Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Omite toate site-urile cu linkuri scurte Omite automat elementele de scurtare a linkurilor enervante, direct către destinația ta

< Părere la script-ul Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Recenzie: Rau - script-ul nu merge

Postat în: 11-06-2022

google drive getting forwarded to

Postat în: 11-06-2022

// @match *://*
redirected to my blog wait 5 second your file will be downloaded automatically, if you don't like just disable my script from your extension

Postat în: 11-06-2022

I Just deleted your script, i knew that it must be you only who had intentionally done that , but you really wasted my time as i took me too much time to figure out which extension is doing it and to figure out which script is doing. You are really evil atleast you should have some kind of warning that you are going to add this in future, you wasted more time of mine than you have saved till yet.

Postat în: 11-06-2022

I Just deleted your script, i knew that it must be you only who had intentionally done that , but you really wasted my time as i took me too much time to figure out which extension is doing it and to figure out which script is doing. You are really evil atleast you should have some kind of warning that you are going to add this in future, you wasted more time of mine than you have saved till yet.

Great option , Thanks for deleting my script

Postat în: 11-06-2022

By the way, you are getting too proud of this anti feature, but what it does is to change the drive links in such a way that drive links give 403 error while using your script but it gives a option to request access to file if not using your script that's why your antifeature is more annoying to me.

Postat în: 11-06-2022

you need to read my answer here about Antifeatures

error 403 ,404 or other code is not because of my script,
403 mean you don't have permissions to access the file from google drive ,
404 mean the file has been deleted from google drive,

like my first answer , just enable my script when needed and disable it when not needed.

Postat în: 11-06-2022

I know I don't have access to that drive but when not using your script there Google gives me an option to request access and send the message to owner of the script.

Postat în: 11-06-2022

It might be possible that this is not because of the antifeature. But ut is a general review for the script.

Postat în: 11-06-2022

I know I don't have access to that drive but when not using your script there Google gives me an option to request access and send the message to owner of the script.

that why you need to disable my script.

It might be possible that this is not because of the antifeature. But ut is a general review for the script.

of course not because Antifeatures , please read here what Antifeatures is
and i will not using Antifeatures if someone not reporting my script.

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