Greasy Fork is available in English.


A fork of Bierdopje AddOn Plus for Seriesfeed

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Seriesfeed++
// @namespace
// @description  A fork of Bierdopje AddOn Plus for Seriesfeed
// @include*
// @version      2.01
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @author       Mr. Invisible (
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

/*global GM.getValue,,GM.setValue,$ */

  - Add pointer cursor to flags and menu entry
  - Fix displaying on the episodes overview page
  - Fix displaying on the episodes details page
  - Fixed issue with aync loading of preferences causing wrong settings
  - Leaves debug on to debug other possible issues
 2.00: New GM API for the new FF version.
	- Fix urls for real
	- Update JQuery version
	- Remove unneeded includes
 1.16: Fix urls
 1.15: Make compatible with https
 1.14: Fix bug with provider introduced in 1.13
 1.13: Added another search engine
    - Fix problem with watchlist that have no items left
    - Replaced two dead search engines
 1.11: Quick-fix for dialog
    - Replaced all providers, now you can define your own
    - Replaced quality, now you can define your own
 1.09: Added an exception
 1.08: Multi-domain
 1.07: Forgot to turn of debug once again
    - Updated for Seriesfeed 2.0
    - Added new provider
    - Dialog also closes when middle-clicking
    - Re-added functionality to the episode and season pages.
    - Added exception for legends of tomorrow
    - Added email address for easier communication
 1.05: Updated for Seriesfeed 1.3
 1.04: Fixed problem with the visual watchlist & dialog for download now closes after clicking a link.
 1.03: Updated for Seriesfeed 1.2
 1.02: Fixed small bug with Chrome-derived browsers
 1.01: Rewrote script in order to accommodate the Seriesfeed pages
 1.00: Cloned from the Bierdopje AddOn Plus version 1.101

// Create one accessible object. The remainder is hidden for external use.
var seriesFeedPlusPlus = (function () {
    'use strict';

    var seriesFeedPlusPlus, configDialog, // Objects
        debug, pageRegexes, currentPage, flags, subProviders, languageMap, // Variables
        main, checkPage, injectMenuItem, modifyPage, handleStartPage, injectDefaultTable, createFunctionality,
        createLanguageFlag, parseEpisode, showSubSelectionDialog, handleBroadcastPage, handleWatchlistPage,
        injectTableHeader, showDlSelectionDialog, createMediaLink, formatToConvention, handleSeasonPage,
        handleEpisodePage; // Methods

    // Initialize objects
    seriesFeedPlusPlus = {};
    configDialog = (function () {
        var instance, configElementName, preferences, mapping, show, close, closeOtherSubConfigs, closeSubConfig,
            openSubConfig, changeConfiguration, saveConfiguration, loadPreferences, getEnabledSubtitleLanguages,
            getConfigValue, getEnabledSubtitleSources, getEnabledDownloadProviders, getEnabledMediaQualities,
            checkConfiguration, isValidQualityConfig, isValidProviderConfig, isValidProvidersConfig;

        // Init vars
        configElementName = "configFrame";
        // Preferences with their default values
        preferences = {
            sub_lang_nl: true,
            sub_lang_en: true,
            sub_source_addic7ed: true,
            sub_source_podnapisi: true,
            sub_source_opensubtitles: false,
            sub_source_subtitleseeker: false,
            dl_quality: [
                'WEB-DL', 'HDTV 1080', 'HDTV 720', 'x265'
            dl_providers: [
                    "name": "1337x",
                    "url": "{show}+{season_episode}+{quality}/1/",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
                    "invalid_characters": {
                        "old": ["(", ")", " "],
                        "new": ["", "", "+"]
                    "name": "RARBG",
                    "url": "{show} {season_episode} {quality}",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
                    "name": "TPB",
                    "url": "{show} {season_episode} {quality}",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
                    "name": "NZBIndex",
                    "url": "{show} {season_episode} {quality}&max=25&sort=agedesc&hidespam=1&more=0",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "720p|1080p WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
                    "name": "NZBClub",
                    "url": "{show} {season_episode} {quality}&szs=20&sze=24&st=1&sp=1&sn=1",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
                    "name": "BinSearch",
                    "url": "{show} {season_episode} {quality}&max=25&adv_age=999&adv_sort=date&adv_col=on&font=small",
                    "quality": {
                        "WEB-DL": "720p|1080p WEB-DL",
                        "HDTV 1080": "1080p x264",
                        "HDTV 720": "720p x264",
                        "x265": "x265"
        mapping = {
            sub_lang_nl: "Ext.SF.SubLanguage_NL",
            sub_lang_en: "Ext.SF.SubLanguage_US",
            sub_source_addic7ed: "Ext.SF.SubProvider_Addic7ed",
            sub_source_podnapisi: "Ext.SF.SubProvider_PodNapisi",
            sub_source_opensubtitles: "Ext.SF.SubProvider_OpenSubTitles",
            sub_source_subtitleseeker: "Ext.SF.SubProvider_SubtitleSeeker",
            dl_providers: "Ext.SF.MediaProviders",
            dl_quality: "Ext.SF.MediaQuality"
        // Initialize functions
        show = function () {
            var css, html, div, subFrames, idx, inputs, head, style;
            if (document.getElementById(configElementName)) {
            head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
            style = document.createElement('style');
            style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
            style.textContent = ' ' +
                '.h3subframe { margin: 1px 0 0px; padding: 1px 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: normal; cursor:pointer; background:#DDDDDD none repeat scroll 0 0; } ' +
                '.h3subframe:hover { background:#C0BEBE none repeat scroll 0 0; } ' +
                '#h3subframetitle { margin: 2px 0 0px; padding: 7px 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb; font-size: 2.0em; font-weight: normal; } ' +
                '.popup a { color: darkblue; text-decoration: none; } ' +
                '.popup p { padding: 1px 10px; margin: 0px 0; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-size-adjust:none; font-stretch:normal; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:normal; } ' +
                '.sidebyside { padding: 1px 10px; margin: 0px 0;display:inline-block;width:17em; } ' +
                '.h3subframecontent { overflow:auto; display: none; padding: 10px 10px; } ' +
                '.showinfo { font-size:14px; } ' +
                'textarea.valid, textarea.valid:focus { border: 2px solid green; } ' +
                'textarea.invalid, textarea.invalid:focus { border: 2px solid red; }';

            html =
                '<div id="fade" style="background: #000;height: 100%;opacity: .80;"></div>' +
                '<div style="font-family: verdana; color: black; background: #ddd; padding: 10px 20px; border: 10px solid #fff; float: left; width: 731px; position: absolute; top: 2%; left: 40%; margin: 0 0 0 -292px; border-radius: 10px; z-index: 100;">' +
                '    <div class="popup" style="float: left; width: 100%; background: #fff; margin: 10px 0; padding: 0px 0 0px; border-left: 1px solid #bbb; border-top: 1px solid #bbb; border-right: 1px solid #bbb;">' +
                '        <a href="#" onclick="javascript:return false;">' +
                '            <img id="' + configElementName + '_close" style="border:none; position: absolute; right: -20px; top: -20px;" src="%3D%3D"/>' +
                '        </a>' +
                '        <div id="h3subframetitle"><b>Seriesfeed++ - Preferences</b></div>' +
                '        <div id="h3subframe1" class="h3subframe">Languages</div>' +
                '        <div class="h3subframecontent">' +
                '            <p class="showinfo">Choose the <b>subtitle languages</b> you want to find</p><br>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_lang_nl" /> Nederlands <img src="' + + '"/></p>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_lang_en" /> English <img src="' + flags.en + '"/></p>' +
                '        </div>' +
                '        <div id="h3subframe2" class="h3subframe">Subtitles</div>' +
                '        <div class="h3subframecontent">' +
                '            <p class="showinfo">Choose the <b>subtitle sites</b> you want as option</p><br>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_source_addic7ed" /> Addic7eD <font color="gray">(preferred)</font></p>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_source_podnapisi" /> PodNapisi</p>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_source_opensubtitles" /> OpenSubtitles</p>' +
                '            <p><input type="checkbox" id="sub_source_subtitleseeker" /> SubTitleSeeker <font color="gray">(can be unsafe)</font></p>' +
                '        </div>' +
                '        <div id="h3subframe3" class="h3subframe">Media</div>' +
                '        <div class="h3subframecontent">' +
                '            <p class="showinfo">For examples of the configuration, see the <a target="_blank" href="">Greasyfork</a> website</p>' +
                '            <p class="showinfo">Enter the <b>media formats</b> you want to have links for</p><br>' +
                '            <textarea cols="100" rows="2" class="valid" id="config_dl_quality">' + JSON.stringify(preferences.dl_quality, null, 1) + '</textarea><br>Config will not be stored unless the border is green.<br><br>' +
                '            <p class="showinfo">Enter the configuration for the <b>media providers</b> you want to use</p><br>' +
                '            <textarea cols="100" rows="20" class="valid" id="config_dl_providers">' + JSON.stringify(preferences.dl_providers, null, '\t') + '</textarea><br>Config will not be stored unless the border is green.<br><br>' +
                '        </div>' +
                '        <div id="h3subframe4" class="h3subframe">About &amp; Help</div>' +
                '        <div class="h3subframecontent">' +
                '            <p><b>' + + '</b> - version: ' + + '</p>' +
                '            <br />' +
                '            <p>' + + '</p><br>' +
                '            <p>Author: Mr. Invisible ( - original plugin by: XppX</p>' +
                '            <p>License: GPL</p><br><br>' +
                '            <p><b>In need of help</b>? Visit the script page on <a target="_blank" href="">Greasyfork</a>.</p>' +
                '        </div>' +
                '    </div>' +
            div = document.createElement("div");
   = configElementName;
                'visibility: visible;position: fixed;width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;left: 0;font-size:12px;' +
            div.innerHTML = html;
            document.getElementById(configElementName + "_close").addEventListener("click", close, false);

            // Loop through checkboxes to populate them
            inputs = div.getElementsByTagName("input");
            for (idx = 0; idx < inputs.length; idx++) {
                if (inputs[idx].type === "checkbox") {
                    if (debug) {
                        window.console.log("Preference for " + inputs[idx].id);
                    if (preferences.hasOwnProperty(inputs[idx].id) && preferences[inputs[idx].id]) {
                        inputs[idx].setAttribute("checked", "checked");
                    // Add a listener to each checkbox
                    inputs[idx].addEventListener("click", changeConfiguration, false);
            inputs = div.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
            for (idx = 0; idx < inputs.length; idx++) {
                // Add a listener to each text area
                inputs[idx].addEventListener("change", checkConfiguration, false);
                inputs[idx].addEventListener("keyup", checkConfiguration, false);

            // Add event listeners for opening when a click on the head is performed
            subFrames = document.getElementsByClassName("h3subframe");
            for (idx = 0; idx < subFrames.length; idx++) {
                subFrames[idx].addEventListener("click", openSubConfig, false);
            // Unfold the first one
                target: document.getElementById('h3subframe1')
        close = function () {
            var box = document.getElementById(configElementName);
        closeOtherSubConfigs = function (evt) {
            var ignore, subFrames, idx;
            ignore = || evt.srcElement;
            subFrames = document.getElementsByClassName("h3subframe");
            for (idx = 0; idx < subFrames.length; idx++) {
                if (ignore !== subFrames[idx]) {
                    subFrames[idx] = "none";
                    subFrames[idx].addEventListener("click", openSubConfig, false);
        closeSubConfig = function (e) {
            var evt, target;

            evt = e || window.event;
            target = || evt.srcElement;
            target.removeEventListener("click", closeSubConfig, false);
   = "none";
            target.addEventListener("click", openSubConfig, false);
        openSubConfig = function (e) {
            var evt, target;

            evt = e || window.event;
            target = || evt.srcElement;
            target.removeEventListener("click", openSubConfig, false);
   = "block";
            target.addEventListener("click", closeSubConfig, false);
        changeConfiguration = function (e) {
            if ( === 'input') {
        checkConfiguration = function (e) {
            var json, idx;

            if (debug) {
                window.console.log('Entering checkConfiguration');

            if ( === 'textarea' &&"config_dl_") === 0) {
                try {
                    json = JSON.parse(;
                    if (( === "config_dl_quality" && !isValidQualityConfig(json)) ||
                        ( === "config_dl_providers" && !isValidProvidersConfig(json))) {
                    saveConfiguration("config_", ""), json);
                } catch (e) {
                    if (debug) {
                        window.console.log('Invalid JSON: '+ e);
        isValidQualityConfig = function (json) {
            if (! Array.isArray(json)) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log('Quality config is no array');
                return false;
            return true;
        isValidProvidersConfig = function (json) {
            var idx;
            if (! Array.isArray(json)) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log('Quality providers is no array');
                return false;
            for (idx = 0; idx < json.length; idx++) {
                if (!isValidProviderConfig(json[idx])) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        isValidProviderConfig = function (json) {
            var idx;

            if (!json.hasOwnProperty('name') || !json.hasOwnProperty('url') || !json.hasOwnProperty('quality')) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log('Provider config missing name, url or quality property.');
                return false;

            for (idx = 0; idx < preferences.dl_quality.length; idx++) {
                if(!json.quality.hasOwnProperty(preferences.dl_quality[idx])) {
                    if (debug) {
                        window.console.log('Provider config missing quality entry.');
                    return false;

            if (json.url.indexOf('{show}') === -1 || json.url.indexOf('{season_episode}') === -1 || json.url.indexOf('{quality}') === -1) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log('Provider config url missing {show}, {season_episode} or {quality} section.');
                return false;

            if (json.hasOwnProperty('invalid_characters')) {
                if (! json.invalid_characters.hasOwnProperty('old') || ! json.invalid_characters.hasOwnProperty('new') ||
                    ! Array.isArray( || ! Array.isArray(json.invalid_characters.old) ||
           !== json.invalid_characters.old.length
                ) {
                    if (debug) {
                        window.console.log('Provider config invalid_characters not provided, no array or length not equal between old & new.');
                    return false;

            return true;
        saveConfiguration = function (id, value) {
            if (preferences.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                preferences[id] = value;
                (async () => { 
                   await GM.setValue(mapping[id], value);
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Stored " + value + " for " + mapping[id]);
        loadPreferences = function (callback) {          
            (async () => {
                var key;
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Entering load preferences function");
                    window.console.log("Preferences (default):");
                for (key in mapping) {
                    if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(key) && preferences.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        if (debug) {
                            window.console.log("Retrieving " + key + "...");
                        preferences[key] = await GM.getValue(mapping[key], preferences[key]);
                        if (debug) {
                            window.console.log("retrieved " + preferences[key] + " for " + key);


                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Preferences (loaded):");
        getConfigValue = function (name) {
            if (preferences.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                return preferences[name];
            return null;
        getEnabledSubtitleLanguages = function () {
            var result = [];

            if (preferences.sub_lang_en) {
            if (preferences.sub_lang_nl) {

            return result;
        getEnabledSubtitleSources = function () {
            var result = [];

            if (preferences.sub_source_addic7ed) {
            if (preferences.sub_source_podnapisi) {
            if (preferences.sub_source_opensubtitles) {
            if (preferences.sub_source_subtitleseeker) {

            return result;
        getEnabledDownloadProviders = function () {
            return preferences.dl_providers;
        getEnabledMediaQualities = function () {
            return preferences.dl_quality;
        // Initialize object to return and expose appropriate methods
        instance = {}; = show;
        instance.loadPreferences = loadPreferences;
        instance.getConfigValue = getConfigValue;
        instance.getEnabledSubtitleLanguages = getEnabledSubtitleLanguages;
        instance.getEnabledSubtitleSources = getEnabledSubtitleSources;
        instance.getEnabledDownloadProviders = getEnabledDownloadProviders;
        instance.getEnabledMediaQualities = getEnabledMediaQualities;

        return instance;
    // Initialize variables
    debug = true;
    // Maps short language keywords to the full English language
    languageMap = {
        "en": "English",
        "nl": "Dutch"
    // Providers, keys of this MUST be equal to the ones in the configDialog.preferences variable
    subProviders = {
        sub_source_addic7ed: {
            title: "Addic7eD",
            createLink: function (showName, showEpisode, language) {
                var showNameConverted, showEpisodeConverted, languageConverted;
                // Convert show name & show episode to appropriate formats
                showNameConverted = this.showConversion(showName);
                showEpisodeConverted = this.episodeConversion(showEpisode);
                languageConverted = this.languageConversion(language);

                return "" + showNameConverted + "/" + showEpisodeConverted.season + "/" +
                    showEpisodeConverted.episode + "/" + languageConverted;
            showConversion: function (show) {
                var exceptions;

                show = show.replace(/ /g, "_");
                // Exception map for shows
                exceptions = {
                    "The_Flash": "The_Flash_(2014)",
                    "Legends_of_Tomorrow": "DC's_Legends_of_Tomorrow",
                    "Marvel's_Daredevil": "Daredevil"
                if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(show)) {
                    show = exceptions[show];
                return show;
            episodeConversion: function (episode) { return parseEpisode(episode); },
            languageConversion: function (language) {
                switch (language) {
                case "nl":
                    return "17";
                case "en":
                    return "1";
                return language;
        sub_source_podnapisi: {
            title: "PodNapisi",
            createLink: function (showName, showEpisode, language) {
                var showNameConverted, showEpisodeConverted, languageConverted;
                // Convert show name & show episode to appropriate formats
                showNameConverted = this.showConversion(showName);
                showEpisodeConverted = this.episodeConversion(showEpisode);
                languageConverted = this.languageConversion(language);

                return "" + showNameConverted + "&seasons="
                    + showEpisodeConverted.season + "&episodes=" + showEpisodeConverted.episode + "&language=" +
            showConversion: function (show) {
                var exceptions;

                show = show.replace(/ /g, "+");
                // Exception map for shows
                exceptions = {};
                if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(show)) {
                    show = exceptions[show];
                return show;
            episodeConversion: function (episode) { return parseEpisode(episode); },
            languageConversion: function (language) { return language; }
        sub_source_opensubtitles: {
            title: "OpenSubtitles",
            createLink: function (showName, showEpisode, language) {
                var showNameConverted, showEpisodeConverted, languageConverted;
                // Convert show name & show episode to appropriate formats
                showNameConverted = this.showConversion(showName);
                showEpisodeConverted = this.episodeConversion(showEpisode);
                languageConverted = this.languageConversion(language);

                return "" +
                    languageConverted + "/season-" + showEpisodeConverted.season + "/episode-" +
                    showEpisodeConverted.episode + "/moviename-" + showNameConverted;
            showConversion: function (show) {
                var exceptions;

                show = show.replace(/ /g, "+");
                // Exception map for shows
                exceptions = {};
                if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(show)) {
                    show = exceptions[show];
                return show;
            episodeConversion: function (episode) { return parseEpisode(episode); },
            languageConversion: function (language) {
                switch (language) {
                case "nl":
                    return "dut";
                case "en":
                    return "eng";
        sub_source_subtitleseeker: {
            title: "SubTitleSeeker",
            createLink: function (showName, showEpisode, language) {
                var showNameConverted, showEpisodeConverted, convertedLanguage;
                // Convert show name & show episode to appropriate formats
                showNameConverted = this.showConversion(showName);
                showEpisodeConverted = this.episodeConversion(showEpisode);
                convertedLanguage = this.languageConversion(language);
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Language is not used for subTitleSeeker: " + convertedLanguage);

                return "" + showNameConverted + "+S" +
                    showEpisodeConverted.season + "E" + showEpisodeConverted.episode;
            showConversion: function (show) {
                var exceptions;

                show = show.replace(/ /g, "+");
                // Exception map for shows
                exceptions = {};
                if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(show)) {
                    show = exceptions[show];
                return show;
            episodeConversion: function (episode) { return parseEpisode(episode); },
            languageConversion: function (language) { return language; }
    // Flags
    flags = {
        "nl": "",
        "en": ""
    // Page regexes
    pageRegexes = {
        // Seriesfeed homepage
        start: new RegExp("^/$"),
        // Broadcast schedule (format: series/schedule[/{month}]* )
        broadcast: new RegExp("^.*/series/schedule(/[a-z]+)*$"),
        // Watchlist (format: series/schedule/history[/topshows|/favorieten]*
        watch: new RegExp("^.*/series/schedule/history(/[topshows|favorieten]+)*$"),
        // Episodes/Seasons (format: series/{name}/episodes[/season/{nr}]* )
        season: new RegExp("^.*/series/(.+)/episodes(/season/[0-9]+)*$"),
        // Episode (format: series/episode/{nr}/ )
        episode: new RegExp("^.*/series/episode/[0-9]+$")
    // Current page
    currentPage = null;

    // Initialize functions
    main = function () {
        var head, style;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering main function");
        // Load preferences
        configDialog.loadPreferences(function () {
            // Inject config menu item
            // Check page we're on
            // If the page is still null at this point, we didn't identify the page.
            if (currentPage === null) {
                window.console.warn("Did not identify a page to run on. Not executing any more page alterations.");
            // Inject some css
            head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
            style = document.createElement('style');
            style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
            style.textContent = '.ui-front { z-index: 1000 !important; }';
            // Modify the page
    checkPage = function () {
        var key, found;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering checkPage function");

        found = null;
        for (key in pageRegexes) {
            if (pageRegexes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Trying to match " + pageRegexes[key] + " to " + window.location.pathname);
                if (pageRegexes[key].exec(window.location.pathname)) {
                    if (debug) {
                        window.console.log("Match found for " + key);
                    found = key;
        currentPage = found;
    injectMenuItem = function () {
        var idx, links, li, menu, inject, injectLink;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering injectMenuItem function");
        // There are no id's used, so we'll hook on to some text contents in the page
        links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
        for (idx = 0; idx < links.length; idx++) {
            if (links[idx].innerHTML === "Serie voorstellen") {
                // Might have a match, verify "menu" element above
                li = links[idx].parentNode;
                menu = li.parentNode;
                if (menu.classList.contains("main-menu-dropdown")) {
                    // We can assume safely that we're in a menu. Inject menu item
                    inject = document.createElement("li");
                    injectLink = document.createElement("a");
           = "cursor: pointer;";
                    injectLink.innerHTML = "Seriesfeed++ configureren";
                    injectLink.addEventListener("click",, false);
    modifyPage = function () {
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering modifyPage function");
        // Depending on the type of the page, we need to render differently
        switch (currentPage) {
        case "start":
        case "broadcast":
        case "watch":
        case "season":
        case "episode":
            window.console.warn("Did not identify a page to run on. Not executing any more page alterations.");
        // Append css for jquery UI
        $("head").append('<link href="//"' +
            ' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">');
    // Page specific modifications
    handleStartPage = function () {
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering handleStartPage function");
        // There is one table of interest: latest favourites. As of 1.3 it can be missing if there's no episodes
    handleBroadcastPage = function () {
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering handleBroadcastPage function");
        // Single table: broadcasted episodes
    handleWatchlistPage = function () {
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering handleWatchlistPage function");
        // Single table: favourites/popular episodes
    handleSeasonPage = function () {
        var table, showName;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering handleSeasonPage function");
        // Get show name
        showName = document.getElementById('seriesName').value;

        // Single table: show episodes
        table = $("#afleveringen");
        // Inject element for header
        // Inject icons in rows
        table.find("tbody tr[data-aired]").each(function (idx, elm) {
            var td, cells, showEpisode;
            if (debug) {
                window.console.log("Processing row " + idx);
            td = document.createElement("td");
            cells = elm.getElementsByTagName("td");
            showEpisode = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
            td.appendChild(createFunctionality(showName, showEpisode));
    handleEpisodePage = function () {
        var table, row, cell, data, showName, showEpisode, banner, episodeTitle;

        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering handleEpisodePage function");
        // Need to inject new row instead of cell
        banner = $('.showBanner').find('img');
        table = $("#episodeInfo");
        episodeTitle = table.siblings('h3').html();
        data = episodeTitle.match(/(.*) - (.*)/);
        showName = banner.attr('title').replace('Banner voor ','');
        showEpisode = data[0];
        // Inject
        row = document.createElement('tr');
        cell = document.createElement('td');
        cell.innerHTML = 'Seriesfeed++';
        cell = document.createElement('td');
        cell.appendChild(createFunctionality(showName, showEpisode));
    // General modification methods
    injectTableHeader = function (tableId) {
        var table, th;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering injectTableHeader function");

        table = $("#" + tableId);
        // Inject element for header
        th = document.createElement("th");
        th.innerHTML = "Seriesfeed++";
        table.find("thead tr")[0].appendChild(th);
    injectDefaultTable = function (tableId) {
        var table, colspan, readMore;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering injectDefaultTable function");

        table = $("#" + tableId);
        // Check if element actually exists
        if (table.length === 0) {
            if (debug) {
                window.console.log("Did not find a table with the id: " + tableId);
        // Inject element for header
        // Inject icons in rows
        table.find("tbody tr").not('.readMore').each(function (idx, elm) {
            var td, cells, showName, showEpisode;
            if (debug) {
                window.console.log("Processing row" + idx);
            if ($(elm).attr('data-aired') === undefined) {
                if (debug) {
                    window.console.log("Skipping row because it has no data-aired attribute");
            td = document.createElement("td");
            cells = elm.getElementsByTagName("td");
            showName = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
            showEpisode = cells[1].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
            td.appendChild(createFunctionality(showName, showEpisode));
        readMore = table.find("tbody tr.readMore td");
        colspan = parseInt(readMore.attr("colspan"), 10);
        readMore.attr('colspan', colspan + 1);
    createFunctionality = function (showName, showEpisode) {
        var span, languages, idx, downloadProviders, downloadTypes, downloadIcon;
                "Entering createFunctionality with parameters: showName: "+showName+", showEpisode: "+showEpisode);

        span = document.createElement("span");
        // Add language flags
        languages = configDialog.getEnabledSubtitleLanguages();
        for (idx = 0; idx < languages.length; idx++) {
            span.appendChild(createLanguageFlag(languages[idx], showName, showEpisode));
            span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
        downloadProviders = configDialog.getEnabledDownloadProviders();
        downloadTypes = configDialog.getEnabledMediaQualities();
        if (downloadProviders.length > 0 && downloadTypes.length > 0) {
            downloadIcon = document.createElement("i");
            downloadIcon.setAttribute('class','fa fa-download');
            downloadIcon.setAttribute('style', 'display:inline-block; font-size: 19px; cursor: pointer;');
            downloadIcon.title = "download episode";
            downloadIcon.addEventListener("click", showDlSelectionDialog);

        return span;
    createLanguageFlag = function (lang, showName, showEpisode) {
        var result, img, subSources;
                "Entering createLanguageFlag with parameters: lang: " + lang + ", showName: " + showName +
                ", showEpisode: " + showEpisode);

        if (!flags.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
            throw new Error(lang + "is not a recognized language flag!");

        img = document.createElement("img");
        img.src = flags[lang];
        img.alt = lang + " flag";
        img.title = languageMap[lang] + " subtitles";
        img.setAttribute("data-language", lang);
        img.setAttribute('style', 'height: 16px; vertical-align:top; cursor: pointer;');
        // If there's just one subtitle source, make it a link, otherwise make it a pop-up menu
        subSources = configDialog.getEnabledSubtitleSources();
        if (subSources.length > 1) {
            img.addEventListener("click", showSubSelectionDialog, false);
            result = img;
        } else {
            result = document.createElement("a");
            result.href = subSources[0].createLink(showName, showEpisode, lang);
   = "_blank";

        return result;
    showSubSelectionDialog = function (e) {
        var evt, target, dialog, subSources, row, showName, showEpisode, lang, cells, idx, link, p, thead, data;

        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering showSubSelectionDialog - currentPage: " + currentPage);

        evt = e || window.event;
        target = || evt.srcElement;

        // Get language
        lang = target.getAttribute("data-language");
        // Get row, so we can extract show name & episode
        row = target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
        cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
        if(currentPage === "season"){
            showName = document.getElementById('seriesName').value;
            showEpisode = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
        } else if(currentPage === "episode") {
            showName = document.getElementById('seriesName').value;
            showEpisode = $("#episodeInfo").prev("h3").html().trim();
        } else {
            showName = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
            showEpisode = cells[1].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Retrieved next name & episode: " + showName + " - " + showEpisode);

        // Build dialog
        dialog = document.createElement("div");
        p = document.createElement("p");
        p.innerHTML = "Show: " + showName + "<br/>Episode: " + showEpisode;
        p = document.createElement("p");
        // Get sub source sites
        subSources = configDialog.getEnabledSubtitleSources();
        for (idx = 0; idx < subSources.length; idx++) {
            link = document.createElement("a");
   = "_blank";
            link.href = subSources[idx].createLink(showName, showEpisode, lang);
            link.innerHTML = subSources[idx].title;
            link.setAttribute("style","text-decoration: underline;");
            link.addEventListener("click", function () {
            }, false);
            p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
            title: "Download " + languageMap[lang] + " subtitles",
            position: { my: "right bottom", at: "top left", of: target }
    showDlSelectionDialog = function (e) {
        var evt, target, dialog, row, cells, showName, showEpisode, p, mediaQuality, mediaProviders, idx, jdx,
            table_head, data, providers, banner, episodeTitle, table;

        evt = e || window.event;
        target = || evt.srcElement;

        // Get row, so we can extract show name & episode
        row = target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
        cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
        if(currentPage === "season") {
            showName = document.getElementById('seriesName').value;
            showEpisode = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
        } else if(currentPage === "episode") {
			banner = $('.showBanner').find('img');
			table = $("#episodeInfo");
			episodeTitle = table.siblings('h3').html();
			data = episodeTitle.match(/(.*) - (.*)/);
			showName = banner.attr('title').replace('Banner voor ','');
			showEpisode = data[0];
        } else {
            showName = cells[0].firstElementChild.innerHTML;
            showEpisode = cells[1].firstElementChild.innerHTML;

        dialog = document.createElement("div");
        p = document.createElement("p");
        p.innerHTML = "Show: " + showName + "<br/>Episode: " + showEpisode;
        p = document.createElement("p");
        // Get types & sites
        mediaProviders = configDialog.getEnabledDownloadProviders();
        mediaQuality = configDialog.getEnabledMediaQualities();
        providers = mediaProviders.length;
        for (idx = 0; idx < mediaQuality.length; idx++) {
            p = document.createElement("p");
            p = document.createElement("p");
            for (jdx = 0; jdx < providers; jdx++) {
                if(mediaProviders[jdx].quality.hasOwnProperty(mediaQuality[idx])) {
                    p.appendChild(createMediaLink(mediaProviders[jdx], showName, showEpisode, mediaQuality[idx], dialog));
                    if(jdx < providers - 1) {
                        p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));

            title: "Download episode",
            position: { my: "right bottom", at: "top left", of: target }
    // Helper functions
    parseEpisode = function (showEpisode) {
        var result, regex, match;
        if (debug) {
            window.console.log("Entering parseEpisode function");

        result = {
            season: 0,
            episode: 0,
            title: ""
        regex = new RegExp("S([0-9]+)E([0-9]+) - (.+)");
        // Epected format: SxEy - episode title
        match = regex.exec(showEpisode);
        if (match !== null) {
            result.season = parseInt(match[1], 10);
            result.episode = parseInt(match[2], 10);
            result.title = match[3];
        } else {
            window.console.warn("Could not parse " + showEpisode + " correctly!");
        return result;
    createMediaLink = function (mediaProviderConfig, showName, showEpisode, mediaType, dialog) {
        var a, idx, episodeData, closeDialog, quality;

        quality = mediaProviderConfig.quality[mediaType];
        if (mediaProviderConfig.hasOwnProperty('invalid_characters')) {
            for (idx = 0; idx < mediaProviderConfig.invalid_characters.old.length; idx++) {
                showName = showName.replace(
                quality = quality.replace(
        episodeData = parseEpisode(showEpisode);
        if (mediaProviderConfig.hasOwnProperty('episodeCharacter')){
            showEpisode = formatToConvention(episodeData, mediaProviderConfig.episodeCharacter);
        } else {
            showEpisode = formatToConvention(episodeData);

        closeDialog = function () {
        a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = mediaProviderConfig.url.replace('{show}', encodeURIComponent(showName)).replace('{season_episode}', encodeURIComponent(showEpisode)).replace('{quality}', encodeURIComponent(quality)); = "_blank";
        a.innerHTML =;
        a.setAttribute("style","text-decoration: underline;");
        a.addEventListener("mouseup", closeDialog, false);

        return a;
    formatToConvention = function (episodeData, episodeCharacter) {
        episodeCharacter = episodeCharacter || "E";
        return "S" + ((episodeData.season < 10) ? "0" : "") + episodeData.season + episodeCharacter +
            ((episodeData.episode < 10) ? "0" : "") + episodeData.episode;

    // Expose methods to the outside world
    seriesFeedPlusPlus.main = main;

    return seriesFeedPlusPlus;

// Execute main
try {
} catch (e) {
    // Display error
    var txt = "An error occurred while executing this script.\n\n";
    txt += "Issue: <<<" + e.message + ">>>\n\n";
    txt += "\nPlease report this back to the author (on the greasyfork website, or by sending me an email at so it can be corrected.\n\n";
    txt += "Click 'OK' to continue.\n\n";