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Direct Playlist Links for Youtube

Simple script to change youtube playlist links (on the play list page under channels) to go directly to the playlist instead of the first video.

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This is a simple script to change YouTube playlist links (on the play list page under channels) to go directly to the playlist instead of the first video.

I got annoyed by YouTube always playing the first video in the playlist instead of the old way, where it lets you browse the playlist.

(This script is quick and dirty, it could probably be much better, but for now this covers my needs.
If you have any chances you want me to add just let me know!
If you want to build on top of my script, just go ahead!)

OBS: It only works if you open the link in a new tab (right-click menu or with the middle mouse button). YouTube has some kind of script that changes the page when you click on an element that I haven't been able to track down just yet.

OBS 2: I have found out that YouTube uses the HTML5 History API to change pages without the browsers loading a new page or whatever (I don't really get it honestly). I don't know how to change the endpoint for elements using this API sadly, if anyone is actually reading this and knows how to change these endpoints please, please, PLEASE let me know so I can add that to this script!