

// ==UserScript==
// @name         屏蔽B站营销视频和推广视频
// @name:zh-CN   屏蔽B站营销视频和推广视频
// @name:zh-TW   屏蔽B站营销视频和推广视频
// @name:en      Block Bilibili's marketing videos and promotional videos
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2.4
// @description  屏蔽部分B站(bilibili)主页推荐的视频卡片,屏蔽up主粉丝少于一定数量的,屏蔽直播与右侧推广,屏蔽带广告标签的
// @description:zh-CN  屏蔽部分B站(bilibili)主页推荐的视频卡片,屏蔽up主粉丝少于一定数量的,屏蔽直播与右侧推广,屏蔽带广告标签的
// @description:zh-TW  遮罩部分B站(bilibili)主頁推薦的視頻卡片,遮罩up主粉絲少於一定數量的,遮罩直播與右側推廣,遮罩帶廣告標籤的
// @description:en     Block some video cards recommended on the homepage of Bilibili. The rules are to block those from creators with a certain number of small fans, block live streams and right-hand promotion, and block those with advertising tags.
// @author       anonymous
// @match        https://www.bilibili.com/
// @match        https://www.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=*
// @icon         https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico
// @grant        none
// @license      GNU General Public License v3.0
// ==/UserScript==

//async functions' is only available in ESS (use 'esversion: 8').

(function () {
  'use strict';

  // 定义需要屏蔽的两种视频卡片类名
  const BLOCKED_CLASSES = ['floor-single-card', 'bili-live-card is-rcmd'];
  // 定义需要屏蔽的最小的follower数
  const MIN_FOLLOWER = 2000;
  // 定义接口前缀
  const API_USERDATA = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/stat?vmid=';

  // 定义已处理卡片数量
  let processedCards = 0;

  function getUid(card) {
    // 传入一个视频卡片,获取其中的uid并转化为数字并返回

    const ownerLink = card.querySelector('.bili-video-card__info--owner');
    if (ownerLink) {
      const uid = ownerLink.href.split('/').pop();

      if (uid.match(/^\d+$/)) {
        return Number(uid);
        // return uid;
      } else {
        //console.log(`🟢remove becouse can't get uid: ${processedCards}, uid: ${uid}`);
        logMessages += `🟢remove becouse can't get uid: ${processedCards}, uid: ${uid}\n`;
        return -1;

    //console.log(`🟢remove becouse can't get ownerLink, processedCards: ${processedCards}, ownerLink: ${ownerLink}`);
    logMessages += `🟢remove becouse can't get ownerLink, processedCards: ${processedCards}, ownerLink: ${ownerLink}\n`;
    return -1;

  async function getFollower(uid) {
    // 传入uid,返回follower数
    const response = await fetch(`${API_USERDATA}${uid}`);
    //console.log(`🟢getFollower, uid: ${uid}` + response);
    logMessages += `🟢getFollower, uid: ${uid}\n`;
    const data = await response.json();
    if (data.code === 0) {
      return data.data.follower;
    } else {
      //console.log(`🔴getFollower error, uid: ${uid}, message: ${data.message}`);
      logMessages += `🔴getFollower error, uid: ${uid}, message: ${data.message}\n`;
      return -1;

  // 对于每一个card,获取uid,然后获取follower,如果follower小于MIN_FOLLOWER,就remove
  // 未能获取到uid或者follower的,也remove
  // 不满足上面需要remove的,就processedCards++
  // 进行异步处理,增加加载速度
  async function editCards(card) {

    const uid = getUid(card);
    if (uid === -1) {
      //console.log(`🟢remove because getUid error, uid: ${uid}`);
      logMessages += `🟢remove because getUid error, uid: ${uid}\n`;

    const follower = await getFollower(uid);
    if (follower === -1) {
      console.log(`🔴keep because getFollower error, uid: ${uid}`)
    if (follower < MIN_FOLLOWER) {
      //console.log(`🟢remove because follower < ${MIN_FOLLOWER}, uid: ${uid}, follower: ${follower}`);
      logMessages += `🟢remove because follower < ${MIN_FOLLOWER}, uid: ${uid}, follower: ${follower}\n`;

  let isProcessing = false;
  // 创建Intersection Observer实例
  const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
    entries.forEach(entry => {
      if (entry.isIntersecting) {
        // 处理进入视口的元素
        // 处理完毕后,停止观察该元素
  }, { rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 0.2 }); // 可以根据需要调整配置

  // 对新加载的内容进行观察
  function observeNewCards() {
    const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.bili-video-card.is-rcmd, .floor-single-card, .bili-live-card.is-rcmd');
    cards.forEach(card => {
      // 对每一个card进行观察
      // 如果已经处理过了,就不再处理
      if (card.dataset.processed) return;
      // 标记为已处理
      card.dataset.processed = true

  // 使用MutationObserver来监听新内容的加载,并调用observeNewCards
  const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
    // 如果正在处理中,就不再处理, 避免检测到自己remove时发生的变化,导致重复加载
    if (isProcessing) return;
    isProcessing = true;

    logMessages += `🤓mutationObserver, mutations: ${mutations.length}\n`;
    //console.log(`🤓mutationObserver, mutations: ${mutations.length}`);

    mutations.forEach(mutation => {

      //console.log(`👉🏻mutationObserver, mutation: ${JSON.stringify(mutation)}`);
      //logMessages += `👉🏻mutationObserver, mutation: ${JSON.stringify(mutation)}\n`;

      if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
    isProcessing = false;

  //监控 class="container is-version8" 的元素
  mutationObserver.observe(document.querySelector('.container.is-version8'), {
    childList: true,

  // 页面加载完成后,立即执行一次,以观察初始内容

  // 自定义 log 函数,每5s 输出一次debug,防止控制台输出过多
  let logMessages = '';
  setInterval(() => {
    if (logMessages === '') return;
    logMessages = '';
  }, 10000);