
Adds favicons next to Google search results. Also works for Ecosia, StartPage and Searx.

< Feedback em FaviconizeGoogle


Publicado: 11/07/2018
Editado: 29/06/2019

Not working on startpage.com

It's not working on startpage.com

Firefox 61.0.1 x64 Tampermonkey 4.7.5788

Also tested on Chrome.


Publicado: 11/07/2018

Thanks for the report.

Should be working again in version 1.4.1

Publicado: 11/07/2018

Working now, thanks for the fast fix.

Publicado: 29/06/2019

Unfortunately recently got broken on Startpage again.

Version 1.4.4

Publicado: 25/09/2019
Editado: 14/10/2019

I'm sorry about that. It looks like it's going to be difficult/impossible to fix, due to startpage's new CSP.

Refused to load the image '<URL>' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src data: 'self' data: *.startpage.com *.ixquick.com".

If they were kind enough to allow www.google.com then we could go back to using Google's /s2 service to load favicons.

Alternatively, you could check out duckduckgo.com which is sensible enough to display favicons by itself, no need for a userscript!

I should really see if I can add support for ecosia.org...

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