
Adds favicons next to Google search results. Also works for Ecosia, StartPage and Searx.

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Publicado: 26/01/2020
Editado: 03/02/2020

[Solved] FaviconizeGoogle - re-add Google in @include ???

for me , it need to re @include it , because Google continue to don't dispaly favicons... Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=Condensateurs+d%27id%C3%A9es+montreuil&filter=0&biw=1920&bih=932

Publicado: 29/01/2020

Another question: Why it work on all pages ?

I want it work only on google search and maybe some others sites if i want include it...

I don't see a general @include so...

Publicado: 03/02/2020

Thanks for the update about Google re-enable :-)

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