Patch
js-pandoc for @require JS (Bibliotecă) - pandoc features for js-markdown-extra
highlighter JS (Bibliotecă) - jquery highlighter
GM_option JS (Bibliotecă) - support tool for UserConfig.(library)
jScroll JS (Bibliotecă) - jScroll - jQuery Plugin for Infinite Scrolling / Auto-Paging
Tatoeba jQuery UI CSS for @require JS (Bibliotecă) - Created with for
Sprint v0.9.2 JS (Bibliotecă) - Dd
Library for translating AO3 interface JS (Bibliotecă) - library for translating AO3 interface
My Function library JS (Bibliotecă) - enter something useful
Color picker JS (Bibliotecă) - Color picker library
DeathByCatpcha API Wrapper JS (Bibliotecă) - API wrapper for using DeathByCaptcha's decaptcha service
Moje skrypty JS (Bibliotecă) - Rozbudowany dodatek do The West
YouTube - Button Container (@require) JS (Bibliotecă) - Creates a button container, under the video, onto which buttons can be added
CodeFelony JS Library JS (Bibliotecă) - A JavaScript library used by CodeFelony
jQuery Hotkeys Plugin JS (Bibliotecă) - Originally from github jeresig/jquery.hotkeys
primewire fix JS (Bibliotecă) - this is an include script meant for internal testing
Ikariam Developer Tools V0.5.0+ JS (Bibliotecă) - Base scripting tools and data tracking utilities to simplify
JQ_DOM_observer_function JS (Bibliotecă) - JQ DOM observe function
log4javascript JS (Bibliotecă) - log4javascript is a logging framework for JavaScript based on log4j
jQuery-ui-autocomplete JS (Bibliotecă) - jQuery-ui with the autocomplete widget
1. Greasemonkey Emulation JS (Bibliotecă) - Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
ETN Ticketing custom script JS (Bibliotecă) - pro ticketing
Youtube Black Theme Library JS (Bibliotecă) - YTBT Library
mytest JS (Bibliotecă) - no.
CCC Libraries JS (Bibliotecă) - Libraries for CCC 1.9
Mousetrap JS (Bibliotecă) - Help with keybinding in JavaScript for CCC
CCC CSS JS (Bibliotecă) - CSS Hack for Cookie Clicker Cheats
Script Updater ( JS (Bibliotecă) - Dead simple user script update checker for use with your user scripts. Includes simple means of showing your version history through meta tags.
lrc paser JS (Bibliotecă) - lrc 歌词解析播放
GMscrobber JS (Bibliotecă) - 记录在线音乐到
Corners JS (Bibliotecă) - Let's you add corners
YouTube mp3 download with JS (Bibliotecă) - Simply add a "Download Mp3" link to send url to
jQuery-viewport-checker JS (Bibliotecă) - jQuery-viewport-checker see description link
Donnabots_GOTA_Extender_Production JS (Bibliotecă) - GOTA_Extender_Production to go with extender
GOTA_Extender_Production JS (Bibliotecă) - Separate production module for the game.
mutation-observer JS (Bibliotecă) - Simple wrapper for using DOM mutation events
Parse DB min JS (Bibliotecă) - Parse DB ver 1.3.3 min
Storage.prototype_extension JS (Bibliotecă) - Storage.prototype extension to store all kinds of data.
Donnabot's GOTA_Extender_Original JS (Bibliotecă) - GOTA_Extender_Original to go with my fork of GOTA_Extender
Donnabot's GOTA_Extender_Custom JS (Bibliotecă) - GOTA_Extender_Custom to go with my fork of GOTA_Extender
Donnabot's GOTA_Extender_Constants JS (Bibliotecă) - GOTA_Extender_Constants to go with my fork of GOTA_Extender
Donnabot's GOTA_Extender_Auxiliary JS (Bibliotecă) - GOTA_Extender_Auxiliary to go with my fork of GOTA_Extender
Disarm Adblock Detectors JS (Bibliotecă) - Few utils which help to bypass Adblock detectors
PardusMonkey Abstraction Layer JS (Bibliotecă) - Userscript library for
v4c/InstaSynch Additional Features JS (Bibliotecă) - gives many additional features on instasynch. created by biggles, unless otherwise noted in script source.
Karuzela JS (Bibliotecă) - zobaczymy jak będzie
zabezpieczenia JS (Bibliotecă) -
Spin.js JS (Bibliotecă) - v2.0.1
Moment.js JS (Bibliotecă) - version : 2.8.4
GM_config (eight's version) JS (Bibliotecă) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
Includes : XPath JS (Bibliotecă) - xpath Function
Includes : Persist BETA JS (Bibliotecă) - Persist Function
bezier-easing JS (Bibliotecă) - Bezier Curve based easing functions for Javascript animations
UserScript Translation Engine JS (Bibliotecă) - Translate strings by given translations
Binary library JS (Bibliotecă) - Lets you download files as a binary stream, and upload them as multipart/form-data. Userscript library.
ODInfo JS (Bibliotecă) - Parses OD listings.
MCBProduction Employees data and utilities JS (Bibliotecă) - Code library for MCB Production
WM Host Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the host object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM User Console Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the user console object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Sidekick Docking Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the docking object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Collector Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the collector object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Dynamic Grabber Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the dynamic grabber object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Test Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the post test class which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Feed Manager Objects JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the host object which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Friend Tracker Objects JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the friend tracker system which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Rules Manager Objects JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the rules manager system which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM App Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the app class which is created under the WM version 4.x script
WM Post Object JS (Bibliotecă) - This is the post class which is created under the WM version 4.x script
TinySort.tsort JS (Bibliotecă) - A jQuery plugin to sort child nodes by (sub) contents or attributes.
riklomas.jquery.quicksearch JS (Bibliotecă) - simple quick search
Wait Until Exists Version v0.2 JS (Bibliotecă) - A faster way than document ready
jquery.caret JS (Bibliotecă) - jquery caret plugin
GOTA_Extender_Original JS (Bibliotecă) - Original page functions overridden by the extender. Used for source control.
transparency JS (Bibliotecă) - Transparency is a minimal template engine for browsers. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements with zero configuration
AutoWoot JS (Bibliotecă) - autowoot
jquery.udraggable JS (Bibliotecă) - jQuery udraggable plugin
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