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Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Omite toate site-urile cu linkuri scurte Omite automat elementele de scurtare a linkurilor enervante, direct către destinația ta

< Părere la script-ul Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Recenzie: Bun, script-ul merge

Postat în: 14-05-2022

Script working well but getting problems with ---> --->

Basically everything going to is causing issues and site seems to be not recognised by scrip. Using both of your scrips in Tampermonkey and FF latest version.

Hopefully you can fix it for next update.

Thanks for your work!!!

Postat în: 14-05-2022

Please remember this is not my script issues and not from issues but from the shortlink sites,

i know about this issues, my answer same like here

the solutions is don't visit that shortlink for moment if not redirected correctly. look like their shortlinks got hijacked by ads or something else.

Postat în: 14-05-2022

oh just checked for is good site , wait for the next update , for now if you redirect to just go back or try to reopen the shortlink

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