Enhanced word highlight


< Feedback em Enhanced word highlight

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 18/03/2024
Editado: 18/03/2024

Is it possible to collapse the highlight panel when you move the mouse away from it? At the moment on a new page refresh, the panel is minimized (it doesn't show the buttons such as X, O, L and E. But when you move the mouse somewhere on the panel, it expands to show everything. I would like to collapse the panel so it doesn't take up space, but I don't want to close the panel.

To collapse the panel, we can either click on a button, or move the mouse away from the panel.

Publicado: 19/03/2024

I can make a setting for mouse-trigger auto-hide. But that would take longer to release because I have more functions to add.

Publicado: 19/03/2024

No worries, I can wait :)

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