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Greasy Fork Bookmarklet
obviously this doesnt work, the site software adds "denied:" in front of the URL, bookmark the link and delete the denied: part... then go to any site and click the bookmark, it will automatically search Greasy Fork, using the site domain as the search. You can thank me later.
To generate these percent escapes either use an editor that can do it or simply type the following in browser console (Ctrl-Shift-J): encodeURIComponent(`location.href=...............`)
i.e. the entire text after javascript:
@wOxxOm a dit: To generate these percent escapes either use an editor that can do it
An example? i use Notepad ++: It can do that ?
@decembre said: An example? i use Notepad ++: It can do that ?
Plugins -> MIME Tools -> URL Encode
@adisib a dit :
@decembre said: An example? i use Notepad ++: It can do that ?
Plugins -> MIME Tools -> URL Encode
Greasy Fork Bookmarklet
I don't know why this literally isn't a link I can bookmark on the home page.
javascript:window.location.href = 'https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=' + window.location.hostname;