Show More Info on the Anime/Manga page

Display the More Info button text contents after the synopsis only when an anime/manga has the More Info button. Don't worry about needing to open the More Info button anymore!

Acestea sunt toate versiunile scriptului. Arată doar versiunile unde codul a fost schimbat.

  • v19 13-08-2024
  • v19 06-06-2024
  • v19 11-06-2023
  • v19 11-06-2023
  • v19 01-09-2022
  • v19 28-08-2022

    Added support to mobile web browsers.

  • v18 15-08-2022
  • v18 04-08-2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not format the text when the more info bold title was clicked.

  • v17 27-05-2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work on entries with symbols in their names.

  • v16 25-05-2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the entry was opened from the mini search bar.

  • v15 21-05-2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on any entry related pages, instead of running only on the entry main page.

  • v14 17-05-2022

    Updated to use the latest Jikan API version.

  • v13 28-04-2022

    Version number updated

  • v0.10 09-01-2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on pages where it has no need to run.

  • v0.9 22-12-2021

    Fixed script icon.

  • v0.8 28-11-2021
  • v0.8 19-11-2021

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work on manga entries.

  • v0.7 19-11-2021

    Improved match rules. Now the script also works when the anime/manga link is opened from the history page.

  • v0.6 24-04-2021

    Now you can click on the bold More Info text to have the script format the more info text for you for better reading (If needed).

  • v0.5 27-03-2021
  • v0.5 01-01-2021 Added Icon.
  • v0.4 04-12-2020 Updated to work with the Jikan API, making 0 network requests to MAL on our end.
  • v0.3 09-11-2020
  • v0.2 09-11-2020 Match rule updated to be more strict and run only on the correct page
  • v0.1 15-09-2020
  • v0.1 02-09-2020
  • v0.1 01-09-2020
  • v0.1 01-09-2020