MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater

Adds type, genres and other info to entries tags. Can also delete all current tags.

< Feedback em MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater


Publicado: 18/01/2018

Add: adding tags on condition(s)

Hello akarin,

nice script you made.

Would it be possible to add that you can add conditions on which anime to add the tags to? I want to use the script to make my PTW more usefull, by being able to show only anime with specific genres. The current state wouldn't be a problem if there weren't anime I completed that I want to rewatch. If every anime gets genre tags, I can either see only PTW anime with a specific tag or all with a specific tag, so I would like to only give anime genre tags that I have not completed (I would add the genre tags to the anime I want to rewatch manually).

Thank you for your work!

Sincerely, meesterP

Publicado: 18/01/2018

Hey, I've added an option to filter entries by status, update to the latest version an check it out.

Publicado: 18/01/2018

That was quick, thanks!

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